
The Chauffeur

"I love him so I'mma kill his wife, my twin sister, because anyway she is too good and wants to expose the modeling agency, the governor and I too. Not happening! I will kill that ungrateful creature, together with her silly unborn twins, and make Troy mine! Without trace," ~~~Daisel, Alma's twin. Meet Ava Towanda, a heartbroken tall lady who bumps into a heartbroken handsome man named Troy. Troy's wife had died while giving birth to twins, who also died. Troy was unable to move on, he chose to have flings, among them is his late wife's twin. However, when he meets Towanda, he falls for her but they struggle to admit that they are in love. In the meantime, Troy is a chauffeur who is fixated on finding out the investigative story that costed Alma her life, his dead wife. That's how he ends up being a chauffeur of the governor and he finds out so many dirty evil secrets together with the other chauffeur and Ava Towanda. The struggle between Daisel and Ava Towanda to get Troy, is the spice. The struggle between the governor and Troy to impress Ava is also another twisted. The dark side preventing the light side from exposing the secrets, crowns it all.

AbbieNjasi · Realistic
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4 Chs

Chapter 2


I was still on probation although it was my third month of employment as the governor's Chauffer and he almost caught me playing with a young girl , Ava, she was so boring, passed out in the middle of the game. But I was glad he didn't find us.

I proved to be trustworthy to the Governor and he would let me close to his family. It was a procedure that he did before hiring anyone to work so closely with his family. I was going to be his second Chauffer, working alongside Larry.

I drove faster as I could from my apartment to meet him at his only home that I'd seen so that he takes me to his matrimonial home. As we drove,

"I believe you know I have a daughter, she just completed her high school,"

"No sir, I didn't know."

"Now you know, and due to politics you know she's in danger and I was impressed with your physical strength, you are just like my other Chauffer, but I need to be switching the two of you for safety purposes."

"Okay Sir, you can trust me."

Soon we arrived at this magnificent home, a huge house built in the shape of an EYE , it had more glass than walls , walls which were made of marbles, he signaled me to drive left after the gate had been opened to us, I drove down a sloping lane into something that I thought was a basement, and yes it was. The garage was in the basement, he told me to park next to the latest Jaguar I'd seen in town.

We then stepped out as I marveled at all the expensive cars that man in his late fifty's owned, I was staring at cars that cost more than ten million dollars each, mostly SUV's. The car that I'd dreamt to drive my family in ,was parked at the furthest end, a sparkling magenta Mercedes' AMG GLE 63 S Coupe. It was the best and latest release of Mercedes.

I could picture Alma seated on the co-driver's seat and my twins behind us, buckled seatbelts as tight as possible as I planned to thrill them with the fastest drive with that Machine. If there's something I'd promised me, was, I'd rather be the one to get my family into an accident than a hired driver, I wouldn't live with the guilt, I was lost in thoughts when the Governor tapped me harder on my shoulder,

"Hey, "

"Yes yes sir , I'm sorry was taken aback by all this expensive cars that you I mean they are 1,2,3,4,5,6...Oh God,15! "

"Yes, it's called hard work, son, so from now on this Lexus is for your personal use,"

"Wait, Sir, what?"

"Yes, let's head, I need to introduce you to the rest of the family and workers."

I followed him, as I thought of what he'd just said, I'd been on trial for three months and he was nothing close to a human being, all the physical tests and trust tests he'd put me through were enough to make me doubt him about the Lexus he'd allegedly handed to me. I wasn't shocked about owning it because I wasn't needy of cars, I just didn't know that he could behave like a nice human being, he even called me son that was a plus. Maybe Alma had a wrong perception but I wasn't quick to be convinced, I still would investigate.

He told me to wait outside as he called the rest of the stuff and his family, as my eyes surveyed the environment and the uniquely designed house, my instincts told me someone was staring at me from above so I raised my eyes and they met beautiful eyes that locked me into a gaze, she flipped back her hair and smiled at me, I wasn't too rude to not smile back, as a smile formed on my face, my phone rang, was a new number so I picked it up and rudely interrupted my body language with the beautiful lady.



"Who is this?"

"Ava Towanda"

"Oh so finally you got a phone?"

"Yes it was delivered just an hour ago.'

"Okay , I'll give you a call, I'm at work"

I hang up , I just didn't realize I did it on her when she was the one who had called, I was hurrying up to get back to the beauty at the balcony, but looking up she was gone. I waited a few minutes and out came , a group of workers distinct from the family, they were dressed in white uniforms, one was in a black suit. The Governor walked side by side with his wife, shorter than him and the lady that I was staring at was apparently his daughter.

He told me to introduce myself, which I formally did but before I could continue, his daughter cut me in,

"You mean you are Troy the car racer?" Her voice was a little deeper than I expected but still sweet , just not melodious. Before I could answer, the Governor did,

"Yes princess, he is the one, daddy gets qualified people."

"Wow, I'm excited"

I didn't know anybody would ever identify me especially when they never used to see my face during car racing and most especially, social media had no photos of me, I only used to post cars, only a few side view photos.

The introduction proceeded and I learnt that my fellow Chauffer Larry, same height with me and apparently his body was built as mine. The governor's daughter was Paige Kimberly and his wife was Caroline. The governor then told the rest of the stuff to get back to work and I remained with Larry and the family.

"So you will be switching turns the both of you," said the governor pointing at me and the unfriendly tall man that was standing next to me.

It's not like I wanted to be friends anyway, I had the best buddy in the world.

"I'll be the one to tell you who will be driving who, so today Larry, you are driving my wife and I,"

"Okay sir, as you say,"

So he talks and his pronunciation was great, he looked too serious for life more than me who was supposed to be more serious than ever.

"Troy, you will drive my daughter to the town she needs to do some shopping."

"Okay sir."

Everyone dispersed and I was told she was going to use the red convertible since it was on a hot day, as we waited for them to get ready, Larry walked me around unwillingly but I wasn't willing either to please him, he was just my colleague not my boss.

"Listen man , you don't have to do this if you don't want to," I broke the silence but he said no word to me, he still walked ahead to show me unnecessary places in the compound.

Whoever he thought he was that moment just pissed me, I had to follow him because if I'd go back I risked getting lost in that big compound. Finally we were back in front of the house ,the governor and his wife were ready to leave, Larry handed me the convertible car's key, before he drove off.

I stood there waiting for the princess as the governor had referred her to. She walked out looking gorgeous as I expected and I stared at her walking towards me in her short sun dress with some glasses on. I opened the door for her not as a gentleman but as part of my job.

"Where are we going Miss Kimberly?"

"Dylan's Fashion House,"

"Okay Miss,"

I drove out of the compound and turned on some music, she was on her phone but if she thought I didn't notice her staring at me once in a while, she was way wrong. I saw her want to start a chat with me but maybe she was shy or I wasn't her class, but I didn't care that much, wasn't that I was hitting on that young girl, but it wouldn't kill me to give her little attention that perhaps she needed.

"So what course are you going to pursue?" I made it easier for her and I could read that on her face.

"Oh," she smiled ,"I want to pursue architecture."

"Wow, I think the passion comes from how unique your house is designed.

"Yes and I have an uncle who is a known architect too."

So they had relatives too! Human enough.

"That's great," I said vaguely as I drowned into the music,

'Love doesn't ask why by Celine Dion

It was one of her favorite too, she even had it set as her ringtone, she would sing alone even though her voice wasn't nothing close to Celine Dion's but mostly I would enjoy the genuineness in her voice, it felt so real, the way she would slowly up to the peak as the massaged my back and constantly whisper in my ears important lines in the lyrics, I would then slide her over then get on top of her as we sang together with our not so good combined voices, before I kissed her deeper and made her mine, made her feel like a woman should feel in bed with her man.

She tapped me hard on my shoulder,

"Wow, I didn't know you knew those lyrics, although your voice ain't that great." She said genuinely but it didn't hurt because I knew it too.

"Ha-ha, I know, it used to be our song when I was a teenager."

"How old are you?"

"28 , Miss Kimberly"

"Wow, that's great and drop the Miss thing, just call me Kimberly."

"Okay, Kimberly."

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Why d'you ask?"

"I just want to know."

"I'd rather keep that part of my life to myself, kindly."

I hated such questions and she was pissing me off and if she even thought I was falling for her she was greatly mistaken , she wasn't close to my type, short ladies were good at being just friends not more than that to me.

"I'm sorry if it was rude to ask that, I just thought I was going to find a friend in you that I can share my feelings to."

So she needed someone to talk to, I was ready to listen if it would lead me to what my wife was writing.

"It's okay talk to me."

"I have a boy that I think I'm falling for," she kind of blushed and smiled, "but he's not anywhere close to our class, he lives in an orphanage, but if I date him my parents won't allow that."

I was touched by him being raised in an orphanage, because I'd spent half of my life in an orphanage. I was just being hard on her in my thoughts, everything didn't have to be about my wife, for a moment I felt like I was entitled to listen to her and guide her. I didn't even have wierd sexual Thoughts of her, not just because she wasn't my type but something instinctively pushed me to be brotherly.

"You see, Kimberly, love is not about class and I bet you understand that, but in life, learn to put yourself first, your mum and dad are happy , in love living their best, it's about you not them, if you love him, crown him."

She listened keenly to me as if I was some doctor love with all the knowledge, but if I were her I'd do the same.

"You think I should risk and say yes to him?"

"Yes, in fact, I can be sneaking you to see him."

She smiled so genuinely, like a lady in love would smile , just like Alma used to smile at me, I loved just how happy she looked.

"You are just the big brother I wished I always had, and when I saw you today, I just felt so comfortable with you."

I smiled at that, family is something I always longed to have, my parents had died in a tragic fire that burnt almost our everything, I barely remember their faces, I only have their photos which aren't clear enough. I was only four years old when they died and all that while I lived in an orphanage, so if there was anyone I'd love and understand is an orphan who had no one to cry to, no one to fully fight for them, no one to lean on. No one to call mother, no one to call Dad. That hurt me, especially when non of my relatives were willing to take me in, they were just hungry for the remaining property and that's why till to date, I cut them off completely.

"It's a privilege for me, because you look like a sweet sister too, and Larry, is he always that cold to everyone."

"Yes, he is always stone faced, but I always feel comfortable with him too, I talk to him more than my parents, who are never at home, it's only that I'd never opened up to him about my feelings."

"And why have you told me and you've only known me for few hours."

"I don't know , I just felt like I should trust you."

It was weird how she just trusted a total stranger, maybe that's how millennials were, mostly females, because Towanda also trusted me although not as quick as Kimberly did. Kimberly was so young and innocent which I doubt about Towanda, that one is young but dangerous , from the way she quickly covered up for me at the house of the governor.

"That's okay, text him so you can meet up as you do your shopping."

"I've already told him."

Soon we arrived at the fashion house, and I parked right next to another cool car, Discovery. Her boyfriend had already arrived, a bit darker and taller than her, the way he pulled her into a tight hug, I could tell that he had true feelings for Kimberly,

"Meet my new Chauffer , Troy, Troy this is Dax ."she introduced us as she smiled widely.

I shook his hand before she told me to follow her in and I was hoping and praying she wasn't going to make me help her choose whatever clothes she wanted to buy.

"I think it would be beautiful if the two of you shopped alone as I wait for you, don't you think so Dax?"

""Sure, right babe?"

"Yes Love."

I let them go deeper into the fashion house as I had a look at the fashion magazines produced by Dylan's Fashion House. I was buried into it until I smelled some fragrance I was familiar with, the a bit loud steps of heels got near me and I saw red heels, light skin legs as I scrutinized up and I landed my eyes on her, the temptation giver, Daisel. She smiled at me and I did the same but guilt attacked myself.

I remembered how the first time I was so strong and didn't give into her but she was persistent as days went by and she got what she always wanted, we smashed oftentimes in her mansion as she convinced me that Alma wouldn't mind seeing me being satisfied, I never used to believe her, I would judge myself later after romancing with her deeper than I should have. She was just good at making me sin, the way she moved her body, her dressing code, her cologne her words and most importantly her eyes made me cheat on my dead wife. When I saw her my heart raced a bit, she finally was back in the country after three weeks.

"You look shocked, "she said as she smiled.

"Yes, I didn't think you are back in the country,"

"Now you know Troy, your cupcake is here,"

I hated how it was easy for her to make me want her and how hard it was to resist her since the first time I gave into her. All those girls that my buddy and I always used to get for night stands weren't anything compared to Daisel, not even that Towanda who passes out in the middle of everything, but mostly ,. Daisel was nothing compared to my sweet Alma.

"Good to see you."

"I'll meet you at your apartment,"

"No and never , you know that."

"Okay, my place." She said and kissed my lips before walking upstairs to the make up section.

I watched her walk upstairs as I yearned for those flawless thighs at the same time I regretted the day she let me in between them, I got stuck. As she faded I turned and saw Dax and Kimberly staring at me,

"Is she your girlfriend," Kimberly inquired," I bet she's pretty although I didn't see her face,"

"She definitely is, she looks like a model even from our rare view of her ."

"She's not my girlfriend, are you guys done?"

"Yes but we'd love to spend sometime together alone,"

"I understand where should I drop you."

"The park."



I was just tired of that treacherous feeling, I really had to find a way of getting away from Daisel and after I dropped Kimberly at home at 8:00 p.m. I thought of calling her and telling her I was held up with something, but the feeling of missing her satisfaction, was intense. I missed the way she would kiss slowly and then wild, her body was just perfect, her style of moaning slipped through my mind, I couldn't stop thinking about it as I drove to my apartment.

My phone rang as I was parking my Lexus, and it was Ava Towanda, and I was glad she called, I would use her to escape Daisel's trap.

"Hello beautiful, I was just bout to call you."

"Oh really , I see,"

"Where are you?"

"Home, watching some series,"

"Which one?"


"What a coincidence, I was planning on watching that too, I also have the novel ,"

"Wow, can I get that,"

"I didn't know you love reading novels,"

"Not really , but I just like Abbie Njasi's books, she makes everything look real you know,"

"Yes, she pursued Journalism just like you,"

"I know almost everything about her, and I know she's about to release another romantic novel,"

"I love this conversation, why don't you come over, we chat about her and watch what she can write?"

"It's late you know,"

"Come on, Ava Towanda, I'll pick you and drop you."

"Okay, let me freshen up,"

"Okay, give me your location,"

"I'm sending on WhatsApp,"


I was glad that in a way I would let Daisel down and she'll know that I'm not addicted to her dosage, what pissed more about Daisel is her thinking we were something more than F**kmates, we weren't loving we were just screwing. I'll be a man and turn her down so many times and eventually I won't ever find myself in her aura and that will reduce my guilt attacks. I just hoped Towanda was not going to be as boring as the other day, hope it was due to alcohol. Although she is sexy, yes, and her beauty just stuck in my head like a melody but she was yet to be a woman, a real woman like Daisel .


So apparently I was falling in love sooner than I expected but as I learnt from my mum, I should not always show a man too much affection, they will end up taking me for granted, exactly what had happened in my previous relationship with an immature shorter than me man, maybe I needed a tall guy, a guy my height, like Troy who was slightly taller, and the fact that he was older than me, was a plus because definitely he was mature.

But problem with him is that he already lied to me that he was rich when apparently he worked for the governor, but luckily through him I was going to be signed by the biggest modeling agency in the country, and I'd live my dream of being a top model, at least I'll stunt on that dummy ex who used to make me feel like I wasn't pretty enough because I didn't have huge hips, and apparently I was just too tall and too slim for him, he used to make me feel like I badly needed to get thick, but when I joined modeling , I grew to appreciate my slim body though I had a popping butt.

Anyway, it was time to hurry up because Troy would be there anytime, I chose a black dress that was above my knees, I added a red thick figure belt, the dress had a comfortable but a bit wild cleavage, I did some light make up and of course if much that dress with red open four inch heels. I did everything so quick , so I was just waiting for his call. I planned how I was going to question him for lying to me, although it was our second day, I just felt like I needed some explanation. Soon my phone rang and I went downstairs from my house which was second floor, I swayed my way to the gate and he was right there, beside his machine, Lexus.

"Hey beautiful, you're looking gorgeous,"

I smiled ,

"Thank you , "

He opened the door for me, that was so gentle of him. He got in and he turned some music on, looked at me and he smiled his unique smile again,

"So what kind of music do you love,"

"I love old school RnBs and most of Owl City songs."

"Why old school?"

"I was born listening to them, thanks to my four sisters who are older than me."

"You have siblings."

"Of course."

"Are they as beautiful as you, "

"Prettier than me, we are height mates though."

He turned on some music, it was an RnB mix and I couldn't help but sing along some lines that really made me have that delirious feeling, my favorite song playing when I was seated right next to the man of my dreams. The state which I was in made it easier for me to get turned on by just his voice as we talked.

"You lied to me Troy,"

"When? How ?"

"You don't own this car and that mansion."

"Did I ever say I own them?"

"You didn't but you made me believe,"

"Those were your thoughts Ava, are you materialistic Towanda?"

That hit me right in my heart, I'd never been materialistic, infact I'd never had a sugar daddy or sponsor, I used to date a broke guy that I honestly just loved and was faithful to, I used to foot my own bills, all rich men who used to chase me because they had money, never got a chance, and now I just screwed up and made him think that I was materialistic when I was the complete opposite.

"No, I was just annoyed with you, how could you take me where your boss can catch us, don't you care about your job?"

Great mind of mine!

"I'm sorry ,"

"What if I was too stupid not to play along with the modeling issue, you would have been sacked and that's my point, that's why I am questioning why you lied to me, I'm not in any way materialistic, and if it comes from you giving me that cheque, I'll work and pay you back, you just can't give me such an ugly tag Troy," I said all this, I didn't realize I was raising my voice at him , I didn't realize his keen stare and how he seemed to be listening to every word , worst I didn't realize we'd parked right in front of his apartment.

"You are a tough one, I didn't really mean to offend you with my question, I'm sorry Ava Towanda,"

I was a little bit mad at him but he looked at me with his cute eyes and he smiled again at me, sincerely saying sorry, it wasn't such a big deal after all he'd understood who I really was so I just smiled and let that slide.

But, I really didn't think he would own such furniture, such a huge tv system and his apartment was just classy, maybe he was hiding his identity like main actors in movies.

"Welcome, and this is where I live,"

"I like this place looks cool,"


"Yes, I'd love to own such a place, I mean look at the view of your master bedroom upstairs, all glass, this must be so expensive, right?"

"No not really, thanks though, want any drink?"

"Nop, we are going to watch , snacks would do,"

"You're right, just a minute, feel at home,"

He went away for like five minutes and I switched on the TV , selected SIN as I waited for him, he came with snacks then went for the duvet and the Novel SIN ,he'd said.

"Here you go,"

"Wow, I thought you were joking, I've not seen the hardcopy in the streets,"

"You can't find that in the streets, it's in bookshops, it's a new novel."

"Thanks, I'll carry it with me, read it and return,"


As we sat on the floor covered in one duvet, we started watching with no more word, he only pulled me close to him and held my waist , he picked a crisps and brought it close to my mouth before I smiled and opened my mouth, but he disappointed me when he ate it himself, and laughed at my disappointment,


"What baby? You are so keen on the movie, "

"Yes, I especially love how Brian loves and romances with Chap, "

"Wait for the disappointment baby,"

I ignored that baby again but my heart was racing as his hand slowly massaged my thighs, I ignored that too,

"You mean you've already watched it?"

"I've read the novel, "

"I also have read it up to where Chap procures an abortion but Brian still loves her."

"Things are sour after that, d'you know how pretty your lips look when they curve as you talk,"

He got me at that, I was amazed by how keen he was to a point of discovering how my lips form as I talk. I just smiled and blushed , pretended to focus on the movie.

"You look prettier when you pretend not to be listening to my compliments that are genuine, Ava Towanda"

I smiled wider than before, then tried to look at him "you really are something, thank you though ,"

He pulled me so close to him and whispered in my ears, "when you act like that, you are so dangerous," his breath was warm when it reached the skin surface of my ear, his voice seemed to have a weird connection with my cookie, which was already breathing wet, I was so horny .

"You are dangerous, Ava Towanda, especially when you smile that model type of smile at me ,"

I was still silent and my heart was beating faster, it was the second time with him but I was so nervous, I yearned to have all of him yet I didn't want to just show him, I guess some alcohol would do, but I'd said I didn't want any and would be odd to ask for some especially when he was getting so touchy. The last time Alcohol saved me but I'm sure he didn't enjoy a thing because I passed out and that was a very wrong first impression , apparently I was going to disappoint him again.

"Don't be scared, I like it slow like that," he whispered as he moved slowly on top of me , I willingly slid so that I was lying down for him, he kissed my lower lip as he cupped my left boob, I couldn't help but moan a little to his kisses, I decided to fight my fear and showed him my prowess at kissing, I did play with him, slowly kissing and caressing his lips with my lips before I also dipped my tongue in his mouth and played in that kingdom, he slowly learnt my rhythm,

He was a fast learner and I liked my kisses served that way.

"I knew you are this uniquely dangerous, damn girl, who taught you that?"

I kind of blushed but all I wanted was him all over me, I pulled him back to kiss me, little he kissed my chest as he lowered my dress his hands constantly caressing my thighs, his touch made heat rush up my spine ,he kissed every part of my front as he pulled down my dress ,to my waist, I lay there weakened by his charms. Glad he didn't lower it passed my waist, he crawled up and kissed my again as he unhooked my black bra,

"Take it slow Troy," I struggled to say in between my moans,

"Of course baby,"

"Troy I ..."

He cut me and kissed my lip, "Ssshh! I'll make you feel like pretty women should,"

The way he squeezed my nipples and cupped my boobs worsened my situation but I didn't want him to stop, it was a moment for life, I especially liked how his voice sounded when he whispered dirty, I loved the way his lips tasted mint. He moved his hands into my small clothe

"Troy no! "

"You don't like it, you don't want?"

"I do," I whispered, I was so weak and needed him more than he needed me, I just couldn't help myself.

"Baby, trust me on this ,", he said and slid in my panties his hand, it made me totally weak but I couldn't allow myself to be embarrassed, I pushed him off slowly, carefully,

"I'm on my periods!"

"What! Dammit! Are you sure?"

"Of course yes, I didn't know you planned sex this night , I'm sorry,"

"I touched you, I didn't feel any pad, "

"I use tampons,"

"Shit! Okay , I'm sorry,"

"It's okay ," I felt so embarrassed.

He helped me hook my bra and pulled my dress up before he covered me with the duvet, I could read frustration and disappointment on his face, he was really in pain but controlled himself,

"Let me take a shower,"

That was the only way he could help himself, but not really, it wouldn't kill me to explore, I mean I could try some bj or something,

"I can give you a BJ,"

"What! Ava Towanda!"

"You really need it you know."

"No, let me just shower."

That's how he turned me down and went to take a shower. It looked so cheap and disgusting of me to offer such a nasty thing at my young age, I didn't know if I looked so innocent to him but that was just screwing up things ,although I had never really done that.

I saw a photo of a famous long dead Journalist on his wall, there were just two, she was posing so sexy, really pretty, I wondered if I could ever look that pretty, she was gorgeous and maybe he used to be her great fun.

I continued watching SIN hoping Troy would be back , he took longer than I expected, I was halfway with SIN when he came downstairs in his sleeping shorts and shirt.

"I'm sorry Troy," I whispered when he sat next to me,

"It's okay we can just cuddle till we sleep, it's not your fault, it was mine , I should have told you my plans,"

"Okay next time."


We cuddled till I slept.



She was again insufficient and I was a bit annoyed although she had no control over her situation, I really needed to help myself the next day and the only person who could cure that was Daisel, not that I couldn't call another girl but I usually didn't take any ladies' number , they just used to happen ones. I wouldn't stick with one lady and luckily more of them understood that fact, the fact that it was just about fun no strings attached.

I woke up early enough had a shower then prepared breakfast, I somehow felt like I should just treat her like someone special, because I felt connected to her on a different level, we shared a favorite author, and to some point I liked her level of reasoning, she was just twenty and could reason with the twenty eight year old me. She would make a great friend, for the first time because I was more than comfortable bringing her to my apartment without thinking about Alma, she was the second lady to come to that house after the day I denied Daisel. All other ladies, I used to book hotel rooms, for Daisel , her mansion would do. So what was so special about Towanda?

I decided to serve her breakfast in bed at least that would be gentle of me then I'd leave her to rush to work, with my tray in my hands, I walked back to the bedroom, I found her crawling on the floor, crying not so loudly but so painfully. I put it on my cabinet then got closer,

"Ava, what's wrong Towanda?"

I could read pain in her face she tried to explain in between her tears,

"Cram---mpssss" she struggled to say as she cried

"I'm so sorry," I said as I helped carry her to the bed," Oh my God, is it that painful?"

That came out sounding stupidly uncaring,

"Of course it is," she yelled at me which I deserved,

"Okay, let me help you with some first aid"

"Nooo I need to see the doctor for an injection, Its going to be more painful,"

"It's first aid then I take you , please relax."

I ran to my kitchen warmed some water then poured in a plastic bottle, I rolled it gently on her tummy as Alma used to make me do whenever she had such pain, but it seemed like Towanda's pains were on a different level.

"Feeling better?" I asked and she raised her left brow so sexily .

"Freshen up and I'll rush you to the hospital before I go to work."

"Okay, and thank you Troy and I'm so sorry this is so embarrassing,"

I was surprised at how she was remorseful and just a few minutes ago she'd been shouting at me.

"It's okay Ava Towanda."