
The changing six (the litter 4)

Sierra_Bear · Fantasy
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5 Chs


Hawk kept staring at the dark brown tabby as if he didn't approve of the kitten. Rustfur looked at her kitten that had white markings on her fluff that circle around the cats eyes goes to the cats cheeks and to her nose, Rustfur began naming but only named two "the one with unique marking on her face will be called Fox, and the brown tabby with be name Bark." Hawk looked at the rest

"Aren't you going to name the rest?" Mewed Hawk. Rustfur looked at the sleeping kittens and said "I'll leave it to the father."

" who is the father?" Hawk said throwing his head staring at the dark tabby suspiciously. Rustfur stood up and walked towards the apprentice "that's none of your business."

Hawk threw his head towards the blossom trees "your kittens are yours. I guess you do have the rights not to share info about the father..." Rustfur hissed and said " If you keep asking these ridiculous questions, I request you to go." Hawk turned away knowing she will get upset if he says anymore and walks away from Blossom rocks. He hears walking and see's Litpath going to Blossom rocks. Hawk follows him and watches Litpath jump up and cuddle with Rustfur.