
chapter big fight

" Roooaaar!!!"

" Awooooo!!!"

The beasts screamed at each other.

It was devastating the whole forest could hear the screaming and lots of animals were running away. The wolf and the bear were looking at each other with caution. They walked in circles slowly while they coldly glared at each other.

It was a bloody excited sight.

Then out of nowhere they stopped moving it was deathly silent.

I held my breath my eyes were sparkling like stars.

The beasts ran at each other you could see the power of their legs by looking at the foot prints they engraved on the ground. Their bodies were like rockets when they got close to each other. The wolf did an attack with the horn on his forehead ,while the golden bear did an attack with one of his four arms.

The arm and the horn countered each other. An extremely wild shockwave was created with the impact of the two attacks. The hard ground where they were standing on broke into pieces.

Then they backed off and they looked at each other with hatred.

They were frustrated that they couldn't kill their opponent with one strike.

The wolf and the bear were probably thinking " how dare you try to resist me. Who are you for standing up to me be a good boy and just die for me" atleast this is what I like to think ,when two bloodthirsty beasts are fighting each other.

I looked at the wolf and I noticed that on his back were two blackish purple Wings growing. He flew up the air and he was still coldly glaring at the bear.

."Aaaawwooooowooowowowooo!!!" The wolf screamed out loud.

Multiple dark wolfs appeared beside him they looked exactly like the wolf but it felt like they weren't real at all.

The wolf and his clones dashed at the golden bear with great speed. When the bear had hit the wolfs they dissapeared. I knew it they were images what a rare ability.

This ability is super rare among beasts.

It is perfect for escape and attack.

The bear was confused he kept hitting the images of the wolf.

" Chuck!" I heard and when I looked at the bear I saw blood dripping from his neck and a wolf had bitting his neck.

"Raaaaaa!!" the bear screamed in pain.

The bear's body began the glow golden.

It was so pretty I had tears in my eye from joy I was extremely happy to witness this fantastic battle between two majestic beasts.

The golden body of the bear began to shine even more the golden light was blinding.

A golden shockwave came out of the bears body. It blasted the wolf away they both seemed tired and they collapsed on the ground .

I finally knew what this was.

" Wow what was that" Catharina said with a dazed face.

" That my princess was the life saving technique of the golden beserker bear.

When he feels that his life is in danger he will release that golden shockwave. It is also known as the holy shockwave of the golden beserker bear" I said with excitement.

" You seem to know an awful lot about magical beasts" Catharina said with a surprised look.

" Well I want to be an all-out doctor.

So I already studied all the books about medicine,plants and beasts and with all the books I mean the general ones.

I am trying to find the ancient rare ones but they are just so rare" I said with glittering eyes.

" Wow you surprisingly have an admirable ambition" Catharina said.

" What did you expect me to say that I will become harem king or something like that. Sorry to say this but even I am just satisfied with marrying one woman. I will maximum marry 3 to 4 women but not more!" I said with a serious face.

Catharina was shocked she thought" This pervert isn't planning to marry multiple women has the world ended!".

I saw her shocked face and said" oh come on is it that surprising!".

" Yes I thought you of all people would certainly want to become something like a harem king".

" Oeh that one hurts princess " I said with a face that felt wronged.

" Well maybe stop acting like a pervert all the time and start acting more like a gentlemen" Catharina said.

" Hey hey I act like a gentlemen" I wanted to continue on but then I saw the two beasts moving again.

They stood up again and screamed again.

" Awooooooo!!"

" Rooaaaaaar!!"

The wolf flew up again and the bear prepared an attack.

" Look they are at it again" Catharina said.

" This is going to be wild!" I said with joy.

Around the bear formed some kind of golden tornado it looked majestic as fuck I can tell you that. The wolf's horn was glowing it had a darkish purple on it. It also had some kind of unholy aura to it.

The horn's aura of the wolf spiked up and then the wolf dashed to the golden bear. The bear's golden tornado form had a tinge of red to it now.

" Beserker state and the unholy horn attack" I said with an extremely excited face.

" What is that?" Catharina asked me.

" You don't know? That is the beserker state of the golden bear with this all his abilities are 10% more powerful. The unholy horn attack of the mallow wolf is an attack which possess devastating power. It is especially powerful against holy beings like the golden bear" I explained.

The two beast launched against each other.

The golden bear launched like a golden tornado while a red aura surrounded him.

The wolf was like a sharp unholy sword.

He went flew in a straight line to the golden bear.

They were super fast like two bolts.

An extremely loud sound was heard throughout the forest

" Btooooom!!"

This was the sound of two massive beasts crashing into each other.

There was a lot of dust where the beast crashed into each other. I couldn't see what the hell was going on.