
The Chaos Dragon Prince

The Domain Of Gods exists! For years, Cain searched for ways on his Modern Earth to travel to the world where beings akin to Gods roam about. Nobody believed he could do it, but Cain never gave up. And after so many arduous years, he finally created the ritual that would transmigrate him to the Domain Of Gods! When the ritual had actually worked, Cain should've been positively elated. He even managed to transmigrate into the body of a genuine Dragon Prince. But, there was one major problem. Despite being the grandson of a Dargon God, he had zero cultivation for 18 years of his life! But, instead of feeling despair or cursing his luck over such a cliche scenario, Cain welcomed this problem with a maddening smile. Who cares if I have zero cultivation?! I will become a free reign expert no matter the means!

CosmicPrime · Eastern
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1013 Chs

Azure Challenge

"If you want to ask, then hurry up and ask." 

That was all Grand Spirit Master Yao said before shuffling out the way, letting Cain's group face off against Spirit Elder Jiang.

As both sides locked eyes, Spirit Elder Jiang curtly nodded to the trio. He got straight to the point, saying, "Young Cain or Kali, would you two be interested in participating in a Martial Duel?"

Spirit Elder Jiang's voice was quite firm and loud, practically reverberating throughout the entire Grand Plaza. 

As the audience and World Spirit Masters alike heard him, immediate intrigue burst within them.

"High Spirit Elder Jiang wants someone body to duel with the young Spirit Masters? Just who the hell could that be? Spirit Elder Jiang sure is bold for this move..."

"Maybe he is but then again…wouldn't he be stopped by now if he was doing something wrong? Moreover, if one of them agrees, we all get to see either Spirit Master Cain or Kali's prowess in the flesh!"