

"Track her location now! And let them meet us at the secret room" Charlie shouted and storms out of the office.

"Okay sir" ken answers as he calls Eve's bodyguards to relay their boss's message and hurriedly follows after his boss.


In a warehouse.....

Eve is still unconscious and she was tied to a chair.

"Boss she is really pretty and has a nice shape" first thug said.

"Yes she is" second thug.

"Calm down everyone, you all will have your own fair share of her. Where is the fun if we defile her when she is unconscious" Roberto said laughing using his hand to trace her face and body.

The rest of the men in the warehouse joined in and starts to laugh.


Charlie's car pulled up in the driveway of his house in Hawaii and he hurriedly comes down from the car without waiting for his bodyguard or driver to open the door for him.

Charlie reach the door of the secret room and places his hands in the thumbprint machine and the door opens immediately after it scans his finger print.

Inside the room, different people both male and female all who are geniuses in terms of operating a computer system. Everyone is busy with the loud sounds of typing been head.

"Haven't you all found her yet!" Charlie shouted angrily.

"We are trying our best sir" ken said scared out of his wits.

"Your best is not enough!" Charlie shouted. Immediately one of the people shouted "I have found her location!" One of them shouted.

Charlie rushes to where the person is avd asked him where while looking at the computer.

"Where is she kept?" Charlie asked.

"In a warehouse a little bit far from here, it would probably take 30 minutes by car" the man said.

Charlie faces his bodyguard Ken and said "get me there in 20 minutes, if not just consider yourself and the rest of you jobless!" Charlie said and goes out of the room.

"Yes sir" ken said; "get the car ready fast!" Ken told the driver on the phone and follows his boss.

Immediately Charlie and ken gets out of the room, his car was already waiting, they got in and left for the warehouse.

"Step on it!" Charlie shouted, "please be alive Eve" Charlie said almost at the point of crying.

Ken is surprised by his boss reaction because this is the first time he saw his boss worried about someone apart from his mother, that means the boss must really like ma'am Eve very much and I just hope she is okay.


They arrived at the location and Charlie storms out of the car towards the building in front of him.

Eve woke up but her sight were still blur but she can still make out the body of few people holding weapons and she wondered where she was.

"Where am I?" Eve asked her voice still hoarse and unclear but she was heard by Roberto and his minions.

"Oh you are awake my darling" Roberto said smiling and touching Eve on her face. Eve shifts her head backwards to avoid Roberto's hand touching her face but Roberto guessed her move and used his hand to hold her head and said, "see little girl nobody is going to save you from us and guess what we are going to do to you? I and my men are going to have our way with you and dispose of you, what do you think?" Roberto said.

"My husband will find me and by then you all will be dealt with!" Eve shouted.

"Hey miss look around, nobody here will save you and besides nobody knows this place and if they eventually find here we would be done with you by then" Roberto said smirking.

"Boss Roberto, let's go straight to what we were told by miss Natasha to do and leave her" one of the men said.

"Keep quiet! Didn't I tell you not to say her name so she won't be implicated unless you want to die by her hands" Roberto said.

"I don't but boss we would kill her anyway why worry yourself and let's start because I can't wait anymore" the thug said.

"Okay, undress her" Roberto said pointing to two of his minions.

"Okay boss" the two men said and approached Eve who was tied unto a chair.

Eve did her best to fight off the men but was slapped hard on her face by one of the thugs and tears began to drop down her cheeks because of the intense pain from the slap. The thugs resumed trying to remove her cloth but the door of the particular warehouse they were in was kicked open and all of them focused was drawn towards the door where a figure is standing and was later joined by guys who obviously looks well trained in the arts of fighting.

Roberto looked closely and when he figured out who was standing there he began to fret and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

"Cha... Charles Powell?" Roberto said scared out of his wits.

"So you recognize me?" Charlie said the corner of his lips curved up sideways.

"Who wouldn't!" Roberto said smiling awkwardly and began to approach Charlie; he clears his throat and asked Charlie "what brings the powerful Charles Powell here?" Roberto asked.

Charlie smirked and said, "I came here to get my wife whom you dared to kidnap without fear" Charlie said gritting his teeth holding his anger.

Roberto and his minions was beyond shocked.

They were terrified!

They kidnap the wife of Charles Powell who is the boss of the underworld!

Roberto pointing at Eve and said, "she is your wife?".

"What do you think?" Charlie asked rhetorically.

"We are very sorry, we didn't know she was your wife we will release her to you immediately", "hey release her immediately!" Roberto shouted to his minions. His minions hurriedly untied Eve and brought her to Charlie and Charlie signals his bodyguard to take to the car.

When Charlie's bodyguard notified him that his wife is safe, he nods his head and said to his bodyguards, "sieze them and if any resist kill them" Charlie said coldly with a tone of indifference.

"Ha! Mr Charles we are sorry we didn't know she was your wi.." Roberto was not able to finish what he was saying before he was knocked out by one of Charlie's men.


In the hospital VVIP room....

Eve wakes up and she sees Charlie lying down beside her on the bed with her. He looked really tired and she felt sorry for making him worry.

"Charlie... Charlie" Eve called shaking Charlie.

"Mhm" Charlie hummed opening his eyes to look at Eve.

Charlie sits up on the bed and asked Eve "what is it? Do you need anything?" He asked with worry on his face.

"Am okay, I just want to tell you thank you for saving me" Eve said with her head looking down.

Charlie lifts her head and said, "you don't have to thank me Eve it is my duty as your husband to protect you from any potential danger you might come across both now or in the future so you don't have to be thankful just don't stop loving me, okay?" Charlie asked waiting for Eve's answer.

"Okay" Eve said nodding her head.

Eve begins looking around the room looking for something and Charlie notices her movement and asked, "Are you looking for something?".

"Yes, I am looking for my purse" Eve said still looking around.

"Oh, it's on the table in the mini living room, let me get it for you" Charlie said standing up.

"Okay, thank you" Eve said.

Charlie came back few minutes later with her purse handing it to her. Eve collects the purse and opens it and searches inside her bag.

"What is inside the purse that is so special that it is the first thing you ask me when you wake up" Charlie said.

By then Eve brought out the bracelets she bought and said, "this is what am looking for" Eve said.

Charlie looked at the bracelets and is baffled and chuckled. Eve hands one of the bracelet to him and tells him to wear it.

Charlie looks at it and tells her to put it on for him. He sits on the bed and stretches his hand towards Eve and Eve helps him to put it on.

"Why did you buy this bracelets?" Charlie asked.

"This is a couples bracelet and it was said that any couple who wears this bracelets will be forever" Eve said.

Charlie chuckled and said "are you sure that story is true? Okay go on and rest now" Charlie said tucking her into the bed.