
The CEO and his WIFE

Love is known to be pure and delicate as a flower, but what type of love will bloom upon the richest man there is and the “King” of the underworld nicknamed the Devil, And a woman, strongest among all and the title that will soon follow her as the “Queen” of the underworld, nicknamed as the fiercest Lioness. Read on to see them overcome their challenges and unfold their past and how they get their revenge. ======= “Babe can’t we just stay in bed for a little while longer”. Ruyu groaned. Yumi was running her fingers through his hair as he slept on her chest. “No you have a Multi-Trillion company to run”. ======= Hi guys author here, I just wanna say I love this story I been dying to write it and I finally am. There is a lot to come and many characters to be introduced, I hate to read story’s where there’s a lot of misunderstandings, so here there’ll none of that. The story will go on straight forward, the main characters will be like that as their love for each-other grows stronger, with NO misunderstandings.

QueenMnM · Urban
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61 Chs


Recap- Yumi has been kidnapped by the leader of the Black Crows, Yu Ming(He likes her). She escapes(duh) and is curtly exploring around and waiting for Mo and Ruyu to arrive.


Yumi walked around for a little bit, while she follows the buildings map that Mo had sent her earlier. "This is so boring, what kind of building is this"?

She was getting bored, until she heard some noises coming her way. "Call Jean-Paul right now, we are under attack go quickly". The man was pacing back and forth. "How can this happen, all this over some woman".

He was becoming more and more frantic, he thought they had a very tight security but Dark Kingdom is not having any trouble getting in. 'The big boss is going to kill me if she escapes'.

"Umm, can you stop pacing back and forth and sit down, you're making me dizzy". He looked up to who the voice belong to and saw a woman standing by the door, and she had a gun. It took him a second before he realized who she was.

"Y-You!, how did you escape"?. Yumi went and sat down at the couch near her, and sat there like a princess. "Did you really think those pathetic guards of yours could actually hold me off". She let out a little chuckle.

He just stood there looking at her make her self comfortable. He took a big gulp. "What do you want"?. He knew she was capable so he tried to not get on her nerves.

She took the little handkerchief that was on his desks and started wiping the gun. "Nothing really, just tell your boss to leave me alone or Ruyu will really wipe out the Black Crowd". There was a grin on her face. He saw she wasn't kidding but before he could say something she got out of her seat, he never flinched so hard in his life.

"I'm leaving now, just make sure you tell your boss what I said, bye". Just as she quickly came in, she quickly left. He just stood there helpless.

Immediately without hesitation, he quickly picked up his phone and dialed 1. "Boss, she has escaped". He was back to his working self. "I know, where she headed to next". He finally calmed down a bit. "She's heading towards the exit, C level"

"Alright get some of your men to block her path". He nodded, but before he hanged up he remembered what she told him to say to Yu Ming. "Umm, boss she also told me to tell you something". On the other side of the phone, Yu Ming sat in his chair with a big grin in his face. "Oh, and what did she say".?

He took another gulp before speaking. "She said to stop going after her before Mr.Ruyu destroys you". On the other side of the phone a laugh could be heard. "Is that so, well we'll see". Yu Ming hanged up the phone. Another grin appeared on his face "You little sly fox, you can't escape from me today".

Hi guys it’s been a while.

I don’t have a fixed date but I’ll try to upload more.

I’ll be updating once a week and instead try to extend the length of the chapters.

This one might be short but it’s only starter, so far I’m trying to upload every Monday but i might just do it randomly or post 2 chapters, it all depends tbh.

I’ve had a lot to deal wit but reading is my escape and I hope my novel can be an escape for other

That’s all for now lovelies♡

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