
Meeting the Daredevil

Rose was just having her second cup of coffee when Juan showed up, his mouth was agape as he saw her appearance, it was like she was a completely different person, different style of outfit and her face was not caked with make up, her plain face with the touch of lip gloss was so enticing and attractive that he couldn't help but slightly fall for her. In other words, she's so stunning that the guys around her, in other tables couldn't help but take another glance at her cause everyone appreciate a beautiful woman. From her porcelain white skin to her ebony black hair that is in a ponytail to her full peach lips that are inviting ansd attention drawing.

"Are you done staring?" Rose stated bluntly, breaking him from his train of thoughts.

He coughed nervously " you look different".

"Is different food or bad?" She took a bite from the cake on front of her.

"Different in a good way, you look amazing. What happened?".

"I finally regained my senses and the mist has been cleared from my eyes. I found out the truth and I'm ready to get back what belongs to me" The aura around her was suppressing him, making it difficult for him to breath normally. "I need your help".

He blinked repeatedly "my help? How?".

She smiled " I need you to dig out the dirty secrets involving Dexter and Susan".

Juan almost choked on his coffee ' she wanted him to investigate her sister and fiance'. "Are you sure about that? Do you think that there's something between them?"

"I know that there's something between them" she sounded so positive and sure " That's why I need your help, you'll find out everything between them and with time, we'll let the public know about it".

"What are you planning to do? I thought you loved him".

She took out her phone and set to start buying stocks which according to her calculations and estimations would bring her great benefits in the future. She had limited cash and had to spend wisely. She also transferred some money to Juan.

"I already transferred a hundred thousand dollars to you, it's left for you to decide if you want to help me or not". Knowing about his background, she knew that he was in dire need of cash at the moment so she was just trying to help him in disguise. Seeing his shocked expression, she knew her trap had worked.

"Miss Ryella, I'm willing to help you in any way I can but you have to do something in return". Rose raised her eyebrow "How can I be sure that you are going to rat me out to Mr Dexter, you know how powerful he is, compared to me".

"So what your point here?, How can I make you believe me". At this point, she was quite desperate.

Juan slowly looked around the cafe. "I want you to prove that you are not in love with Mr Dexter anymore by kissing anyone here"

She clenched her fist, what sort of trap was this.

" How dare you?".

"I'm sorry Rye,this is the only way I can be sure that I'm not being trapped by you"

"Fine" she stood up and strolled out of the cafe, Juan watching her carefully.

Rose looked around the area, there was no way she was just gonna kiss a random beggar of a stranger, she still had her pride. As if on cue, a latest Mercedes Maybach car parked in front of the shopping mall which was a stone throw from the cafe, she held her breath as a breathtaking man stepped out of the car, he was as handsome as anyone could wish for, his dark hair, perfectly chiseled face, as if specially made by the gods, his aura was purely masculine, purely dominating she was mesmerized and immediately drawn towards him. At that moment her choice was made and found her legs going against her directives, she walking towards him, ignoring the guards that wanted to stop her but were waved off by the man. "I'm sorry" she muttered before pressing her lips on his in a passionate kiss, wrapping one of her hands around his neck, the other was messing with his hair. She didn't notice his arms possessively around her waist cupping and softly squeezing her butt ,drawing her closer to satisfy quenching needs. Their tongues fought for dominance against the other but she lost, submitting totally to the man, his tongue claiming full territory inside her mouth.

She was lost in the sensation, she felt as if she was in heaven and didn't want to leave, she wanted more, it was nothing like what she has ever experienced,it consumed her, her body ached and feelings she thought she never had in her previous lifetime flooded to life. She slowly broke the kiss, leaving him unsatisfied with desire and lots of unreadable emotions in his eyes, without a backward glance, she ran back to the cafe.

The guards waited expectantly for the next reaction of their young master, they feared for the girl, she was just a pretty face without brains cause everyone in the city knows that this particular young man spites ladies coming to close for comfort nevertheless them touching him.

"Young master, we'll get rid of her immediately" the bold one to talk was the man's personal assistant Derek, despite the fact that they have been childhood friends, he is not always spared from the receiving end of the wrath of this person. He felt a sharp glare which made cold chill run down his spine.

"I never gave an order for you to get rid of her" he stated clearly and plainly. "Instead I need every single detail of what information about her in half an hour!". She intrigued him, her appearance, her lips,scent and attitude has captured his attention unlike other ladies that flocks around him trying to get his attention, she was natural, strawberry and vanilla scented, not caked with make up or perfume that grosses him. Lately, due to the rumors flying around, everyone approaches him with caution but this lady had thrown caution to the wind without a care in the world or wasn't she aware of who he was. He smiled inwardly, she willing entered his den but now, she would never be able to leave, she now belongs to him.

The guards eyes widened at was he said, that was a first, he has never cared about any lady to the extent of asking for her informations but nevertheless "yes, boss". Derek was the most shocked 'half an hour!, I haven't had breakfast yet but he wants a lady's detail in half an hour. How can he be cruel to me'.

"Or you can say bye to your jobs" The cold tone brought Derek back to reality 'i should be careful, she may end up becoming our young mistress! So I need to hang on to her to get more benefits.

The man lost his interest in coming to the mall and stepped back into the car. "Take me to the office".

Weston Enterprise is the top renowned and leading enterprises in the country, other companies are not even fit to hold a candle to them. They were very influential and many had tried to have any form of connection with them. No no dares to mess with the CEO or you'll end up bankrupt the next hour. And the man who runs it all is the prestigious Damon Weston, an handsome daredevil who hates fake appearance and most of all, women.

As the car slowly pulled into a stop in the private packing lot, the man slowly stepped out towards a conference room with a cold expression and it felt like the temperature in the room dropped. The man listened as most people in the room talked about a project that would fetch them more but all he could say was "Compile the files and send them to my office".He wasn't feeling composed like usual, the kiss kept replaying in his head and for the first time in a long time, he had a hard on and needed to a cold shower. " This meeting is over" He walked out of the room with his bodyguards and everyone let out a big sigh of relief.

Rose was also not composed, it was the best kiss to her but it was also addicting, causing her to have thoughts that were not supposed to exist in her mind. Who was he? Numerous questions ran through her mind. He looked like a powerful person that she is supposed to hold on to but the book never mentioned anything about him, maybe....this was the way to change the storyline and have a good happy ever after. She faintly heard someone calling her, her thoughts were cut off abruptly as Juan jerked her slightly.

"Earth to Ryella, Earth to Ryella, is it connecting" he clicked his finger in front of her face which she lightly smacked away.

"I'm fine, I did what you asked for, now would you help me?".

"I couldn't get a clear view of the guy but I could see that you were both sucking your faces. I also got blurry pictures just in case you try to backstab me at some point".Rose rolled her eyes at this. "Isn't the audition for A Thousand Miles Away going on today. I heard that they are going choose anyone, absolutely anyone that fits the main role" Juan drummed his fingers on the table noticing the sinister smirk on Rose's face. "What plans do you have cuz I don't trust that look on your face".

She gestured to him to come closer "well you see, Dexter asked me to audition in place of Susan but here's what I planned" she whispered a a few more things. Juan gasped "that's an amazing idea! She would be so suprised and they won't know what hit them until they receive their greatest shock" .

She smirked "are you ready partner?".

"Count me in".