

Damon was seated in his office, his fingers slowly tapped the armrest in a rhythm, his table cleared of all files except his laptop and a timer which was set to thirty minutes. Sixty seconds more and his best friend would be fired. This always expressionless face curled into a devilish smirk.

Ten seconds more. 9, 8, 7, 6, 5... The door was forcefully but carefully opened to show a dishevelled Derek with a bunch of files in his hands. He had gently placed them on the table when the timer made the loud ding then he let out a loud sigh of relief, he is safe.

Damon stared at him still with a scary expression on his face. He noted how Derek was sweating more than usual but despite that he was still able to make every lady turn heads to his direction " Time's up! You can keep your job" he indicated to him to have a seat and slowly rubbed his palms together like an excited child about to open a present. " Since you did the research, brief me on everything you found out and you should have a drink of chilled water to calm your nerves dude then you can spill the whole thing, leaving nothing out".

"Bro has everyone ever told you that you are scary" Derek asked, knowing that whenever Damon called him dude, the professionalism has been put on hold and it was time for a casual conversation between them.

Derek started speaking in between sips of water "According to my findings, she's the true heir to the Kress Enterprise Ryella Kress. she's not well known in the society. According to rumors, she's ugly, naive and lacks self confidence but that's far from what we all saw" he chuckled as he saw his best friend's face darken with anger and his fist clenched in fury. This was a wierd and strange sight to behold but there's a first time for everything. "some rumors are just rumors indeed. She is tagged as a disgrace because of lack of intelligence and intellect. Her step sister is an actress in the entertainment industry and is close to being ranked as a B class actress. Everyone says she doesn't deserve to be the heir and I'm guessing her father would try to change the everything to favor his stepdaughter. Miss Ryella also has a boyfriend, he's the current chairman of Lawson's Entertainment industries but my fact is that he's cheating on her with her step sister".

That was it! Damon smashed his fist into the table and stood up angrily. "How dare he! How dare he take what's meant to be mine and use her for a plaything! Who does he think he is?!".

Derek was speechless with many thoughts on his mind.

When has his best friend ever staked claims on a lady?.

Did the sun rise from the West today?

Or has the demon CEO lost his heart to the thing he hated the most, a woman?.

This is a big case of love at first....kiss?.

"I want someone to keep tabs on him and another to watch Ryella" he said with a domineering tone.

"Yes young Master. Also the audition for A Thousand Miles Away is taking place today, you might want to check it out".

"I'm not interested in those shitty auditions which are filled with fake ladies that wont hesitate to throw themselves at anyone just to get a role. Disgusting!".

"Fine, I'll go then. At least I'll get to see sister in law audition".

Something snapped within Damon as he heard his best friend refer to Ryella that way, a feeling, a feeling of possessiveness. Then he picked up his but at the same time a call came in.

His mom.

He groaned angrily "What do you want mum?".

"Is that any way to speak to your mother. You're lucky I'm not right there or I'll hit you real bad".

He faceplamed and sat down letting out another groan. "I'm sorry mum, what is it you want this time?".

"Do you remember Cassandra?".

"Yes mum what about her?"Damon already realized what his mum was getting at. Matchmaking. Again

"She came back from Canada this morning so your father and I invited her for dinner tomorrow night and I'm hoping you could show up. Did you believe she still remembers you and she's making plans to get married..".

Seeing as Derek kept checking his wristwatch and mouthing 'we've gotta go or we'll be late', Damon interrupted his mom rudely "you know what I'll be there. Tomorrow night. Got it and I have a surprise that you'll love".

"Well I can't wait to find out what you've planned. Byee".

"What suprise have you planned?" Derek was quite confused. Damon was walking so fast that Derek had to partially run to catch up with him.

"Young master? Where are we headed?" His four bodyguards were also suprised because they had no idea that the demon CEO had plans to go elsewhere for that day, they quitete quite confused too.

Derek immediately told the driver where they were headed too seeing as the CEO's professional cold and aloof expression was on.

"I need two rare Jade bracelet and get my mother and my wife's name carved on each respectively"

"What wife?" Derek would forever regret the moment he bluted out that question as only the icy glare from Damon sent cold chills running down his spine and he now felt uncomfortable being sitted in the same car as him. There was only one thing left for him to do before he received the full dosage of his best friend's wrath. Damage control . "You meant sister in law?I'm sure she'll love your present".

That seemed to work cuz the glare from Damon seemed to soften a bit.