
The Glimmer Of Memories

"What about now?"

A gentle and soft voice spoke, catching Amelia off guard.

"....You're talking...." Amelia couldn't help but be shock, almost unable to speak her words.

"Of course we are! You humans are lucky that you have the chance to hear the voices of magic" Someone spoke from the crowd of lights, emitting a red hue.

"Now now Holbrooke, no need to be so fussy" The light in front of Amelia reprimanded.

Although the voice was calm and dignified, the aura she released spoke otherwise. Immediately, the light named Holbrooke dimmed, retreating to a corner.

"Returning to the human, I am Althea, it's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance" The light said, radiating a soft glow.

"Nice to meet you to, I'm Amelia" She replied, subconsciously raising her hand.

The light only giggled at her action as it floated above her open palm.

"You are truly an interesting specimen" The light remarked, exhibiting an orange glow "If you aren't, then we might have just killed you"

The light laughed, amused by her comment. Amelia on the other hand only chuckled dryly, disturbed by the lights words. Seeing her reaction, as if feeling it, the light glowed.

"Don't be scared" The light quickly stated "That's what we would have done. Usually the only ones who visit this far are either hunters or adventurers, and we can't have that"

"Why?" Amelia asked as she started getting used to the feeling of talking to a ball of light.

"Well...." The light trailed off, almost hesitant to say "Well, those people would discover us, and if we are found then 'They' would know"

"Who do you mean 'They'?"

"The gods" The light simply stated, gathering the attention of Amelia.

The goddess told her about these 'Gods' and pretty much from her explanation, they suck. There pride even rivals the heavens, and they won't stop at nothing to prove that they are the supreme beings. Which frankly they are not.

Even though the gods were prideful, she still couldn't understand why they would hunt down creatures like Althea. They looked pretty harmless, and unless their ego was truly humongous, then they would have no reason to mean them harm.

"But why?" Seeing she couldn't figure it out, Amelia blatantly asked, already feeling somewhat comfortable with them.

"I'm afraid that's a story for another day" The light politely declined her question.

Although the girl in front of her looked harmless, she still had to take precaution. She didn't want her kind being discovered by those imbeciles. The only way to make sure was to have it appraise her.

The lights around her seemingly thought the same thing, as they started to flicker non stop.

Amelia squinted her eyes questioningly, feeling something was off.

"Come now human, before we can talk further, we want you to meet someone"

The light floated away from her hands and lead the rest through the dark pathway. Amelia stood up and followed.

Making their way through the pathway, Amelia could feel a sense of anxiousness. As if her mind was telling her to stay vigilant.

Although the lights looked adorable, she still felt something was amiss. As if they were hiding their powers. This furthered Amelia's anxieties, thinking that they might be leading her into a trap.

However, she was surrounded, and even though she wanted to run, she knew it was hopeless. Obediently following the lights, Amelia passed by many trees.

The deeper she went, the more she got lost. It was like this forest was messing with her sense of direction. A wave of panic shot up her body as the hope of escaping was no more then a drop of water in a dry desert.

Arriving at a giant rock, Amelia cocked her brow, wondering what are they gonna do. Turning her head, she looked at the light, which only responded with a glow.

Turning her head again to look at the rock, she was left shocked to see the rock was completely gone. What replaced it was a giant cave entrance, shimmering gemstones lined the outside.

The lights went inside and so did Amelia. Inside was a long narrow hall, the sides completely covered in glass-like stone.

Amelia stared at her reflection, in awe at the magnificent sight in front of her.

Walking deeper into the cave, the sounds from the forest grew silent, until all that was left was the sound of Amelia's footsteps.

A few minutes later, Amelia arrived at a gigantic, circular space. At the far edge of such space, a stone structure could be seen.

Two stone pillars, stood tall. Between them a glass wall, framed in stone lied. Walking up to it, Amelia could see her reflection, but only this one was different.

Amelia couldn't describe the feeling, but all she knew, it wanted her to stay.

"Looks like you've found one of our greatest treasures" Althea proudly said "The Glimmer Of Memories, a divine artifact enabling the viewer and others to see their memories. It can even send one to a mindscape, in which they can personally see their memories"

"Cool" Amelia muttered, completely mesmerized by the reflection.

"And it's exactly what will use to find out exactly who you are"

"Wait what___" Before she could finish her sentence, she found herself in her backyard.

Around her, the familiar toys laid on the ground. Amelia was frozen for a moment, until a voice knocked her out of her stupor.

It was her mom.

Amelia couldn't help but cry at the sight of her mom, she was carrying a plate of cookies as she sat down at the table.

"Come on Amelia, time to eat!"

Amelia herself wanted to reply, when someone interrupted her. Startled she turned around to see....her! Only a younger version of her.

The young her, sat down by the table and devoured all the cookies. Her mom laughed at her daughter's reaction, and proceeded to pour some milk.

Amelia stood their silently, watching her younger self talk with her mother. Unknowingly, more tears fell down her eyes, as she forced herself to not make any sound.

She was starting to move on, to accept her fate, yet all of a sudden her mom shows up. Seems like fate really wanted to toy with her.

Wiping her eyes, she realized it was quiet...to quiet. Raising her head she gasped, her mom and herself both stared at her, their faces looked as if she had killed someone.

Killed someone.

That line echoed through her head, the scene around her changing quickly.


The sound of gunfire shocked Amelia, right now she was in the middle of her classroom. Her classmates all looked at her, their dead eyes staring right through her soul.

Amelia stuttered, trying to say something, only to fail. The bodies then started convulsing, one by one they vomited blood.

Amelia fell to the floor as she watched her classmates drown each other in their own blood.

"Well aren't you a hero..."

Amelia froze, soon the bodies disappeared, and all that was left was...hers? In the distance she saw her body, laid dead on the floor, above her, the man observed. A bone chilling laugh escaping from his mouth.

Soon the man stopped and his eyes looked passed her body and directly to Amelia. Amelia stood frozen as the man walked pass the dead body, walking slowly towards her.

"No...get away" Amelia muttered, her arms flailing around "Get away, get away"

The man only chuckled at her attempts, the distance between them getting smaller. As the man grew closer, Amelia became frantic, as she laid on the ground, watching the man come close.

"I said Get Away!" She yelled, releasing a powerful shockwave. The man dissolved into dust as it made contact with the force.

Amelia screamed in anger, as the walls around her shattered, revealing the reflection of her body. Her hair floated in the air, her skin radiating a powerful energy.

Above her stood the silhouette of the goddess, staring indifferently. Amelia gasped, her eyes glowing brightly.

Her body glowed brighter, the power starting to become painful. Screams escaped from her mouth, her body radiating a dense pressure. She floated to the air as her entire body was bathed in Light.

And with one final yell, a powerful burst of energy was released, enveloping the entire area.

Amelia gasped, she looked around to find herself back at the circular room in the cave. Behind her the lights floated, their glow dimming.

In front of her, Althea floated, her body releasing a powerful aura.

"That energy" Althea spoke "It's just like....."

"The champions.." A light from behind spoke, causing Amelia to widen her eyes.

"You!" The light yelled. If she were to have fingers right now, she would be pointing directly at Amelia.

"Who are you? You do not hold the power or the gods, or even their sigils. Yet, you still contain the air of a champion!" The entire room fell silent. Amelia stared at Althea, unable to speak.

"I said speak! who are you!"

"That's enough Althea" A woman's voice reprimanded. Right now Althea's body burned like the sun, yet after hearing the woman she immediately stopped. The air of pressure disappearing.

Amelia turned her head to the direction of the voice, only to see a woman stare at her in curiosity.

The woman wore a white dress, etched with golden stitching. Her white, silky hair cascaded down her back, elegantly flowing like water. Her light blue eyes showed wisdom and reverence, revealing a hint of playfulness. Her entire body exuded an aura of authority and power, making anyone bow down at her feet.

"Rise champion" The woman softly spoke, directing her gaze to Amelia, who stared dumbfounded at her.

"Ugh sorry, your.. majesty...highness..." She couldn't find the perfect words to address her, leaving Amelia a blushing mess.

The woman laughed at the girl's antics, covering her mouth with her hand. Her face blushed slightly, causing Amelia's face to redden.

"No need for formalities champion" The woman waved her hands "I am Daphne, one of the last heavenly oracles, and the oracle of light"

"Lady Daphne, you should not mingle with this....champion. For all we know, she might be sent by them, thus we must silence her before she can tell anyone" Althea hurriedly spoke, her body directing an unyielding pressure towards Amelia.

"No need for that Althea" The woman dismissed

"You're not like the others aren't you?" Daphne directed her questioning gaze towards Amelia, in which she only replied with a nod.

Receiving her answer, Daphne nodded. Her body glowing more brightly.

"It seems the time has come, little champion. I hereby give you my blessing" The woman stated, earning a cacophony of gasps and yells from the others.

"Lady Daphne, this human is merely a champion, why would you possibly give her YOUR blessing?" Althea asked, confused as to how a mere human could earn such a gift.

"It has been decided" The woman spoke with unwavering words "I have had visions of this young ones arrival, and have been tasked by a powerful being to arm her. This being far surpasses the power of the gods, and I believe that she is to be the key to stopping the evil"

Everyone gasped at the oracles statement, this being that had sent Amelia must've been an almighty individual. At this moment, the gods stood at the top, yet the oracle said someone was even higher. This news gravely shocked the lights, as they glowed brightly in anticipation.

Amelia on the other hand was silent, she listened deeply to what the oracle had said. It seemed that the goddess already spoke to this lady, and right now she was about to be blessed?

Every hair on Amelia's body stood upwards, feelings of shock and excitement coursing through her veins.

Amelia's eyes shined with brilliance, as she watched the amazing spectacle of magic. The woman raised her hands and a symbol appeared.

The symbol glowed, releasing a powerful energy. The symbol shrank and floated to Amelia's chest. As it made contact, the symbol dissolve into her body, disappearing completely.

At this moment, Amelia could feel her entire body shake. Strength pouring into every muscle, magic pouring into every vein, and light bathing her entire skin.

The lights watched in awe as Amelia shone with greatness, her eyes enveloped by white light.

The light disappeared to reveal Amelia standing quietly, her eyes glued onto something in front of her.

She didn't know if she wanted to shout with joy or yell with pain. Right in front of her a translucent screen had appeared.

System Announcement: Congratulations for receiving the Oracle's blessing! Your body is now fully equipped to handle Morai's blessing!

System Announcement: Equipping Morai's blessing and Oracle's blessing. Due to Oracle's blessing, user is now perfectly equipped to conduct magic!

*Downloading Magic....




"What the.....!"