
CHAPTER 66 Revelation



  I opened his message while going out in the elevator, Lourd was about to take me back to the Solidad. My chest throbbed for no apparent reason. I felt nervous reading his texts, he had that text before but it was alone and he seemed to have something important to say.

  As we walked into the lobby, I typed on my cellphone to reply to him. Me: Is there a problem? Before I could even send it Lourd stopped walking in front of me. At his height I had to side to see the reason for his stop.

  Lourd's expression seemed bored and when I ruled out the reason for his stop I was also surprised. A middle aged woman wearing a tan sleeveless knee length coat. A skinny black pants was underneath that coat. The belt was close to his waist and I could see the curve of his body. The tans talons heels are clacking while straightly looking at our direction.