
Your driving skills are terrible!

Li Qing helped her to get back to her seat.

Xi Fang: Huh!!! Your driving skills.....can..kill us anytime! I am so scared to go with you.

Li Qing: Don't be scared. It won't happen again.

Li Qing gave her a small bag of tiffin.

Li Qing: I made this for you but you were sleeping. So I didn't disturb you. Take it.

Xi Fang: What is it?

Li Qing: Tomato soup.

Xi Fang: Oh! I love tomatoes. Did you already know?

Li Qing: Um..! No. I made it because I love them too.

Xi Fang pinched Li Qing tightly.

Xi Fang: Same pinch!

Li Qing: Ouch!! What are you doing?

Xi Fang: We have a common choice. Haven't we?

Li Qing: So what? You will pinch me because we have a common choice? So childish.

Xi Fang: No no no no!!! It's a rule. And it's not childish, okay. If two people have something common in them, then one could pinch the other by saying "same pinch". You had a chance to pinch me but you didn't. Then it's your mistake, not mine.

Li Qing: Then I will punch you next time by saying "same punch".

Xi Fang: Hey! you're not a kid anymore. Behave like a grown up man.

Li Qing: What? Weren't you the first to start?

Xi Fang: Oh no! I am getting too late! Please drive fast.

Li Qing: 😑.

Li Qing started driving the car so fastly.

Xi Fang: It's getting scary! Drive slowly!

Li Qing: No no! I can't. Otherwise you will get late.

Xi Fang held his chest so tightly and started stirring him by saying "please stop".

Li Qing: What are you doing? We could have an accident. Don't be crazy!

Xi Fang: Then drive slowly...

Li Qing: Okay, fine. I will..I will.

Xi Fang get back to her seat by taking a sigh of relief.

Xi Fang: It's so difficult to travel with you.

Li Qing: It's so difficult to understand you.

Xi Fang: You could never be a good driver.

Li Qing: And you could never be understandable.

Xi Fang: Now I understood that why you had an accident that night, on a road where no one else was travelling.

Li Qing stopped for a while.

Li Qing: Don't remind me that again.

Xi Fang: Why? Are you scared? Actually you must be scared. Your terrifying driving skills could even have killed you that night.

Li Qing( in explosive anger): That wasn't my mistake. Someone planned to kill me.