
The Shooting Incident


Amelia snapped back to reality with the body of her previously 'living' classmate laying still on the floor.

The cacophony of screams laid buzzing in her ear as her mind processed everything that was happening.

One after the other, bullets were shot across the open door. Killing innocent children who just so happen to be right beside the door.

Amelia stared at the chaos around her, her classmates' faces contorting in pain and fear. Some were clutching their friends, others covering themselves, and some laying lifeless on the floor.

Tears streamed down her eyes as more and more people collapsed to the floor, clutching their bleeding chest.

Closing her eyes, she hid behind a cabinet, covering her ears as tightly as she could. In her mind she prayed for the first time in her life, hoping to come out of this alive.

She felt her life flash before her eyes as the gunfire grew closer. She thought about her family and friends, holding to that sense of comfort the memories gave. All the things she wanted to do, and goals she wanted to achieve played out in her head.

Now all those dreams seem meaningless, the reality of her circumstance sinking in.

How could this have happened? It was a perfectly normal day and she was just having fun with her friends.

However, the gods had other plans and right now everything was going downhill.

She remembered her mom always telling her to be careful, her caring, nurturing voice causing more tears to fall.

'Mom, I need you....'

Soon the bullets stopped, and by some miracle she thought it was over, but that wasn't the case.

Opening her eyes she saw a girl from her class bawling as a gun was aimed directly at her head. Amelia's eyes widened as the man stared down at her apathetically.

Amelia watched quietly at what was happening, her eyes darted between the two until it landed on the girl's face.

She was staring right at her with tear-filled eyes, eyes showing fear, eyes begging for help.

She had no idea what came over her, but at that moment she found herself rushing towards the girl. As if on instinct she pushed the girl to the side only to hear a loud bang.

All at once, the world became silent.

Her senses went numb, all her attention focused on the girl in front of her staring with widened eyes. Gathering all her strength, the only thing she could muster was a single word.


Hearing her words, the girl stood up and ran outside the classroom. Seeing the girl disappear gave her a comforting feeling as she turned her head to see the man staring at her silently.

Pain then attacked her body, the adrenaline within her blood slowly fading away.

Looking down, her entire torso was bathed in her own blood. She collapsed to the floor as the pain overcame her like a tidal wave.

The man in front of her only stared in completely silence, watching her body bleed out on the floor.

A single tear drop fell from Amelia's eyes as her senses went numb, the feeling of pain becoming distant.

Staring at the man, her vision became blurry until she finally closed her eyes. The last thing she heard was the voice of the man right beside her.

"Well aren't you a hero..."