
The CEO desires me

Christina is the CEO of Will's Enterprises and her company has a rivalry with Black Cooperation. But one day her life takes a turn for the worse when her parents plane crashes. Will Christina be able to find the murder and still have a happy ending? Stay tuned to find out!

Ishita_Sharma_9380 · Urban
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3 Chs



It began to rain as I stood in front of my parents' grave. No other weather could have expressed my solemn mood better. My mother had always doted on gardening so I had a glasshouse built under an apple tree and had their graves dug beneath it. My house was a magnificent villa covering acres of land. I had invited only a few close friends and family as it all happened in a blur and to prevent the media from coming as the death of my parents was undercover.

As the rain began to fall more heavily all the guests began to depart. Camilla was very persistent and was not willing to leave me alone.

"OMG! Christina are you out of your mind ! How can you be alone at a time like this ?" she exclaimed. I gave her a small smile. "Camilla I promise if I need a shoulder to cry on you will be the first one to know."

She was very reluctant but she left anyway. I turn back to my parents.

"Mom." I say, "Do you even know how helpless I am right now. The thing I yearn for right now is to lay in your arms and forget this ever happened. But I know I am just fooling myself and you are never coming back. I had a surprise ready for you and the thought of you smiling after seeing it made me so glad. But, the pain that I am experiencing now is tearing me apart mom because I know you left and are never coming back." I break down into a stream of tears as the pain takes control over me.

"Dad." I continue, "You were always there for me at all times no matter what. If I was sad or gloomy I knew you would always come to me and say 'cheer up my sweet princess.' So where are you now when I need you the most? On your anniversary I gladly chose to wear the pink dress you had brought for me and in return you left me. I HATE YOU MOM AND DAD." I scream.

After sitting in solitude and sobbing I head inside. It was fucking silent inside. I was hoping to hear my mother's sweet voice calling to come have dinner and my father's laughter when we were playing chess together. But the only sound I heard was the pitter-patter of the rain and the constant piercing of a knife through my heart. I head to my room and cry myself to sleep.

When I woke up again it was quarter past five. I headed down to get myself a cup of wine to relieve myself from the splitting headache I was having thanks to the crying. Out of nowhere, an idea struck me. Why don't I go join my mother and father.

I recalled that my father had a bottle of Botulinum toxin and went into their room. I was rummaging through the vanity drawers when I came across a piece of paper. All the tears came welling back up as I read it:

Dear Christina,

If you are reading this then it means me and your father are no longer with you. We had already suspected somebody would try to take our lives and yours as well. So to keep our sweet baby safe we went on this business trip. I know you must be going through a lot of pain right now and we wish we were there for you. Sweetheart you must always remember we have always loved you.

Now listen carefully, if we do not come back, meet up with the Renolds. Actually your father and Harry Renolds were like brothers and Kiara was a sister to me. They will surely help you as the rivalry was on the surface so no harm comes to our loved ones. Take care sweetheart.

Yours truly,


At that moment, I made a promise to myself that I would find the murderers and make them pay for what they had done. I had to be strong and continue my father's dream of strengthening Wills Enterprises. I went into the washroom and stared at myself in the mirror. I was a total mess. There were dark circles beneath my eyes, my eyes had swollen because of the crying and to sum it all up I looked like a pig. ' Damn Christina get a hold of yourself' my inner goddess spoke. After washing up I picked up my phone and called Theo.

"Hello Christina. I am deeply sorry that I could not be there for you" he answered. "It's okay Theo I'm fine but I want you to fly over tomorrow because Wills Enterprise is getting into a collaboration with Black Enterprises along with The James Company."

"But Chr….." I hang up before he can say anything. I throw the phone on my bed. It was time to meet my Godparents.