
The CEOS Wife

He is the CEO of one of the largest companies in the world while also being the leader of the Underworld. Maintaining his privacy is his highest priority. Few people know either identity and even fewer know both. He is just viewed as an outcast in his own family. While she is just a small time director at a failing company. Trying to make her days go by and live a simple life. Avoiding her family at all cost as she feels like an outcast from their rich chasing lifestyle. What happens when he inserts himself into her life? Is it fate or is there an alternative agenda that is trying to be filled? What secrets of each other do they uncover? What are their True identities? (No rape/major misunderstanding)

Wolfpac · Urban
Not enough ratings
51 Chs


As they drove away Sara looked over a Sean, "Why do you treat me so well. You're quick to claim me as your wife and quick to spoil me." Sean chuckled at this naive woman. "You are my wife. Why shouldn't I claim you. Would you rather I spend my money on someone else.?" Sara looked at the man stupefied before responding, "You could donate it. I don't wish for expensive things." Sean chuckled, "you mean to those organizations where the CEO makes 6 or 7 figures? After we meet the elders I'll take you somewhere." Sara shrugged at his response before looking outside. She froze when she felt Sean grab her hand before she felt something cold slide on her ring finger. She looked over to see Sean sliding an ornate ring on her finger. "What's this?" Sean didn't respond before he slide a matching ring, without the diamonds on it, on his ring finger. "Our wedding bands. When we have the wedding we can exchange these for ones you design." Sara felt her heart thump against her rib cage as she looked at the ring. She felt a warm sensation flow through her body as she looked at Sean causing her to smile, "I truly am a lucky woman." Sean chuckled before holding her hand.

The car shortly arrived at a mansion on the outskirts of the city. Sean exited the car first before opening Sara's door for her. As she got out she asked, "Where are we?" Sean took her hand and lead her to the house while responding, "Writon Valley. This area is filled with what's called old money. Rich families have lived here for generations. Arlington Hills, while more expensive, is filled with second generation heirs or self made people like me." Sara nodded before asking, "will you tell me the story behind Dearborn? All anyone knows is that the company was registered 11 years ago and then made a foothold in Europe and Asia then moved to the US and has grown exponentially in the past 8 years." Sean froze for a half second before responding, "Someday soon I'll tell you. But for now let's get through this fiasco." Then he knocked on the door that had reached. An old gentleman wearing a butlers outfit opened the door before greeting the couple. "Hello Master Sean and guest. There are some other guests here as well." Sean nodded wondering who could be here as well.

The couple entered the main living room of the mansion, to see the sight of all the family members talking to Mr. Hayes and Samantha. Sara groaned lightly seeing Samantha there but Sean tighten his grip slightly making her feel like she had nothing to worry about. Samantha was the first person to see Sean. When she did she practically ran up to him, but froze when she saw him holding Sara's hand. As she reached out to separate the two an icy voice rang out that shocked everyone in the room, "If you dare touch her I will guarantee that the only job you get in this city will be that of a sewage cleaner." Samantha froze when she heard Sean speaking, "Sean don't act like that we've known each other for so long."

"Doesn't matter." The icy voice rang out again. Then Sean looked at an elderly woman sitting in an armchair. His voice seemingly softer as he spoke to her, "Grandmother since when did we allow outsiders in family meetings?" The elder woman snorted at his words but still responded, "Bill you heard him. Please see the guest out." The butler walked over to the Hayes and they both began to walk out but everyone froze when they heard Sean speak up when Bill asked Sara to leave. "She stays." Everyone looked at Sean when Marcos spoke up, "Sean you said it your self no outsiders at family meetings."

"If I say she stays she stays. That means she isn't an outsider." The icy voice seemed to grow a hint of anger. Soon after the rest of the family, except Sean's parents and grandmother , started speaking up in agreement with Marcos. However the three that stayed silent and Sara could sense the frustration growing inside Sean. "What gives her the right!" Samantha finally shrieked silencing the room. Sean coldly looked at the two Hayes standing at the entryway. The air in the room was suffocating to everyone as they could finally feel the growing aura of power surrounding Sean. "BECAUSE SHE'S MY WIFE" Sean roared stunning everyone except Sara. Sean reached into his pocket before throwing a piece of paper on the table in front of his grandmother. Everyone except the Hayes saw the big letters on top of the page: Marriage Certificate.

The elder woman picked up the piece of paper handing it to Bill, whispering something to him before he left the room. Time seemed to feel like an eternity. Seconds felt like minutes and minutes like hours. Everyone in the room except Sean, who made a cup of tea for himself and Sara, was glancing between the two. Finally after what was only 15 minutes but felt way longer, Bill walked into the room. Everyone looked at him expectantly as he spoke, "Judge Harris has confirmed that the document in question is genuine."

Samantha's face turned ashen as she realized what that meant, her dream guy was not hers. She immediately rushed over and was about to slap Sara before anyone could react. However Sean was still somehow one step quicker and caught her hand. "How dare you attempt to hurt her." Gone was the icy voice, instead it was a deep growling voice that sounded like a devil had spoken. He shoved Samantha away not caring that she fell to the ground. Mr. Hayes finally spoke up, "Now Sean there was no need for that. We'll take our leave now." As he walked over and helped Samantha off the ground. Sean coldly looked at the two before that deep, growling voice came out again, "Mr. Hayes, this is the second time that she has attempted to harm my woman. The first time I let her off for our family's history sake. I am now telling you, that you have no future in the world of business." Sean quickly pulled out his phone and dialed a number that was picked up almost instantly, "Hayes Corporation needs to be blacklisted and begin a buyout of shareholders." Sean stated without pausing before hanging up before anyone could respond.

No one dared to speak against Sean after he spoke. The two left before angering Sean even more. The Marcos spoke up, "Sean that was no way to treat our business partners." Sean glanced at Marcos before responding, "Your business partners. Remember the family corporation has nothing to do with me right now. I even have the power to blacklist it and if any of you dare attempt anything I will do it." Sean's grandmother spoke up first, "Sean we believe that you are the best future for the Henson family company. So please be thoughtful of that." Sean snorted, "if you truly believe that I am the best thing for the company then everyone sign their shares to me. I don't work for companies where people can override my decisions." The room looked at Sean dumbfounded, who ignored their looks before grabbing Sara's hand and walking out.

The elderly woman spoke first after the couple left, "he is right." Marcos was stunned at the words she spoke, "I won't sign my shares to him. Someone needs to keep the CEO in check." The woman snorted at Marcos before rising. As she walked out of the room she paused at the doorway. She turned around slowly before uttering words that seemed to echo in the room, "Last time I checked, the past 35 years of your family branch running the company has seen downsizing and small profit margins. Remember he owns 68% of Dearborn and has ran that for 11 years. He made it into the biggest business in the world without anyone telling him no or keeping him in check."

Outside Sean and Sara left, not knowing what words were being spoken inside, when Sara finally spoke, "didn't you just shoot down your only chance to acquire the company?" Sean chuckled, "everyone in the family knows I'm right. It's just wether they see it or not in time for the vote. Justin has spent millions trying to restructure similar to Camilla and Manser. However he doesn't know the root of his problem." Sara looked at the man before asking, "what's the root of the problem?" Sean glanced at her, as the car drove away, "tell me why 25 former directors and executives of that company now work for me? Many of them coming in the past five years, when Justin first started as COO. No one wants to work for him because he's a slave driver. His employees should work long hours and little vacation time to make him as much money as possible. However my company only makes you work 30 hours a week, higher wages and more vacation time. Many view that as a horrible way to run a company but it seems to make my employees reward me with their best possible work." Sara glanced outside as she heard him speak, smiling at his words.