
chaos 2

Damon smirkes "she's not my wife yet but she would be, very soon".

Derek didn't know what to say, this was the first time his boss was going after a lady, a lady who obviously knew nothing about his reputation about the fact that he couldn't stand women being too close to him. But how come he couldn't stop thinking about Ryella after they shared a kiss that she initiated. How strange.

Meanwhile, Ryella was able to obtain a last minute spot to audition, she was ready to face Susan head on and reveal the dirty secrets about her.

She soon arrived at the center where the audition was going to take place. Earlier, she had gone through the 'A Thousand Miles Away' novel and thanks to her photographical memory, she was able to assimilate and understand the plot of the book perfectly well. In her words, the author deserved an Oscar award cause the book was simply going to be a mind-blowing experience for all the actors playing the role. She wasn't aiming to be the female lead but was aiming for a higher role than Susan, Heaven knows what she had planned or who she's gonna talk into going to the audition in her place.

As soon as she entered the waiting room, she roughly estimated about twenty ladies in the room every eyes fell on her, she sneered inwardly. They didn't recognize her new looks, that's a point scored by her.

"Who's she?".

"I don't recognize her from anywhere?".

"Omg! I love her hair".

"I don't think she's here to audition cause she'll get the role".

"She's rocking that outfit".

"How come the outfit fits her perfectly".

"Who's she?, I think she's a foreign actress".

Ryella slowly took off her specs elegantly ignoring the ladies who were whispering loud enough for her ears, that simple action made some of them stare at her with jealousy written all over their faces. She walked elegantly to a woman behind the counter who asks for her name. Everyone tries to stifle their gasps as they heard her name, what they are seeing was really far from what the rumours says and how they pictured her to be. The rumors had clearly stated a shy girl but this one in front of them was so confident. Ryella smiled warmly as she was a badge with a number on it. 22. She looked around for a empty seat and sat all alone, her focus on her phone, completely oblivious to the people around her who resumed their whispering.

"That can't be her".

"But the rumors says she's ugly".

"Look at her, she's a goddess".

" She's even more beautiful than her sister".

"I'm so jealous right now".

"Me too, I wonder if she'll let me have a selfie with her".

(Author's note: I'll be referring to the female lead as Ryella instead of Rose from now onwards. But please don't get confused🙂)

Ryella laughed silently as she heard that. The girl who spoke was about coming ov r when someone screamed

"Look, our goddess Susan is here!!".

Ryella smirked, she didn't even show any sign of rushing towards Susan like a fangirl unlike what the others were doing, Ryella didn't even think she(Susan) would have it in her to attend the audition by herself this time. Ryella was busy tapping away on her phone while others were busy singing Susan's praises with Susan acting shy like someone who didn't really deserve the attention she was receiving, how typical of her, always acting like a white locus in order to gain more fans and get the public's attention.

As estimated, Susan's face darkened with anger as she spots a lady whose beauty surpassed tapping on her phone like she didn't exist. She kept a tight smile on her face.

"Hello sister" Ryella was ready to execute another part of her plan that is slowly pealing the fake facade off Susan's face and revealing part of her true nature in front of her fans.

"Hello, do I know you?, Are you also a fan". Susan was acting calm despite how angry she was feeling because she is meeting someone that is more beautiful than she was. 'sister? This couldn't be the ugly Ryella she knew'

Ryella almost burst into laughter 'fan?! As if?!'. She put on a pitiful innocent expression on her face."Big sister doesn't recognize younger sister anymore or did I become as ugly as you always wanted".

"Goddess Susan why didn't you tell us that the rumors weren't true and your sister is more beautiful than you" one of the fans said casually hitting a soft spot in Susan.

"Yeah!" Everyone agreed simultaneously.

'what is wrong with this fool, does she want to ruin things for me' Susan was worried about her reputation and tried to evade the question. "How can you say that Ryella, I wasn't expecting to see you here, I thought you weren't into acting".

'Two can play this game' Ryella thought "You're right, being the only successor to the Kress Enterprise is quite challenging" she smiled inwardly seeing Susan gritting her teeth silently with her fist clenched tightly but she still managed to keep a tight smile on her face.

The fact that Susan could never be the successor to the Kress Enterprise unless Ryella is dead had always been a burden to her. She had done everything possible to ensure that she became the successor including ruining Ryella's reputation but it had never been successful, thanks to the fact that her mother was merely a mistress while Ryella's mother was the successor to the company so it was expected for her(Ryella) to be the successor no matter the circumstances.

Ryella didn't stop there. "And I'm sure you remembered the times I had to disguise and go on auditions in your place". That brought many strange expression on the faces of the fans. "So you can't say that I'm no good at being an actress".

The door to the audition room opened and someone said "it's time, come in ladies".

Susan was trying to stay calm, she wondered what her fans would think of her now, she tried to cover up the whole situation and save her face."That was when I was training you remember? I always wanted you to join the entertainment industry". To others, she was a benevolent goddess who obviously cared about her sister but Ryella knew better.

Ryella looked like she was thinking of something. "But why does my fiance always ask me to audition for you, he even tried to force me today. He said something about you not feeling well but you look fine to me"

'curse you Ryella' Susan swore inwardly 'I'll make sure you pay for embarrassing me'.

Ryella's next statement threw her off course "He always worries more about you despite the fact that I'm his fiancee, You guys can't be a thing right...? Or" she opened her eyes widely looking like someone who is imagining something wrong and unspeakable