
The Changes of Life

Kris, a Middle age man whom was once a father of two killed and reincarnated into another world to complete the Goddess's trial to once again gain his once peaceful life

Dewa_praditya · Fantasy
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"You shitty Goddess!!!" Kris enraged shouted to the sky.

Before, Kris was an able person that has a wife and two kids. He lived happily with them and always seems so carful and alive. Until one day, Kris found out that his wife was actually having an affair with the CEO of his company and were planning to rip him of his fortune and name.

By making use his own children and making it look like he was the one who murdered them and making him the shame of society by publicizing it to the internet and media, they made him look like human that can only be describe as 'monster'.

He of course fell into despair as he asked his wife "why… just why are you doing this to me, to them, to 'us'? what did I do wrong for them to end up like that, for you to become like this. Just what is it that made us fall apart…" as she hears more, she laughed manically laughed like a crazy person would.

She smiles, come close to his ears as she whispers "because I like to see you suffer, I like to see you humiliated and most of all, because you can't satisfy me and spoil me like he can". As he heard her words he fell into the abyss. He thought that no human could possibly kill their own child just because of their own selfish resounds, but this confirmed it.

He smiled and laughs with a sarcastic laugh as if to laugh at his own foolishness. As he laughed, his ex-wife backed away out of fear and disgust over her ex-husband way of laughing. She smiles proudly as she billeted him and walk off.

Or so she though she walked off. When she realized it a blade as big as a knife penetrated her abdomen through her back as it slowly but surely twists making her feel extreme pain and eventually collapse and die.

Kris took the bloodied knife-like blade from his ex-wife's body as he prayed for his children's to be happy in the afterlife and offered the blade to them as an offering. He promised to give it to them and to fulfill it, he stabs himself in the heart so that the blade may be one with him so that the blade will not be lost

As he stabs himself, he closed his eyes, feeling the cold hard grown, unable to move as if paralyzed as he closed his eyes and embrace the call of death. Or so he thought.

"Guh… is this… the afterlife? My kids! Where are they?!?!"

he shouted searching around for his children but all he could see is a dark, cave like space with a letter next to him and an unlit old lantern. He grabs it and read it out of curiosity.

'As you might know, you have already experienced death. For you have lost you reasons to live and embrace its warm embrace. For you whom is pitiful I will grant you a second chance and a single trial. By giving and completing a goal you set out into this world. Set out a goal that may change you for the rest of your life and as a prize for completion I will grant you a single wish.

From yours truly Goddess Yesenvile'

As he has completely read the content of the letter, he became enrage by the audacity the goddess has displayed upon him. He couldn't believe that the effort he made to end himself and finally reunite with his children was foiled by a goddess.

He was so annoyed and enrage that he took the lantern raised it unto the sky and was about to throw it at the letter when suddenly he stopped. He began to think about the goddess's trial that was written in the letter.

He thought to himself, 'what if… she could revive them?'. He began to collect his composure and sigh with an annoyed look plastered on his face. He put down the lantern, lit it up, packed the letter in one of his pockets and ascend out of the cave.

The outside light slowly starting to be visible as he reached the cave's entrance and saw the outside world for the first time coming to this world. He stairs into the sunset as he smirks and walk out into the woods to find his 'Goals'.

i was thinking something fun but it end up like this so yah

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