
chapter 33 dangerous spar

Catharina had the ball in her hands and she said " Go!".

Everyone In her team started to move with her.

" What are they doing?" Northen said.

I thought it was interesting and said

" Everyone keep your guard up!" .

Northen and Romeo tried to take the ball but Catharina and her team kept passing the ball to each other in some kind of formation.

Our team just could not keep up with them. Rose and Lilith went after Catharina who had the ball in her hands. They kept chasing Catharina but she kept dodging them It was like a bloody circus act.

Then a black ring appeared above Catharina. Catharina obviously saw the ring and threw the ball with extreme speed.

The ball was fluttering with light it was like a laser beam!.

Malcolm tried to stop the ball with his body but he couldn't reach it. Then the ball was heading to the black ring. when it was about 10 centimeters away from scoring a dark smoke appeared that was like ink and a gorgeous hand appeared out of nowhere with it.

When everyone saw the person who catched the ball they were shocked.

" You thought I would let my guard down Catharina?" The person said.

" Dante!" Catharina said with a hateful look. Yes this person was me I was just like a dazzling star.

" That was lurker!" miss Kira said.

A student then said to miss Kira" Professor what was that!".

" It is a spell called lurker only people with extremely strong dark affinity can use that spell there body can turn into shadows or darkness and they can teleport at small distances" miss Kira explained.

" That is amazing" the student said.

Everyone was watching this intense battle. Even the students and professors that were in the school were looking at a distance.

" Goo goo gooo pegasus!!!" The girls from pegasus schreamed while the boys had a smug look on their faces as they stared at Nine tails foxes. The side of Nine tails foxes were depressed.

" Go Mafidius go Catharina you can do it defeat that demon Dante!" Mafidius followers said.

" Demon I am no demon" I thought.

" Nine tails start with the ball go!" miss Kira said.

This time Catharina went just with the two attackers.

" Big sis what are we going to do!" Mafidius said.

" We are going to score!" Catharina said.

They flew high in the sky I followed them.

" Catharina you have such a lovely ball in your hands why don't you let me look at it I am getting bored' I said with a dazzling smile.

" I am going to score!" Catharina said.

" Oh you never learn sweethea-" I said but then something suprised me.

They dissapeared I couldn't see them " what happened" I thought.

" Dante behind you!" Northen said.

I looked behind me and I saw them again but they were far away.

" What did they do?" I thought with a puzzled look.

" Mafidius!" Catharina said while throwing the ball at his direction. Mafidius got the ball and he advanced forward then a yellow and black ring appeared in the air. Mafidius tried to move to the black ring but then Malcolm appeared before him.

" You are not going anywhere Nova!" Malcolm said.

" Is that right loser here catch!" Mafidius said with an evil smile while throwing the ball to Malcolm.

Malcolm caught the ball " Hey I got it!" Malcolm thought , but then the ball in his hand glowed light blue.

An Icy blast came out of the ball and Malcolm was blown away and Mafidius got the ball again. Mafidius threw the ball at the black ring.

" Goaaaallll 10 points to Nine tails foxes" miss Kira said.

Malcolm went up he was freezing from the cold. He looked at Mafidius who had a mocking smile on him ,while he was looking at him. Malcolm gnashed his teeth in anger and moved away.

" They scored wooooaaaah you see that Pegasus we scored" A Nine tails foxes student said.

" Woooooh" The other Nine tails foxes students schreamed.

" Whatever it is just one goal we have still more points then you" A students said while the rest of the students who had a dark expression on their face nodded with him.

" Okay start Ball to pegasus!" Miss Kira schreamed.

I had the ball in my hands and I looked careful at the rings above me I observed their moving patterns then I looked back at the Nine tails foxes team with a beautiful smile and said

" Lets end this shall we!".

" We are going to crush your team " Catharina said with determination.

Then I started moving to their defense team. Catharina was trying to get ball but Northen and Lilith interrupted her.

I saw mortar flying in the distance and said " Mortar catch the ball!". I threw the ball to mortar and to my suprise he caught it. When Mortar had the ball he saw everyone looking at him and he got nervous.

He was so nervous that he started to lose control over his floatinggear. Mortar spammed out every where.

" woooooow mommy help me!" Mortar schreamed.

" Fat ass let loose of the ball" someone in the defense team of Nine tails foxes said. I didn't know if this was a concidence or not, but when Mortar heard him he spammed out at his direction. He literally zig zagged his way to him.

The poor boy realised what was going to happen but it was too late Mortar was just too fast.

" Noooo don't!" The boy schreamed.

" Waaaaahh!!!" Mortar schreamed and they crashed into each other.

They Both got knocked out.

I got the ball that was on the ground.

" Get on with the match!" Miss Kira said while she picked up the two boys.

I went to the three defenders of Nine tails foxes and said " One Defender is gone now three just to go!" I said with a evil grin.

The defenders were stunned when they heard me.

I started doing tricks with the ball. The tricks were so fast that they couldn't follow the ball. Then out of nowhere I started to strengtening my hand and red lightning came out of the ball. I threw the ball so fast at one of the defenders that he couldn't even react.

The ball had hit him....