
The Chaos Acres: The Seven Hidden Realms

"Is this a joke?" "I beg your pardon?" "Is this someone's grand attempt at making me look stupid or making me think I'm going crazy?" "I can assure you, that is not my intention..." ~ • ~ On Averill's eighteenth birthday, she notices unexplainable things happening around her. Objects seem to move if she squints at them. Faint, golden sparks seem to shoot from her fingertips. Dreams of a handsome stranger with violet eyes plague her at night. At first, she chalks it up to her imagination, but a week after her birthday, the mysterious stranger from her dreams approaches her and reveals that she is not human. She is something... more. A high-born fairy who was hidden in the human world as a baby for her protection. Now, this English Aristocrat is being tossed into a world she knows nothing about. A world filled with powerful magic and more powerful foes. A world filled with creators and destroyers. A world that she is destined to be the ruler of. She will face founders, traitors and foes disguised as friends, that will stop at nothing to get what they want. Because if they can't have all Seven Realms, no one can. They're coming. Copyright Hettie Feather 2021

hettiefeather · Fantasy
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20 Chs

The First Chapter | Before

The First Chapter | Before

"What are we going to do now?"

"Oh well, he's dead, there's nothing more we can do, is there ภเא๏ภ?"

"Now, if we had the magic of the-"

"Oh hush ภเא๏ภ, you know we can't do that. The trees have ears. Do you not know?"

"Calm down ฬคภ๔ค, ﻮץՇђค isn't here, is she? No, she's not. Even if she was, what could she possibly do? I am doing nothing more than saying the truth."

"ん๏ɭɭリ, please tell him he's being irrational. Right now, we are in no position to act arrogant, we are not only in the dark but be we are also lacking a ruler for the 3rd Realm."

"Now ฬคภ๔ค, no need to go around getting upset about things. Contrary to the words you speak, we do indeed have someone to fill in the missing position. ⋊єภɭє๓, ฬץรՇคภ, have any of you, by chance, seen ﻮгคђค๓ recently?"

"The last time I saw him was early this morning. He informed me that he was heading to the Sacred Oak Tree."

"Really? He told me he was going to find ฬคภ๔ค."

"Why would he be looking for me?"

"Alas, I am unsure, but-"

"You know what? Never mind, it matters not where he is now, but only that when he does turn up, he can hopefully contact her earthly guardian."

"Well, what do we do about him."

"The same we do for anyone who died, or in this case, been killed in cold blood, ฬץรՇคภ. We give him a proper burial. Of course, his will be more special, he was a royal after all."

"So, how are we going to find out who poisoned him?"

"It'll come out eventually. No point wasting life magic."

"Really, ん๏ɭɭリ? I think quite the contrary, maybe we should try and find out who did it. He was a royal after all. It's only proper, right ฬץรՇคภ?"

"ภเא๏ภ speaks the truth, ん๏ɭɭリ. What do you think ⋊єภɭє๓?"

"I agree, we should try and find out who did it. Any opposition ฬคภ๔ค?... ฬคภ๔ค?"

"ฬคภ๔ค, did you even remember to tell ﻮгคђค๓ why we requested his presence here?"

"Ehm... no."

"So, right now, he doesn't know that the 3rd Realm royal is...?"

"No, ⋊єภɭє๓, unless someone else told him, I doubt it. We are currently the only ones with this sensitive information, so I can imagine that he doesn't know, but at the same time, he has always been rather intuitive. Who knows, he might have already felt it."

"Felt it?"

"Yes, he does have a knack for these things. He says he can 'sense things down to a T,' whatever that means anyway, so there is a possibility he already knows and just wants to avoid seeing the body. It might be too painful for him to witness before the burial ceremony."

"Mmm... that makes sense, he might have been going to the oak to clear his head, he's like that sometimes."



"Can you have the advisors ask around for ﻮгคђค๓ anyway?"

"Of course, ん๏ɭɭリ."