
The CEO's Woman

*COMPLETED* If she could use any three words to describe herself, Jiang Yue would say that she is rich, beautiful, and extremely smart. Unfortunately, she took these for granted in her past life, causing her downfall. After reincarnating to her fifteen year old self, Jiang Yue wants only three things: to build an empire, spend more time with the people who love her and live a happy life. ... In his past life, he was unable to express his love for Jiang Yue. Now that he has reincarnated, all he wants to do is show Jiang Yue how much he loves her. If she wants only three things, then he wants only three things: to build an empire for her, to spend more time with her, and live a happy life with her. ----- Mixed with a little hint of mind-boggling mysteries and secrets, what happens when two reincarnated individuals meet and fall in love? ----- "Do you believe in reincarnation?" Fu Jin's question instantly made Jiang Yue froze. She remembered how she was the one who asked this question when they first met. "Of course I do." She answered. She was the living proof that reincarnation existed. "Why are you asking that?" "Well... if I tell you that I reincarnated just to make you mine, would you believe me?" His question immediately gave Jiang Yue goosebumps. She did not answer him, instead, she turned around so she could face him. Their gazes met. "Then if you were given a chance to reincarnate, would you find me again and make me yours?" She asked. "Of course." He answered, as he tucked a loose strand of her hair behind her ear. "I would find you and wait for you Mrs. Fu. Even if it would have taken million years and million lifetimes." Fu Jin's answer instantly made Jiang Yue smile. However, this time, a mysterious light flashed in her eyes. Maybe, Fu Jin's words were true. Maybe, he also reincarnated just like her. And maybe... just maybe, their souls were already connected, long before they reincarnated. ----- Updates: 2-3 Chapters everyday 5 Chapters every friday for TGIF There will be 7 ARCS and less than 500 Chapters. (Edited Chapter: 1-50 and the current chapters) (NOTE: This is a double reincarnation story. Both FL and ML died in their previous lives and reincarnated.) (NOTE: NO RAPE, ABUSE OR MAJOR MISUNDERSTANDINGS.) ----------- Buy me a coffee: http://ko-fi.com/theblips Discord Server: https://discord.gg/Jw2Yjfr ----------- #newauthor Editor: Sanidragon, HallsOfIvy, Yui, Swaning

TheBlips · Urban
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488 Chs


Contrary to what he believed, he didn't die that night. He went home drenched with rainwater.

He almost laughed out loud when he saw his parents worried expression. He realized how much he loved them. He always thought that his death would be the answer to their sadness, but on that night he realized something. Something very important.

On that night he saw the stars at his darkest hour. He learned to live on, be brave and not fear what is yet to come.

He continued to live on and then asked someone to find her. The beautiful girl with sad gray eyes.

Months later, he finally saw her again. He watched her from afar and didn't dare approach her or introduced himself. He will soon die so what could be his reason in talking to her?

Instead, he just watched.

He watched her from the photos. Then watched her from the news. When she decided to be an actress, he became her number 1 fan. He watched her movies, her interviews and sadly her scandals.

He watched her ruin her life. He watched her get married to someone she barely knew and as her husband divorced her.

He was always there. Watching. Silently hurting every time she made a wrong decision. Silently crying when he saw her sad eyes.

He was always there looking at her.

Though deep inside he hoped that maybe...just maybe, one day she will look his way.

But of course, that didn't happen.

He was devastated one day when he received news of her death. She was driving drunk one night, lost control and crashed into a tree.

Her body was badly burned, even he couldn't recognize her. He blamed himself.

Maybe if he approached her, talked to her, be her friend...then maybe she wouldn't have become so broken. He couldn't take her death so he vowed to get revenge on the people who hurt her.

He ruined her ex-husband and destroyed her paternal family. He even wrecked the career of her little sister. Yes! He was petty. But who cares? She is dead, and he will soon die too.

He knows it. He felt it. The smell of death looming, coming, trying to caress him. He knew it wasn't his illness. Maybe it was the sadness from her death or maybe it was the guilt slowly consuming him. Killing him.

Until his final days, he still couldn't fathom the fact that he didn't do something to save her. He just watched her. How could he let her ruin her own life? How could he not let her realize that someone like him was there for her?

So before he closed his eyes, just before he lost his breath, he vowed. He vowed to the heavens that in his next life, he will not let any moment pass without letting her know that he will always be there for her. In his next lifetime, he will save her. He will love her more than he will ever love himself.


It was a sleepless night for Jiang Yue.

She didn't know why she still couldn't sleep. She just kept on tossing and turning. She felt restless.

She let out a long sigh before finally getting out of her bed. She decided to go to the music room and play some instruments, maybe it will tire her out.

When she woke up, she felt sore. She was really tired. She covered her eyes from the blinding light coming her way.

She realized she fell asleep at the table in her music room. She checked the time.

"Oh no...no...no…" She thought out loud then quickly made her way into her bathroom.

It was already 8:35 in the morning. She overslept! She quickly undresses and can't help but groan as the hot water touches her body. She is just too clumsy. It's the first day of school and she is late.

Such bad luck. She couldn't help but curse.

After a quick bath, she hurriedly dresses in the university's blue checkered uniform. She then put on lip gloss, tied her hair in a messy bun and quickly left the building. It was a good thing Wang Bolin is already waiting downstairs.

It'was already 9:30 when she arrived at the school. She directly went into her classroom and apologized to Miss Shen for her tardiness.

She was so busy looking for a vacant chair that she didn't notice everyone is weirdly gazing at her.

After another hour of boring discussions, her morning classes finally ended. But before she could go outside to get her lunch, her teacher, Miss Shen called her for a private talk.

"Miss Jiang, I know you just attended my class and I don't want to pressure you, but the National exams are coming and...well I know you are a genius so I...I would like to know in which way I could help you pass the exams with ease?" Miss Shen said awkwardly.

"I'm good Miss Shen. Seriously! You don't have to worry about me. But thank you for your concern." She smiled politely.

"So...ahm...listen… I mean look… I know you are a genius, but I would like to know the percentage of you passing the exams with flying colors?" She looked at Miss Shen weirdly. Jiang Yue was wondering why she would ask something like that on her first day?

"98%," She said confidently. Although she barely passed the test in her past life, she is quite confident in this lifetime. She is naturally smart. In fact, she has an eidetic memory, so she won't be able to forget something that she already laid her eyes on.

"Good! Very Good! That's very good news. I want you to ignore all those rumors going on inside the school about you and focus on passing the exam. Prove them wrong. Especially that arrogant Miss Yang of the special section!" Miss Shen replied, her tone happy as if she just hit the jackpot.

Jiang Yue couldn't really understand this teacher. Aside from the fact that she looks weird with her antique dress, she seems to have a grudge against Miss Yang, the teacher who didn't accept Jiang Yue.

She felt her stomach grumble, so she quickly excused herself and headed to the cafeteria to grab some lunch.

She could hear the students trying to murmur around her, but honestly, she was too hungry to care. To give herself some peace, she put on her earphones and started to play a classical music concert.

She was so busy munching her food that she didn't notice someone standing next to her. She almost choked when she saw Jiang Mian with some of her close friends. Jiang Mian is looking at her eerily, as if she is just about to do something sinister.

'I am already trying my best to avoid her ah. Why did Jiang Mian have to approach me and ruin the rest of my day?' She thought.

She heard Jiang Mian say something, but she continues to look at her weirdly. She was thinking why this protagonist would approach her. What could be her motive? Is she scheming again?

"Eldest sister. You worried father so much. Where did you sleep last night? We were waiting for you, but you didn't even call to let us know you were safe. Eldest sister, Father is… he loves you so much, please do not ignore him like that again...I am asking you to forgive Father for whatever he did wrong to you." Jiang Mian said with a mournful voice.

Everyone looked at Jiang Yue like she had committed a big crime. Although Jiang Mian did her best to lower her voice down, they still heard every word that she said. Jiang Yue is still in her teens so where could she stay the whole night?

"Hey, I saw Jiang Yue running late this morning with messy hair."

"I wonder where she spent her night."

Jiang Yue surely wanted to punch these people in front of her. How could these people be so dumb? She is trying to stop herself from rolling her eyes. She could just ignore Jiang Mian, but that would only make these people think that she is bullying her family.

'Or I could just act! Ha!' She thought.

"Eldest sister, please forgive father. Father and mother truly asked the headmistress to let you in, but the headmistress said it was too late so mother didn't push it. You are already enrolled so please forgive them." Jiang Mian said. This time her eyes reddened like a little girl being bullied.

Jiang Yue really couldn't stand it anymore. To everyone's surprise, she suddenly gets up and removed her earphones, then she looked at Jiang Mian.

"This miss, I'm sure we haven't met before. I wonder why you are crying in front of me. Did your mother die or something?" Jiang Yue said. Her voice flat, devoid of any emotions like she is only talking to a stranger.

Edited by Alaedja

My new novel is up!

Title: The Villain's Wife

Im sure you will love it.

Much love,


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