
chapter 13 leaving 2

Three children were walking together and they had unique clothes on. The one in the middle had a white blouse on with some fancy pants and shoes on.

As decoration he was wearing sunglasses with a rosario as a necklace. He had also one metal earring on by his left ear.

The other boy had dark clothes on with a Earring on his right ear. The girl had blood red skirt on with black stockings and shoes. She also had a beautiful dark green shirt on.

There were earrings on both ears on her. The three children all had polished there nails black. They looked like douchebags or bad guys.

These three children were naturally Dante, Rose and Romeo.

"Look at us were amazing" I said.

"yeah I think our parents will be suprised" Romeo said.

"I like this style" Rosé said.

When we walked out of the store our parents saw us. They had an astonished look on there faces. They came running to us. "What happened to you, are you really my son?" my dad said.

My mother on the other hand was touching my face and said " remove the earring i don't want my son the become a punk!".

"No mother I like this style"I said.

I kept arguing with my mother and so was Rose and Romeo. We won in the end. While the parents signed.

Then we went to a place were a lot of wizards were.

We saw wizards of my age they seemed to be accompanied with also their parents. The problem was I didn't saw any transport whatsoever for us to go to wizardo. We saw a empty zone where nobody was stepping on.

There was a sign it said "beware of the transport zone".

My father went to my side and said "You must be confused why there are no transport here at all.

Well let me explain to you. You see that massive zone there will be a big hotel teleported in that zone with space tunnels.

" Oh men that is cool,but what will happen if you get on the transport zone and something will spawn on it" I said with shining eyes.

"You can guess their fate they will get squashed".

"Dammit too many peasant wizards here, dear will you get me a drink and sweetie come to mommy" mom said.

My dad and I smiled wryly better listen to her we don't want her to get angry. I walked to my mom and then she put her two hands on my cheeks and said " I don't want you to leave, but I know you just can't be treated as a my baby forever.

sweetie just remember if you are in trouble just call mommy okay" mom said.

"Don't worry mommy I will always love you because I am a mommy's boy!" I said with a proud look.

She was very happy. If somebody could see her face they would think that a goddess has arrived. When she heard my last sentence she kissed my forehead and said "mommy will also love you forever" she said.

"My beautiful wife I got your drink" my father interrupted.

"your stupid dad ruined the mood" mom said.

"ruined?" dad said.

"Just let it go don't you have something to say to our child before he is leaving?" mom said.

"yes"dad said and he walked to me and held my shoulders.

He said "son I will always love you and got get em tiger daddy wants a grandchild" dad said and then he got punched on the head by mother.

"I'm sorry darling" He was schreaming afterwards. Then it finally happened we saw something teleporting in the transport zone. A gaint voilet worm hole thing appeared there was just so much light it was blinding.

Then there was a very loud noise coming from the worm hole "KAAABAAAAAAAMMM!!!". It finally appeared I saw a massive hotel.

Then a funny man with a hat said "students come in Line and show your identification then you will enter the hotel It will take a days time before we arrive at wizardo".

"Okay kids go wait at the line" my dad said. When we were walking to the line some children were looking at us with a weird look. Some where whispering " look at those clothes they are definitely problem children".

Some female students were blushing and one was even whispering "They look like bad boys that is totally my type". We got a lot of attention with our fashion I am not gonna lie it felt great.

So when It was finally our turn the funny man said "identification". So we gave it to him and he said

"Dante love check

Romeo garden check

Rose garden check

here is your room number you can all go in now".

When we arrived in the hotel with our luggage the hotel was so big we saw students with their pets everywhere.

Then a boy who was shorter than me( Dante is quite tall) bumped in to me he dropped his glasses. I picked his glasses up and I said "sorry"

He said "Thanks and don't be sorry It was my fault" he said.

" My name is Dante love, yours?"I said

"Northen lens" He said. Northen had chestnut hair with blue eyes his looks were average.

"Northen lens as in Grissmold's grandson" I said.

"yes" He said with a complicated look.

"Must have been hard for you with what people expect from you" I said.

"yes finally someone that understands me" He said and I smiled.

"Oh aren't you two going to introduce yourself" I said to Romeo and Rose.

"well you guys were talking so well to each other I thought it will be rude to interrupt" Romeo said while Rose nodded.

"Anyway my name is Romeo" Romeo said.

" My name is Rose" Rose said.

"Northen lens" He said.

"Northen there you are" a girl said.

'big sis' Northen said.

The girl was looking at us and our clothes and then said "Northen are these people bullying you ,we may be Just be beginners in magic, but I won't allow this" she said.

"You are wrong these people are nice to me" Northen said.

"Oh sorry about that then I'm northens big sis lilith lens" She said.

Lilith was a gorgeous girl with Platinum Hair and big blue eyes. "Its a pleasure to meet you Princess" I said came to her to took her hand I crouched down and kissed it.