
Bouncing baby boy!


"Eve! Eve! I am sorry I am late" he said hugging Eve.

"M..." Eve strained to talk. Charlie heard Eve murmure something and brought his ear close to Eve to hear what she was saying.

"Where are you feeling pain?" Charlie asked. He was really worried and he blames himself for not coming early.

"My water broke" Eve said. 

Charlie understood immediately what Eve meant and he turns to secretary Dan and said "go and bring the ambulance here immediately! She is in labour!".

"Yes boss!" Secretary Dan said and ran out immediately.

Charlie tried to help Eve by massaging her back for her. He was helping Eve sit up when secretary Dan came in with the medical team. They came with a stretcher which they placed Eve on and lead her to the ambulance outside the warehouse building.

After Eve was settled in, Charlie entered the ambulance and he said to secretary Dan "I will go with them while you drive the car and follow behind us and also inform everyone of our location" Charlie said.

"Yes sir" secretary Dan said. The door to the ambulance closed and the ambulance drove off. Secretary Dan rushed to the car and start the car following the ambulance. While driving he called Charlie's father and Charlie and Eve's friends to come to the hospital.


M city hospital.......

Charlie is in front of the operation theatre pacing around, waiting for the operation door to open. As he was waiting, he heard his father's voice and he turns back to see his father, his and Eve's friends approaching the operating theatre. His father hugged him comforting him and assuring him that nothing would happen to Eve.

"Son, nothing will happen to her, my daughter - in - law is a strong woman and I know she will win this fight" mark told his son.

"Stay strong man, she will be fine" Victor and Michael told Charlie tapping his shoulder.

"If I had rescued her earlier, this wouldn't have happened. If anything happens to Eve I will not be able to forgive myself" Charlie said crying.

"It is not your fault Charlie but that of her wicked cousin and uncle, Adriana and George" Sue said.

"Yes, Sue is right, it is not your fault" Nars said. 

"You have heard them Charles, it is definitely not your fault, so stop blaming yourself because you do not want your wife to see you like this" Mark said.

"..." Charlie was about to say something but stopped when the lights from the operation theatre went off and the doctor came out. 

Everyone rushed towards the doctor with Charlie in the front leading them.

"How is my wife and baby?" Charlie asked.

"Calm down Charles" Dr Philip said.

"How are they uncle Philip?" Charlie asked again.

"Congratulations! Your wife gave birth to a handsome bouncing baby boy" Dr Philip said and there was smile on everyone's face except Charlie.

"What about my wife?" Charlie asked.

"Yes, that is true, how is my daughter-in-law Philip?" Mark asked and everyone's attention was back to Dr Philip.

"She is fine. You was brought early but if it was the opposite case where she was brought any later she and the baby's life would be in grave danger" Dr Philip said.

"So there is nothing wrong with my wife?" Charlie asked to confirm what he just said.

"Yes she is. She just needs a lot of rest to replenish her strength?" Dr Philip said.

"Can we see her and the baby?" Mark asked.

"Yes. They will be brought to the ward and you all can see her there" Dr Philip said.

"Thank you Philip" Mark said stretching his hand out for a handshake.

"You are welcome, it is my job and besides what are friends for" Dr Philip said and went towards the direction of his office while Charlie and the rest went to the ward to see Eve.

Eve sat up in a sitting position and started playing with the baby. 

"He is indeed as handsome like his father and she was very sure he would be ladies man when he grows up" Eve thought and was making funny sounds and faces to make him laugh. As she was doing that she heard the door to the ward open. She raises her head and saw her husband, his father, Victor, Racheal, Michael, Ginger and even Sue and Nars coming in.

Charlie just walked to the bed and hugged Eve. Eve was confused and asked "what is wrong?" Eve was patting Charlie on his back.

"Charlie has been worried about you and did not even eat anything until he was sure you were okay" Victor said.

"He has been blaming himself for not protecting you in the first place and by it leading to your kidnap" Mark said.

Eve pulls out from the hug and used her hands to hold his face and said "you don't need to blame yourself for my kidnap. You never knew it would happen as nd you are not god to be able to predict what would have happened but instead you deserve my gratitude for saving me and our son, so for that thank you Hun" Eve kissed him on his lips and this made the Charlie's father and the rest cover their faces.

"You both know you are not the only ones in this room right?" Racheal said. Charlie and Eve broke their kiss reluctantly and separated but they still held each other's hand.

"Speaking of baby, is this my grandson?" Mark asked smiling uncontrollably.

"Yes dad" Eve said looking at her father-in-law. Happiness was written all over him.

"So we are now uncle's!.... We are now aunties!" Charlie's and Eve's friends said and they joined Charlie's father to play with the new born.

"He takes after his father and mother. He would definitely break ladies heart when he grows up" Mark said.

"Yes! That is for sure he would" Sue and Nars said in unison.

"Of course! It runs in the genes, isn't it wifey?" Charlie asked Eve.

"I guess so. You got your handsomeness from dad and your son did not fail to inherit it from you!" Eve said.

"Oh don't flatter me. I am just an old man" Mark said waving his hands in denial.

"I am not flattering you dad! Although you are a little bit old, you are still handsome" Eve said.

"If you say so, thanks for the compliment" Mark said and acted shy and their laughter resounded in the room and can even be heard outside the room.

Everybody was very happy that Eve and the baby was not harmed. The mood in the room was harmonious.

But it was not good in the Anderson's home.


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Random question for the day 😊:

Assorted pepper soup 


 Croaker fish pepper soup 

Mine is = Both☺️! I do not want to choose between the two amazing food ☺️ because both are mouth watering 😋😋

Write your favorite food in the comment section ☺. That is it for today!

Au-revoir mes amies 🤗 !