
CHAPTER 151 He'll be Fine

  Things are moving fast. Immediately, too, that night we made it home to Mar De Vena. I regardless of surprising because I did not know its own chopper family.

  Levi decided to stay at their hotel. I expected Lourd to be there, but he's not around. No one saw my brother. Almost midnight when Lucy called me and said she's on her way to the hotel. I was still shocked but also woke up later. I know she's also worried as I am.

  "Levi, do you think we should call the authorities now?" I asked Levi. He looked at me and seemed to be estimating what to answer me.

  He cupped my face in his palms and gently kissed my lips. I sighed. I'm wrong to be confused, I'm sure nothing bad happened to him. And another, no amount of good being anxiously.

  "He's fine. He'll be fine."