
The Chaos Dragon Prince

The Domain Of Gods exists! For years, Cain searched for ways on his Modern Earth to travel to the world where beings akin to Gods roam about. Nobody believed he could do it, but Cain never gave up. And after so many arduous years, he finally created the ritual that would transmigrate him to the Domain Of Gods! When the ritual had actually worked, Cain should've been positively elated. He even managed to transmigrate into the body of a genuine Dragon Prince. But, there was one major problem. Despite being the grandson of a Dargon God, he had zero cultivation for 18 years of his life! But, instead of feeling despair or cursing his luck over such a cliche scenario, Cain welcomed this problem with a maddening smile. Who cares if I have zero cultivation?! I will become a free reign expert no matter the means!

CosmicPrime · Eastern
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1013 Chs

Spiritual Test

Cain and Kali didn't daily, swiftly entering inside the potential testing room. Glancing around the room, the sibling duo was a bit shocked. But not for the reasons they were expecting.

Compared to all other areas in this enormous place, this single room was relatively small and empty. 

There wasn't any furniture or some type of fantastical items. The only distinct things of notices were these bright purple color lines covering the floors and walls. Emitting out of these purple color lines was a faint glow of visible Spirit Energy.

These lines were honestly beautiful to gaze upon. It gave life to this surprisingly plain room. 

Cain and Kali were curious enough to inspect their Spirit Sense over these lines but were shocked once again.

So far, they were able to identify all types of Energy flowing around them. Even if a person was far more powerful than them, the sibling duo could rely on their Spirit Sense to accurately perceive them.