
The CEO'S Sperm Donor: Hired as a husband for nine months

A multibillionaire home with flocks of companies under their control Three siblings fighting against each other A declaration made by the father "Whoever gives me a grandchild first shall inherit all of my companies" Blaire Granger is the last child of the multibillionaire family and when her father demanded for a grandchild, ambitious Blaire knew she had to beat her siblings to it so she did what every single ambitious lady looking to outsmart her siblings would do, she lied about being pregnant and claimed to have an overseas boyfriend But what is Blaire to do when her father demands she marries her supposed boyfriend before the Enterprise can be handed to her upon the birth of her child? Read more to find out about the unexpected, spicy and steamy love story of Blaire and her Sperm Donor

Park_Lilly · Urban
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Chapter 4

Chapter 4

"What?! That's unfair father, why will you hand over the companies to Blaire just because she claims to be pregnant?!" Ryan said angrily

"It is my company and I decide what is unfair and what is not! You can also get your wife pregnant too if you still want to be my successor but for now Blaire is the only one with a child on the way and therefore, the only one that stands a chance of getting my company" the Chairman said

"But she's lying father, I'm sure she's lying, she's not pregnant!" Liam said

"I would've asked her to bring her pregnancy test result but that can be easily forged but real pregnancy can't be forged can it? Pregnancy is not a thing that can be hidden Liam, no matter how slowly a pregnancy develops, in nine months there must surely be a child and then we'll all see the truth in her words meanwhile, I want to see the one you claim to be the father of your child Blaire" the Chairman said facing Blaire who was looking lost and was barely holding it together

Pull yourself together Blaire, you started this lie so you must continue, we'll find a solution to everything later on

"He.....he is on a business trip right now but ummm..... I'll make sure to tell him to come over to London immediately he's done with his business trip" Blaire said

"I guess we are done here then, while we wait for a grandchild from any of you, James will be handling most of my business deals, as my health deteriorates James will be standing in for me in all aspects so you better treat him with the respect he deserves" the Chairman said as he stood up and James followed him out of the living room to his bedroom

"You sneaky bitch, you aren't really pregnant are you?" Jessica's Mom said

"Like father said, pregnancy isn't something that can be forged and we'll all see soon, if my pregnancy is real or not" Blaire said as she stood up and Linda stood up too

"Congratulations Blaire on being pregnant" Linda said with smile

"Thank you Linda" Blaire replied

"But I'll advise you to not be too relaxed, being pregnant gives you no guarantee that you'll give birth and being pregnant certainly doesn't mean no one else will become pregnant in this house soon, do not be too sure that you'll be the one to give father his first grandchild" Linda said and walked away and her husband went after her

"We'll see then if you are really pregnant, we'll see how true that is soon" Liam said and walked away

"And I can't wait to see the unlucky man that knocked you up with that pregnancy, do make sure to bring him soon" Jessica said and she followed her son out too

Blaire slumped on the sofa immediately everyone was gone

What has she just gotten herself into? She's pregnant?! Wow Blaire, you can't even remember the last time you slept with a man and now you are pregnant?!

Blaire sighed as she stood up, everything is fine, totally fine, she just have to find a way to get pregnant quickly and also find a man to become her husband, shouldn't be a big deal, right?

Blaire walked up the stairs to her room that she hasn't stepped into for three years

Everywhere still remained as she left it and courtesy of the house cleaners the room still remained neat

But Blaire was least concerned about the state of her room right now or the fact that she hasn't been in here in three years, she was more concerned about the current problem her ambitious self have created so she called the only friend she has for help

"Sarah" Blaire called immediately Sarah picked up the call

"The person you're calling is currently not alive, she was murdered by BG's Estates partners after her CEO ditched the meeting she set up" Sarah said

"Stop the joke Sarah I'm...."

"You think I'm joking? The partners were so angry cause you called them out in the rain yet you weren't there for the meeting, I was barely able to calm them down telling them something really important came up for you and you had to fly to London" Sarah stated

"Yes thank you Sarah and...."

"Yes you should be thankful, I....."

"Will let me complete my words for once!!" Blaire yelled interrupting Sarah

"You think you went through some kind of stress today but I bet you can't even guess how my day went, lemme give you a sneak peak, I am stuck in London and I'm pregnant or at least I am supposed to be"

"What are you talking about Blaire? What happened when you got home?" Sarah asked obviously confused

"It happened today but it's already so complicated but I'll try to simplify everything that happened, father has stage five Alzheimer disease, he wishes for us all to live together here till the time he dies, for his companies he said he would hand them over to whoever gives him a grandchild first so to outwit my siblings, I lied to everyone that I am pregnant and now father wants me to bring the one who impregnated me and get married to him" Blaire narrated

"One minute Blaire, I need a minute to take all this in" Sarah said and there was silence for a moment

"Why the hell will you lie to everyone that you are pregnant when you are not?!!" Sarah suddenly yelled over the phone making Blaire flinch

"I wanted the company so I had to come up with something!" Blaire defended

"Well I hope you find a way to come up with a pregnancy too to live up to your lie, and marriage? You have to get married to the man that impregnated you when you aren't even pregnant?!" Sarah uttered

"I know Sarah, it's messed up and I called you so you could help me not criticize my choice" Blaire said

"It's called constructive criticism" Sarah chipped in

"When I made up that lie Sarah, I didn't think it through, my only thought was getting the company at all cost before my siblings beat me to it!" Blaire stated

"Well, what else can you do? Go look for a man to get you pregnant and get married" Sarah uttered

"So I should become a sex freak looking for a man to get me pregnant quickly? No Sarah, I won't be doing that"

"Well you could go to a sperm bank for artificial insemination, it's actually more efficient and you don't have to become a sex freak to get pregnant" Sarah suggested

"That's.... that's actually an amazing idea, that's the most easiest way to get pregnant, and I get to choose the kind of sperm that would be injected into me" Blaire agreed

"But I think you are missing one thing though, even if you do get pregnant, you'll need to provide the father of the baby and get married to him" Sarah reminded

"I told father my boyfriend is in New York so you could find a man from there and we'll make him act as my husband till the baby is born" Blaire suggested

"So you want me to put up a sign that says, husband for hire needed for nine months?" Sarah asked with a tone of sarcasm

"They would be paid handsomely" Blaire added and Sarah sighed

"Are you sure about this Blaire? It's not too late to go back to your family and tell them you lied you know" Sarah said

"You know I won't, getting the companies is an important mission to me and I will get it at all cost" Blaire said

"Fine, I'll try to find a husband for hire here meanwhile you should go to the sperm bank as soon as possible, your family expects you to be pregnant already so you should waste no more time" Sarah said

"Of course, I'll go as soon as possible"

"And watch your back while you go, your siblings are just as ambitious as you are so find a trusted hospital to get your artificial insemination done, your whole plan will be in ruins if any of your siblings finds out about this" Sarah said

"Speaking of a hospital I can trust, Carter's medical center, they have a branch here in London don't they?" Blaire enquired

"Ummm.... Yes I think so, you plan on getting your artificial insemination done there? Carter is a greedy man Blaire you know that, I don't think he can be trusted" Sarah cautioned

"Everyone is greedy Sarah, that's what makes a good business man, so better a greedy man I have control of than one I do not, I'll speak with Carter and get my insemination done as soon as possible, meanwhile you find me a suitable husband from New York to marry for nine months" Blaire said and Sarah agreed

The call ended and Blair put a call across to Carter

"I thought you said never to call you again? Now look who's going back on their own words" Carter said upon picking up the call

"I have a deal to make with you Carter" Blaire said going straight to the point

"I offered to invest in your company and you refused, what deal could you possibly offer me?" Carter asked

"I can accept your investment but in return I need the service of your hospital here in London" Blaire said going ahead to tell Carter she needs to get an artificial insemination done at his hospital

"You could just go there and get it done, there is no need for my involvement" Carter said

"I'm telling you because I want it done in utmost secret so you'll have to help me arrange that because if any words gets out that I got the process done at your hospital? I will do practically everything I can to burn your business to the ground" Blaire warned

"Fine, I'll arrange things with the manager over there and get back to you" Carter said

"And please be fast about it Carter, I need to get this done as soon as possible" Blaire said ending the call

"Okay, I guess I might still be able to handle the situation" Blaire muttered to herself

Blaire's door suddenly flung open with Freddie walking in looking angry

"What the hell Freddie! What are you doing here?!" Blaire asked taken aback

"Do you really have a boyfriend? Are you really pregnant?" Freddie asked

"How long have you been outside my door Freddie?" Blaire asked hoping Freddie wasn't eavesdropping on her conversations

"I walked right in the moment I came, are you really pregnant Blaire? You really have a boyfriend?" Freddie asked again

"Yes I do have a boyfriend and I am pregnant for him, you have any problem with that?" Blaire asked

"How..... how could you Blaire, you know I love you, I waited years to be noticed by you, I tried my best to always support you, I'll do anything for you yet you did this to me" Freddie said looking dejected

"Will you really do anything for me?" Blaire asked

"You know I will" Freddie answered

"Then can you get me pregnant right now and then get married to me?" Blaire asked

"What.... What are you talking about? How can I get you pregnant right now?" Freddie asked obviously confused

"I'm asking you to have sex with me and get me pregnant, there's a bed right here so we can get started right away" Blaire said as she moved closer to Freddie and Freddie slowly moved back

"I.... I don't understand what you are talking about Blaire, you....you are acting weird" Freddie said as his cheeks suddenly turned red

"You see? This is why I didn't mention your name as my boyfriend, you are too fragile to ever be my husband" Blaire said

Blaire's phone beeped and it was a message from Carter

"I've arranged things with the manager of the medical center in London, you can go to the hospital now and he'll be waiting for you"

"You brought your car right?" Blaire asked and Freddie nodded

"Lend me your car, I haven't bought mine yet and I don't trust the cars in this Mansion to not have trackers in them" Blaire said as she collected Freddie's car keys

"I'll return the car myself when I'm done" Blaire said as she walked out

Time to go get pregnant.....