
New Job Here I Come!

"Yes, yes! I accept!" Kari exclaimed brimming with so much excitement she was barely able to contain it. "Alright! See you Monday! Great! Thanks!" She slowly lowered her phone from her face, which she held with a death grip.

Glancing down at her phone, she thought about how her life was finally turning around. After graduating college, Kari was able to find a job right away in IT, but the job was low paying and made her miserable. At the age of twenty four she felt she was way too young to have a job that makes her depressed, after all she had years and years ahead of her to work.

Kari quickly drafted an email to her boss, the keys clacking away as she came up with the explanation of why she wasn't giving a two week notice, which really was customary in the working world, but not required.

She spun around in her chair nervously, trying to delay sending the email, but ultimately she had to click send.

"I work for Best Tech International!" Kari giggled, barely believing it herself.

"Could you keep it down over there?!" A voice growled from one of the surrounding cubicles. "Some of us are actually trying to work."

Kari sighed, she wouldn't miss this at all. Curling her long brown hair with her finger, another one of her nervous ticks, she decided to just walk out. After all, what could they do? Fire her?

Hopefully this is the start of something great, she thought to herself as she strolled confidently out of the building she knew all too well, for the last time.

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