
The CEO'S Sperm Donor: Hired as a husband for nine months

A multibillionaire home with flocks of companies under their control Three siblings fighting against each other A declaration made by the father "Whoever gives me a grandchild first shall inherit all of my companies" Blaire Granger is the last child of the multibillionaire family and when her father demanded for a grandchild, ambitious Blaire knew she had to beat her siblings to it so she did what every single ambitious lady looking to outsmart her siblings would do, she lied about being pregnant and claimed to have an overseas boyfriend But what is Blaire to do when her father demands she marries her supposed boyfriend before the Enterprise can be handed to her upon the birth of her child? Read more to find out about the unexpected, spicy and steamy love story of Blaire and her Sperm Donor

Park_Lilly · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 1

"Nathan Bailey?" A voice called and Nathan stepped down from his bike and looked back to see an exquisitely dressed lady standing beside what seemed to be a very expensive car

"And who are you?" Nathan asked

"Nathan Bailey, twenty seven years old and works at an auto repair shop at Carnaby street, your pictures did no justice to how you really look, those eyes of yours are truly enchanting" the lady said as she slowly moved closer to Nathan

"How do you know all those informations about me? Who the hell are you?" Nathan enquired with surprise written all over his face

"That's a very rude way of speaking, especially to the mother of your child" the lady said

"Mother of my child?" Nathan scoffed

"I have no time to spare for this" Nathan said and climbed up his bike again

He was already having a bad day and he wasn't going to allow this expensively dressed lady that seems to be having some mental issues add to it

"Patience Nathan, it took me a lot of effort to finally locate you and I've come here with a deal for you, I would like to hire you as my husband for nine months" The lady said

....One Month Before.....

It rained for the whole night in New York City and yet the cloud still looked pregnant in the morning, it's probably going to rain again soon

"No Mr Brown, my company is in need of no investors right now and no I have no plan of selling my company, ever!" Blaire stated in a frustrated tone and ended the call

She made to drop her phone on the bed but it rang again and she picked it up

"Thank you for your kind words Mr Carter but I remember asking you to invest in my company a year ago but you downright refused me, and now you want to partner up with me? No thank you Mr Carter and do make sure to never contact me again" Blaire said and ended the call

She heard someone open her door and walk into her living room and she knew it was Sarah, she's the only one that knows her passcode

Sarah is her secretary and she also happens to be the only friend Blaire has ever had

"Sarah?" Blaire called as she walked over to the living room

"Did you watch the news?! You won Blaire, the best growing business in New York, BG Estates won, your company won!" Sarah squealed with joy

"Yeah tell me about it, I've been getting calls non-stop from people who has suddenly developed interest in investing or partnering with my company" Blaire sighed as she sat on the sofa

"Isn't that a good thing?" Sarah asked

"No it's not, none of those obnoxious businessmen helped me when I was starting up my company and now that it's progressing out of my hard work, they want me to offer them a seat at the high table? Never, I've been doing fine alone all this while and I will continue to, Mr Carter called me too you know?" Blaire asked

"Mr Carter?!" Sarah exclaimed, surprise written all over her face

Mr Carter is the president of Carter's medical center, a hospital with branches within and outside the country

Blaire had once went to him to request for a partnership or investment but he downright refused and embarrassed her and on that day, Blaire had promised that she will make Mr Carter beg to partner with her company one day

"Did you agree to partner up with him?" Sarah asked

"Of course not, like I said, I need no one's help to build my company, I'm fine alone" Blaire stated

"Okay, this is not the mood I expected to meet you in, you just won an award Blaire, cheer up" Sarah said

"What award did I win? Best businessman in New York? You'll see me cheering up when I become the best in the whole world" Blaire uttered

"You only have your company here in New York, to be the best in the world, you must have your companies all over the world" Sarah pointed out

"I have companies all over the world Sarah it's just not official yet, when my old man dies, I'll take over his flock of companies and I'll grow them better than he already has and become the best" Blaire stated

"How are you always able to speak so easily about your father dying?" Sarah asked

"Well everyone is going to die one day and he's already lived his life, after what I've had to endure while growing up because of him, the least he can do to compensate me is to pass down all his companies to me" Blaire said as she stood up

"I'm going to get dressed so put a call across everyone I have a partnership with right now, let's have a meeting today" she said

"A meeting today? Can the meeting not be postponed to another day? It is obviously going to start raining again soon" Sarah said

"Well the rain can't stop me from running my company can it? Call them Sarah" Blaire said and walked to her room

She took her bath and noticed it has started raining again

Well the rain isn't going to stop her tenacious self from working today

She dressed up in a black blouse and jean, wearing a brown winter coat over it with her black head warmer on her head

She spared herself a glance on the mirror and walked out with her phone and purse

"Have you called them?" Blaire asked Sarah as she walked into the living room all dressed up

"Yes, though not everyone is psyched about going out in the rain just for a meeting" Sarah said

"Well if they want to keep working with me, then they better be happy about it, let's go" Blaire said but her phone suddenly began to ring

"Another potential investor?" Sarah asked

"It's James, my old man's personal assistant" Blaire said as she picked up the call

Sarah knew very well who James is, he is basically the right hand man of Blaire's Dad, he's young and charming and bold and Sarah has silently being crushing on him from the first day she set her eyes on his gorgeous face

"You handle the meeting, I'm going to the airport" Blaire said as she picked up her car keys immediately she ended the call

"What are you talking about? Why are you suddenly going to the airport?" Sarah asked surprised

"I have to be in London" Blaire stated


"Either my old man is dying or he's already dead, either way, I must get to London as fast as I can" Blaire said as she began to walk out

"What about the partnership meeting?" Sarah asked

"You handle it" Blaire said as she walked out with an umbrella in hand

"Those partners are probably very angry already for coming out in the rain, there'll tear me apart if they don't get to meet you!" Sarah yelled after Blaire but she's already gotten into her car and drove off

"Right Sarah, you signed up for this the day you accepted to be her secretary, a decision I'm beginning to regret, she's definitely going to make me die before my time" Sarah sighed and slumped on the sofa

Blaire drove to the airport in the heavy rain

She must get to London as fast as she can, not because she cares so much about her father but because if her father is dying, then his will is going to be read today and she cannot miss it, her father likes independent, strong and ambitious people and she has established herself to be just that so there's no way he'll hand over his Enterprise to her siblings and not her

Talking of her siblings, they probably got the same call she got right? So they are probably on their way to London too, that's if they aren't already there

Blaire got to the airport and was able to get a straight flight to London immediately courtesy of her position and popularity

She got a first class seat ticket and few minutes after she boarded, the plane took off

Blaire hates going back home, she hasn't been home in three years and she didn't miss that Mansion at all, not even a little bit, that Mansion houses her dark memories, one she keeps locked up in her head and prefers to never talk about

She's just going to go there, exchange a few savage words with her siblings like they always do, accept the Enterprise from her father, shed a little bit of a fake tear if he's really dying and then move out of the house, this shouldn't take longer than necessary