
Old apartment complex


"Sir, Ken just called and reported that George was spotted at an old apartment

buildingwith a man" secretary Dan said. Charlie's mood changed and this made the employees fret. Charlie stood up from his chair and face everyone.

"Make sure this proposal is processed and is on my desk by tomorrow" Charlie said, he turned to secretary Dan and said "let us go and talk in my office" Charlie turned and walked out with secretary Dan following behind him.

"What did he  just say?" First employee said.

"I think he approved of the project" second employee said.

"I think so too!" First employee said.

"So we do not need to draft another project, right?" Third employee asked. She wanted to know if she heard right.

"Yes" first employee said.

"Finally!" Third employee shouted. The employees jubilated, they were happy that they do not have to come up with another project. Of course they were happy that their boss is satisfied with this proposal and they do not need to stress over drafting a new one but they were also scared that he might reject it later on, so they hurried to process the project before it is too late.


CEO's office.......

"Where was he spotted?" Charlie asked immediately they stepped into the office.

"An old apartment complex at west avenue, sir"secretary Dan said.

"When?" Charlie asked.

"Yesterday sir" secretary Dan said.

"Yesterday? Then why did he not tell me until now?" Charlie asked.

"He said he did not want to report it to you unless he had confirmed that it was George they saw" secretary Dan said.

"Okay but tell him to report to me every detail even though he has not confirmed it" Charlie said.

"I will relay your order sir" secretary Dan said. 

"Now I need you to get our men because we are going there right now and tell ken to find out the present location of the man George spoke to. We must know the reason the two if them met" Charlie said.

"Okay sir" secretary Dan said.

Charlie stood up and walked out of the office and secretary Dan followed him while calling Ken at the same time.


Charlie's mansion~~~~~

Eve wanted to prepare a special dinner for both her and Charlie and she needed the help of the maids. She called the head maid in the house.

"Aunty Janice!" Eve called.

"Yes ma'am! Do you need help with anything ma'am?" Janice responded.

"I have told you before that you can call me by my name Eve" Eve said. She was already tired of correcting her.

"Yes ma'am.... I mean Eve. Do you need help with anything?" Janice asked the same question for the second time. 

"Oh yes! I almost forgot.... I want to prepare a special dinner for myself and my husband, is there any candles for decorating the dinning table in this house? Because I want to have a candlelight dinner" Eve asked aunty Janice.

"Yes we have" Janice said.

"Why have I not seen it? And why is it not used to decorate the dinning table" Eve asked.

"It is because Mr Charles rearly has guests over and had any special occasion to use it. It is used only on important day. I guess he would not remember that he bought or have anything called candles" Janice said.

"Where is it kept?" Eve asked.

"In the storage room" Janice replied.

"Well, the dinner is a special dinner so get the candles out and set the table and also prepare delicious meals and desserts" Eve said.

"Okay ma'am.... No, Eve" Janice said closing her mouth with her hand.

Eve laughed at Janice's continuous mistakes and said "Whatever just forget it and called me whatever you want to call me" Eve said while laughing.

"Okay Eve " Janice said and this time, she seem to get it correct.

"Okay, you can now go and get the things I told you to ready" Eve said.

"Okay Eve" Janice said and went back to the kitchen to instruct the maids to get the candles and set the dinning table for the special dinner.

Everybody got to work with some of the maids setting up the table and some were preparing the dinner. Eve and Janice were there to supervise everything so as to make sure it goes smoothly without any problems or obstruction.

'I want us to have a nice dinner without remembering our problems' Eve thought.


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Random question for the day 😊:

 Apple drink


Pineapple drink 

Mine is = Both☺️! I do not want to choose between the two amazing drinks (juice) ☺️ because both are mouth watering 😋😋

Write your favorite drink (juice) in the comment section ☺. That is it for today!

Au-revoir mes amies 🤗 !