
The CEO meets his daughter

Zhou Ting a successful business tycoon in country M, Suddenly runs into a young lady who looks like someone from his past. "hey miss have we met before? " " I don't think we have" "oh but I think we attended the same high school and part of college. Forget it you look too young to be her" "obviously I am too young to have attended the same high school with you and I would definitely remember a handsome hunk like you" Mo Ning was tired from a hard day at set and suddenly had such an encounter. "......... " she didn't bother to think much into it and just went home to bed. Maybe he was just trying to hit on her. " mmm pickup lines are weird these days" yawwwn "whatever" Please give this book a chance it's my first work here. Kisses???? And remember not to judge a book by its cover. Love esmeralda ********* Support the author. Buy me a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/Raldakay

esmeralda · Urban
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124 Chs

The true definition of despair. Trigger warning ⚠: chapter may contain sensitive content like ****.

Seeing Chang Mingkai's familiar face, the despair Mo Ning felt was something that cannot be expressed in words.

She felt like she was sinking into a bottomless abyss.

An abyss that she knew existed but had tried so hard to avoid, but in the end, all her efforts were wasted.

She was sinking deep and very fast at that, with no one in sight to bring her out.

She was completely helpless, and she was powerless to do anything about it.

She was at Chang Mingkai's mercy.

That thought alone shattered her.

Where could she find hope in this hopeless situation?

Would there be any chance of her escaping from this situation unscathed?

She knew deep down that, this was a hopeless situation, but in situations like this, what can one do but to have faith and dream?

Was this fate's own way of telling her that she wasn't born to be happy?

She had just managed to get into Zhou Man today and was very happy about it but less than twenty four hours later, that joy has suddenly been erased and replaced by a thick wave of desolation.

Why did fate decide that it was alright to make a joke of her in this way?

Chang Mingkai,picked up her bag, said a word of goodbye to Zhao Weiran with a promise to fulfill his part of the bargain the next day and he carried Mo Ning out of the room.

Outside of the private room,Mo Ning perceived a faint masculine scent that she was a little familiar with.

It was the same scent she perceived in the elevator earlier that evening.

She felt like a window of escape had suddenly been given to her and she tried frantically to open her eyes and mouth to cry for help but she could only manage to lift her hand a little, but her hand dropped again due to the lack of strength;the rest was only achieved in her mind.

That little hope she felt, that was then dashed in pieces, gave way to a greater sense of despair; if it was even possible.

What even led her to believe he was there? She had only met him once, why would she remember his scent unless her mind was playing tricks on her?

'ha! Fate you want to make sure I fall hard don't you? That's why you repeatedly make me look for hope where hope so happens to be vacant.' she thought.

What was the greatest way to kill a person if it wasn't to give them the illusion that things will get better but to let everything come crashing down on them in the end? Wasn't that the true definition of despair?

Mo Ning decided to stop struggling and to embrace her fate.

It was useless to fight anyway when the power to fight was obviously lacking.

Chang Mingkai took Mo Ning to the third floor,where he had booked a room in advance for the conclusion of his grand scheme.

When he entered the room, he decided not to lock the door but left it open by a crack.

The reason been that it was exciting to be watched and he wanted as many who decides to witness Mo Ning writhing under him and screaming his name from intense pleasure to have free access.

The paparazzi and other media company inclusive if they so wish.

He didn't mind, it will only intensify their pleasure he thought.

He didn't care whether his wife found out or not, after all as long as she had enough money to spend, she didn't care about anything else and from her recent behaviour, he knew she had a new boy toy.

After putting Mo Ning on the bed, he didn't feel pleased that the woman he was about to claim was almost dead asleep.

He wanted to claim her when she was conscious even if it was a little bit.

He wanted her to see and feel everything, so she'll know and remember who she belongs to after waking up.

He refused to be just a fuzzy memory.

With that thought in mind, he walked into the bathroom and filled a glass with water from the tap. He brought the glass to the room, and poured it's content on Mo Ning's face.

It was just enough to wake her up without her regaining her strength.

After a few seconds, Mo Ning gradually opened her eyes.

The sight that greeted her, was of Chang Mingkai striping. That immediately set her into panic mode.

She tried to find her voice, to beg even though it might end up fruitless;but she couldn't find her voice.

In no time,Chang Mingkai was in his birthday suit.

He was as naked as naked could get.

He leaned towards her and began to fumble with the buttons on her blouse, decisively tearing the blouse apart when he couldn't do it.

After getting the blouse out of the way, her hot pink colored bra was revealed, a stark contrast to her flawless white skin.

This turned Chang Mingkai on all over again.

Deciding to leave it on a little while more, he moved to remove her pants.

In the end, she could only watch as this nightmare unfolded before her eyes.

I know, I know many people are going to hate me for this chapter.

Just keep holding on to the fact that no matter how low things can get, in the end, they make us who we are.??

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