
The Chalice of Chance

Blood, death and another chance. Three simple words, yet you already know where I'm going with this. Join me and together we will explore this great omniverse while gaining wondrous, new abilities and taking what we wish. We will encounter setbacks, achieve stunning victories and wage great wars. We will grow strong enough to laugh in the face of chaos and spit on the shoes of gods. You know you want to, just join me. ~~~~~~ This is slow paced, so if that bothers anyone, this is your cue to leave. Warning: Graphic descriptions of gore and violence. Mature language will be used throughout. If I decide to add anything else, I'll add it to here later.

YoungMasterLemon16 · Video Games
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11 Chs

Transmigration Successful!



Failed. Transportation requires nexus.

Searching for a nexus...

Nexus located.



Suddenly, I was engulfed in a beam of light and the next thing I knew, I was somewhere else. The first thing I felt was my feet standing on solid ground and I stumbled, unused to standing after floating for so long.

After I managed to regain my vision after being nearly blinded, I laid my eyes upon what looked like a large, mossy stone circle. I tried to place my finger on where I was until I remembered where I was.

"Stonehenge? I thought this was somewhere new? No matter, at least I should have a general idea of where I am now."

It seemed that it was the middle of the night right now, judging by the height of the moon and how there were no tourists nearby.

Realizing that I probably shouldn't be standing in the middle of Stonehenge, I fast walked out of it and slipped under the short rope blocking access to visitors. Looking back at my body, I noticed that I was wearing athletic pants, a zip-up sweatshirt and a pair of running shoes.

'At least I got some comfy clothes.'

I wanted to get a better look at myself, so I entered the nearby public restroom in search of a mirror.

'Hey, not bad, not bad at all.'

I looked almost the same as I used to, with short dark hair, hazel brown eyes and standing at 6'2", I looked like a better version of myself.

'So I just got a little taller and more fit? Meh, I'm not going to question it.'

"I nearly forgot! I should give my skills a quick test-run, shouldn't I?"

'Alright, first up is Arcane Bolt! How do I use it?'

Pausing for a moment, I just shrugged and said, "Whatever, I'll just wing it!"

I stretched out my arm and pictured myself using the attack. Minutes went by and I still held my arm up waiting for anything. With burning cheeks, I eventually lowered my arm back down.

"Maybe it's verbal? God, I hope it's not verbal."

Focusing once more, I raised my arm back up and shouted "Arcane Bolt!"

The moment the words left my mouth, a shot of blue energy erupted from my hand and smashed into a nearby stall, causing the toilet to shatter and for water to start pouring everywhere.


'What if someone heard that? I don't have any ID or cash, I need to get out of here.'

I turn and ran back out of the restroom, colliding with someone just walking in. Luckily, I managed to catch myself before we both took a tumble onto the bathroom floor. Not sticking around to find out what would happen next, I ran out of the bathroom as fast as I could.

I faintly heard a man swearing with an English accent and shouting to someone as I made my escape. Then something really weird happened, the man that I barreled into appeared directly in front of me along with another man.

I slammed on the breaks the second that I saw them and I must've looked hella confused because one of them had a shit eating grin on their face while the second was apathetic. Getting a closer look at them, I noticed that they were both wearing a set of red robes and pointing sticks at me.

The one with cold features then said something that made everything click in my head, "The use of underage magic is illegal. You need to come with us."

'I was in a kids book, Harry Potter. This just got interesting, although I don't know if their magic is as powerful as that of a slann's.'

The cold one continued speaking and said, "My name is Edward and my associate's is Oscar, who are you?"

'This isn't good, I don't know if I'm a wizard according to them and I don't own a wand. Plus, counting my age, I could be labeled an obscurus.'

Yeah so what if I liked some of the movies, they weren't half bad except some of the newer ones just feel like a cash grab.

"Hey are you listening to me kid?"


"What's. Your. Name? Don't make me ask again."

Thinking fast, I quickly responded, "Aaron, Aaron Phillips."

"Phillips doesn't sound like a pureblood house, where are your guardians kid?"

'Shit, I always was terrible at naming things. R.I.P. Rocky my pet rock from third grade, I'm sorry you deserved a better name.'

Remembering the magical police in front of me, I quickly thought of a lie to get me out of this situation, "I-I'm s-sorry officer." My voice began to quiver and I used my hands to cover my eyes as I began to fake cry.

"Hey kid, what's wrong?"

"I'm s-sorry, my dad just d-died. We were just taking a walk and some random man jumped him. They grabbed him and teleported and I got dragged too, they just used the killing curse on him and I barely managed to get away. His body's over there."

I raised my arm with a shaky movement and pointed it back at the restroom.

Edward and Oscar's expressions quickly became stoic, well Oscar's at least. Edward still looked as calm and collected as he did when he arrived. They locked eyes and nodded, bringing out their wands as they advanced past me and back towards the bathroom.

The moment that I was out of their sights, though, I raised both hands and pointed at their backs before whispering, "Arcane Bolt."

"Whoosh, whoosh."

"Thud, thud."

"Thump, thump."

Luckily enough, the bolts had found their targets and somehow incapacitated their victims.

'I'm so glad my parent made me go to theatre camp every year, it finally paid off. Now moment of truth.'

I hunched over the two bodies and checked their pulses.

'Please don't be dead, I don't think I'm ready for it. As selfish as it was to wish that two men lived, simply for my peace of mind, I didn't care. I'll have to kill eventually, but I don't want to start with two debatably innocent men just doing their jobs.'

"Thump, thump, thump, thump."

'Thank God, they both have pulses, I'm not a murderer.' Ignoring the voice in my head whispering 'yet,' I moved on to other concerns.

"What next?"

Whew, this was a long time in the coming. Honestly, I was stuck between HP or Skyrim and I had a plot picked out for both, but ultimately decided on HP because I love the world. Hit me up with any and all story suggestions or crtitiques, I'd really appreciate it!

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