
The CEOS Wife

He is the CEO of one of the largest companies in the world while also being the leader of the Underworld. Maintaining his privacy is his highest priority. Few people know either identity and even fewer know both. He is just viewed as an outcast in his own family. While she is just a small time director at a failing company. Trying to make her days go by and live a simple life. Avoiding her family at all cost as she feels like an outcast from their rich chasing lifestyle. What happens when he inserts himself into her life? Is it fate or is there an alternative agenda that is trying to be filled? What secrets of each other do they uncover? What are their True identities? (No rape/major misunderstanding)

Wolfpac · Urban
Not enough ratings
51 Chs

Sean Reveals the Truth

The next morning when Sara awoke she saw Sean standing there with her phone in his hand. "Is something wrong?" Sean looked led at the phone in his hand before responding, "Your dad was rushed to the ER this morning. He collapsed at work." Sara bolted out of bed. "Why didn't you wake me up!?" She then rushed to the closet to get dressed. When she came out she glared at Sean but her eyes turned soft when she heard him say, "You woke up right after I hung up the phone. Let's go. I've already contacted the hospital and they're moving him to First Peoples as we speak."

After a quiet drive through town they arrived at the hospital. When they entered a doctor received them and talked as they walked through the hospital,"Dr. Park received the patient 15 minutes ago and has began surgery as the patient condition got worse." Sean nodded as Sara's grip on his hand got tighter. After they arrived to the VIP waiting room, Sara sat down as Sean talked to the doctor. When he walked back over she looked up at him with expectant eyes. Sean sighed before responding, "he had a minor heart attack. There's a small blockage. Nothing to worry about now." Sara let out a sigh before saying, "we may not have the best relationship but he's still my father." Sean nodded listening to her talk before responding, "what happened to your relationship."

Sara looked out the window she was sitting next to after a while she finally spoke, "when I was a child my parents spoiled me. Then one day my mom was visiting a client and never came home. We were told that she was in an accident on her way to the airport but I don't believe it. It's been 12 years now and the evidence is all cold. However after that day my father became distant. He spent more time at work then at home. The spoiling stopped and I was pretty much left to my own devices. I buried my self in school and before I knew it college then work. While my dad was busy chasing profits I was trying to be normal."

Sean listened intently before he spoke, "you say 12 years ago. What day?" Sara froze when he asked his question before responding, "January 18th." Sean looked at Sara before he pulled his wallet out and grabbed a photo from it. He handed it to Sara. The photo was of a woman in an emerald green sun dress looking at the camera over her shoulder smiling. Sara looked at the photo as a tear fell out. She looked at Sean asking with a breaking voice. "How do you have this photo?" Sean sighed as he stood up and leaned against the window.

"12 years ago I had a hardship[1] license as my parents both worked and I had just started Mystycs. On January 18th I was driving home from the office when I was t-boned by a drunk driver. A woman approached the accident scene and pulled me out of my car. After she pulled me out the fuel tank caught fire and the car exploded. When emergency services arrived they rushed us to the hospital. However my injuries weren't severe but hers were too severe. Before she passed I got a chance to talk to her and she handed me that photo and asked me to find her daughter and tell her that she always loved her and is watching her from above."

Sara couldn't stop the tears flowing as she listened to Sean speak, who immediately walked over and embraced his wife. "So it really was an accident." Sara sighed. Sean shook his head, "I don't believe so. I have some investigation materials from that day but I haven't been able to connect the dots. I truthfully believe her being there was an accident. I think I was the target." Sara looked at Sean, "Who would target a 14 year old?" Sean sighed looking out the window, "Do you know anything about the Underworld?"

Sara froze hearing Sean say that before nodding, "The underworld is the organization of the illegal sector of the world. While some still operate outside of it most people have fallen in line." Sean nodded before speaking, "part of Mystycs at the beginning was laundering money for a group out of the southwest. Ever since those days I've been involved in the Underworld. But back then I was the main source of laundering for this group but their rivals where trying to cripple their operations and that put me in the crosshairs." Sara looked at the man who had turned his back to her. "You say your still involved, are we in any danger?" Sean shook his head before responding, "My position can only be threatened by one person. However he is getting older and weaker and many of his operations have moved over to my side. Also he has turned his focus to something else."

Sara nodded before responding, "I know you've been acquiring shares of my fathers company. Why are you doing it?" Sean sighed knowing that the woman was too smart. "The story to the public is Morgan Jewelries is the best place for wedding jewelry and anniversary gifts. However the true story is years ago your father made a deal with some Western European smugglers and is the largest supplier in this area for diamonds not acquired by usual means. Normally dealing with blood diamonds and stolen jewelry. I was trying to hide this from you before you acquired your shares."

Sara looked at the man who always seemed to protect her whenever he could. She sighed before responding, "I don't want you to always protect me. I won't be strong enough to stand next to you if you always stand there like a shield." Sean sighed hearing her words ,"it's my job to protect you. You're my wife now …" Sara immediately cut Sean off, "As your wife it is my duty to support my Husband. If there is one person who can threaten you then they are a threat to me. So I can't have you running around the underworld without support." Sean smiled at her words. "Silly everyone I sent around you is a general in the Underworld. Claire is the spokesperson for me, John was my personal assistant, Frank is on charge of my forces and Mr. Berkowski is the Enforcer of the rules of the underworld that I set out. Nothing major can happen without my say so."

Sara looked at Sean who was still looking out of the window. She smiled before speaking, "Then let's rule together. One in the business world and one the Underworld." Sean turned around to look at Sara smiling, "So which one do you want to run?" Sara returned the smile saying, "Silly I want to rule the Underworld. I think the King should be deposed for a Queen." Sean chuckled as he hugged Sara, "whatever you want."

[1] In some US states kids as young as 14 can get drivers licenses to go to and from school, if they work on a ranch etc. this is called a Hardship License