
the chained swordmaster

What do you seek dear reader? Why do you read? Are you looking to find something to fill a void within? perhaps you are simply looking for entertainment. This webnovel tells a tale of a woman cursed by the very narrative that moves her. The chained swordmaster, a woman who was enslaved into a contract with a cruel god, is forced to do his wishes as she tries to rid herself of his power. Acompany her as she experiences fear, pain, and hope while hunting down in the frozen tundra that is hell. This is my first story, so please do tell me if there are any things i could do better or things that seem under utilized. Thank you!

Erik_Schebela · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter two: memories of a long ago past

There she lay down, looking at the god, It offered her forbidden knowledge, the memories of someone that was not her, to be specific the memories of her father, the man she hates, yet, she was curious, like any kid would, about what does her father think about her. So, without much thought into it, she says -show me, please-

With a sinister grin on Its face, the god snaps his fingers and suddenly she finds herself again in an unknown place, however, this time she can't control her own body, as a passenger inside someone else's brain.

Suddenly, the scene is set, It is a hospital, and there are doctors, and a woman screaming, she sees the woman in a gown, her red eyes and white hair are absolute proof of who this woman is meant to be, suddenly the woman's scream stops and it's substituted by a baby's scream "me" Lily says to herself, suddenly the body that observes the scene moves.

-Oh god...- it sounded like a man crying -She is beautiful sugar- the man says as he holds the woman and the baby.

-of course- the woman says weakly -she is our baby- she chuckles now, and the man joins her chuckle, the sounds and smells of blood and medical equipment can be heard around them. -shit, I_ im not- she tries to say, tears running through her eyes.

-no, you are- says her father as he places a finger on her lips to stop her from saying further.

-I love you- she says, then she moves her head a bit and looks at the now quieter baby in her arms and says -and I love you too, Lily-

She says even more weakly.

-not fair- says Lily's father while she feels his tears running down his face -you can't decide her name just like that...- he kept crying while the woman smiled with all the energy she could barely muster.

-too bad, next time you give birth to her then- Lily's mother chuckles even more weakly than before and closes her eyes -take care of her, okay?- she musters before a few doctors drag her bed to somewhere else.

-okay...- Lily hears her father as if he is one breath from breaking down while looking absentmindedly to the corner where his wife and daughter were a second ago.

Suddenly, Lily is no longer in the hospital, now her view seems to be of a baby with very pale skin and very red eyes. Her father is holding her, however, they don't seem to be in her childhood home, more like a run shabby place. "Was that the house they lived in before my mother died?" She asked herself, the answer being clear.

-hey, hey, shhh, it's ok, it's uncomfortable right?- she hears her father say as he shushes the baby in his hands. -It is alright, soon we will be moving to a better place, I will work myself to the bone to make sure of it!- His smile is far warmer than the house they are, it's possibly the warmest thing she had ever experienced.

Without realizing it, Lily was starting to drop some tears, yet it wasn't over as she was transported to another moment in time, a cold bluish hue surrounded the room she was in, it was an office, and her father was writing on a computer, some excel economics mumbo jumbo, that she could not understand, there was a clock in the wall in front of him, it could be read as 10:30 pm.

This time the face her father had was not one of joy like in the memory, it was dead, her father was dead, and he was almost as pale as her while writing mindlessly, suddenly while Lily observed her father typing away, he stopped, he looks at what seems to be a picture placed in a frame next to his computer, his eyes are still those of a man that is far to tired to live, yet, his mouth reveals a sweet, endearing and almost painful smile.

Lily gets closer to observe what her father is watching, she hopes it is not what she thought it was, she was internally begging for it to be something silly or a joke written into a frame, like those with a little cat saying "hang in there", however as she got close she saw a picture of her, her younger self, when she was no older than 5 maybe 6 years old, her little smile with a tooth or two missings. It was there that Lily could feel it, the pain, the shame, she didn't ask for her father to work so much just for her, she didn't ask for him to be like that, "why did he do this?" Was all she could think, she knew the answer, she knew her father was working himself constantly so she could have the leisurely life of a normal teenager, for her to eat breakfast every day, for her to be able to watch TV and have a phone and new clothes.

However, She is not given time to rest as a new memory appears almost as if to torture her, this time it's a memory she is all too familiar with because it happened recently, however now, she is watching it from her father's perspective.

It was cold outside. It was Christmas, her father was walking joyfully with that tired yet warm smile, he had just gotten the Christmas bonus from his job, it was just enough for him to buy a nice chicken to cook for Christmas dinner, yet, when he arrived at the house, she didn't bother to even say Hi, she looked at him with disgust and sat on the sofa to watch Tv when he tried asking her how she was, the Lily of the past simply said: "I was doing fine until you got here".

Present Lily looked with disgust at her past version, as she observed her father's broken face, it pained her to see it, and it pained her more that it was her doing the act, the backstabbing that her father must have felt since she started acting like that, she began crying, and soon realized that she did not know much about her father, this was the first time that she was able to know more about him as first he was always working and she was far too hateful to ever try to bond with him. Then, as more and more memories flooded her mind, she finally snapped back into reality.

-So, how did it feel?- The god says to Lily as she regains her composure. All Lily could do was cry, she kept crying huddled over her legs and staining it with tears.

-T_Thahnnk you- she manages to say while sobbing, it was thanks to god that she was able to see her wrongs, and now she was finally capable of fixing her wrongs.

-jajaja, you are welcome, so now, I got a job for you- said the God interrupting her moment of realization.

-I'm...sorry, what?- asks Lily confused as she clears her tears away.

-I said I got a job for you- It claims ever so nonchalantly.

-Wh_why? What do you mean?- she asks again.

-well, I just gave you something that no one else could ever have, the opportunity to understand someone else, I may have very well just saved your relationship with your father!- He says with the same tone a sleazy seller would to a poor buyer. - Like, come on, it's just a tiny job! I am sure it's worth it in exchange for the memories of your father-

Lily was speechless, the first thought in her mind was "what kind of job does he need me for" The second was "WHAT KIND OF JOB DOES A GOD NEED OF A TEENAGER!"

-w_what kind of j_job- she asks foolishly. Revealing her fate into a dread-filled world that she was ever so unaware of before.

-I want you to go to another dimension, for 10 years, kill all the demons in that world and then I will get you back here, you will be allowed to keep any power and techniques you learn in that world- Says calmly.

-But, I haven't even had the time to talk with my father- she tries to complain but is quickly shut down by the god.

-Come on! I just gave you the memories of your father! And now I'm offering you the opportunity to come back to this world as a superstrong hero!- He says with a pushy and very aggressive tone, how could Lily ever say no to a god, much less to one that she seemingly owns so much too?

-Fine, but, can I at least write a note to my dad?- as soon as she said that the god snapped his fingers and a pen and paper appeared in her hand.

-I give you two minutes to write it- It says almost in a hurry. Lily barely has time to think about what to write.

She places the pen on the paper and begins writing what little she can to her father.

"Dad, I'm thankful for everything you've done for me, i will be back in 10 years, see you soon" She tries doing a smiley face at the end of the note but it gets scratched halfway because time is up and the god pulled her to the door of her living room.

-alright! Good luck! Dont die!- It says as It opens the door to what normally would be the outside world and pushes her in. However, instead of being sent outside her house, she was surrounded by a cold hell, a snowy and icy terrain, which still could be confused with London in winter had it not been for the constant weird sounds and blue fire, all she had in her was her clothing, and a gold hilted sword and the red blade, very similar to the sword that the god had shown her in the kitchen. He had it planned from the start.

Lily confronted the snowy hell, sword in hand, and determined to go back to her father. "I won't die here" she claims to herself.