
chapter Infirmary

A beautiful blond girl was next to me it was Catharina...

" Aaah what have I done my mother will kill me if she finds out!" I said with a scared look.


" Listen Dante I don't care If you break the rules at school but if I find out that you have slept with a girl at school you will be in so much trouble mister!" Mother said with a serious face.

" I understand mother" I said with a panick.

End flashback...

" So you finally have woken up have you. You're the first one up" A kind old lady said. It was the school nurse nancy she will check out our health multiple times this year.

" You better rest more you know" She continued on.

" Listen miss Nancy I think I should be in a different be-" Before I could complete my sentence miss Nancy interrupted me and said " Enough chit chat I will make you some coco, so stay here and rest!" She put a blanket on me and went away.

I looked at Catharina with a troubled face. What should I do?" I thought and then someone woke up at the opposite side of our double sized bed. It was Mortar his eye lids went open and he got up. He saw me and said " Hey Dante what is up where am I?".

" Good evening is it not a beautiful day oh and you are in the infirmary" I said with a weird smile while I tried not to panick. "please don't notice her mortar please don't notice her mortar" I thought, but reality was against me because Mortar has noticed Catharina who was sleeping next to me and I was topless because of the laserbeam injury.

" Dante why are you sleeping next to that Nine tails foxes girl and why are you topless!?" Mortar said with disbelief.

" Listen mortar this is a long story just please don't tell anybody" I said with a pleading gaze.

" Okay okay I-I won't tell anybody I swear Dante" Mortar said with a face that looked lost.

" I finally woke up and there is a blond girl sleeping next to you!" Angel said.

" Listen angel this isn't what it looks like at least I think I don't remember what had happened" I said with a confused face.

" So you woke up topless next to a beautiful blond chick who is sleeping it sounds pretty obvious to me" Angel said.

" Angel my lady stop joking around we are infirmary there is no way that had happened right!" I said.

" Oh alright you have to be an Idiot if you believed me" Angel said with a smile.

" So Dante are you guys going to get married since you done you know what" Mortar said.

I facepalmed and said" Mortar I didn't done that we are in a infirmary mortar!".

" Unbelievable there is a idiot among us!" Angel said with a stunned face.

" Yeah i'm suprised that he didn't join cerberus it is a bloody miracle that he is in pegasus" I said to angel.

" His idiot ways might make a toll on me I will go back to sleep call me when you need me!" Angel said.

Now now lets get going shall we I turned to Catharina's side. I saw a beautiful blond girl with her eyes wide open looking at me. It was utter silence in the room. There was a shock running through my body.

" Oh god what am I going to do the situation Just got worst" I thought.

" Catharina honey listen care-" before I could finish Catharina's face went red and then said" You you why are you topless and why are you in the same bed as me" Catharina said with a mad face.

" Catharina listen" I said

" No I know what is going on you shameless pervert!" Catharina was mad to the extreme there were even tears coming from her eyes.

" No you don't understand" I tried to explain.

" No to wash this shame off me I have to kill you and then myself" Catharina said with determination and grabbed my shoulders.

" Coco is ready!" nurse nancy said and she opened up the door. When she saw us she was stunned Catharina was also stunned.

" Catharina please let me finish when I am speaking we are at the Infirmary office nothing what you thought had happened understand?" I said with a pleading gaze.

" But why are we then on the same bed!" Catharina said confused.

" Maybe they didn't think about when we got injured at the same time and just throwed us here" I said with also a puzzled look.

" Oh we tried at first to put you guys on a different beds but we couldn't separate you guys. You were holding Catharina so tight that we had to put you on the same bed as her" nurse Nancy said.

" So that is the reason why I slept with her and when I was sleeping with her my hands had probably loosen up a bit" I said with a emberassed face. Catharina's face also flushed red.

Then the door went open again

" Hey Dante guess what we won I scored a hundred points with the red ring uh?" Northen said while he walked in and he saw Catharina holding me on the bed while I was topless.

" Oh for the love of God not this again" I thought .

" What is going on?" Northen said.

" It is just a misunderstanding Catharina let go of me before more people walk in without knocking!" I said to Catharina.

" Yeah oh right" Catharina said and she let go of me.

" So you were saying you scored and even with the red ring I knew that you could do it" I said with a charming smile.

" uuuh I mean yes I scored!" Northen said while he was trying to forget what he saw.

" Damn it we lost I had to even sacrifice myself" Catharina said.

I went to Northen and patted his back and I said " You did a great job Northen" Northen Just smiled when he heard that.