
Antony's Mind

The wind blew lightly with Daniel's footsteps and the wheels of Luna's wheelchair. Every day the man who was known to be arrogant by many people came to visit Luna, and today was no exception. Luna refuses to inform her family about her current condition. She didn't want to worry them all, then came here to take her home and forbade her to work, forever. Given that her family is very overprotective of her, of course after knowing this incident they will never let Luna be away from surveillance again.

"Are you really not going to contact your family?"

"Aren't you tired of hearing the same answer every day?"

"I'm just afraid you'll get tired of being alone while I'm away at work."

"Gosh! You don't even really go out all day long. You sleep here at night and go to work during the day. Besides, I'm not the kid you have to look after Daniel. I just feel bad for David for having to do so much work alone."

"The last time I left you alone, and this is what happened."

"Don't compare today and yesterday. The situation is clearly different. Why do men always generalize every problem."

Daniel directs Luna's wheelchair to a fountain in the hospital garden. The clear blue sky and the sound of gurgling water really made this morning perfect. Daniel reached into his coat pocket and took out an item and gave it to Luna.

"I've moved all data and contacts from your old cellphone here. You just have to use it."

"You don't need to be like this, besides I think my old cellphone can still be repaired."

"Quick, take it. My hands are tired!"

"Okay, I'll pay for this."

"Of course! Nothing is free in this world. You can pay for it with something."

"What's that?"

"Pay it by promising that you will always be careful and never get yourself hurt again."

"I think that promise also applies to you, because you are the one who made my heart hurt."

"You really don't want to lose an argument with me, do you?"

The scorching sun is getting hotter. While continuing to joke and chat, Daniel took Luna back to her room. Every pair of eyes in the hospital corridor were amazed to see a handsome and authoritative man caring for his beautiful wife who was sick, at least that was what they all thought. Daniel smiled proudly when he heard all those human thoughts. Arriving at Luna's room, Daniel helped Luna to lie down. Luna who can now see Daniel's face feels strange and funny.

"Even flowers, it seems like they can grow from your face." Luna teased.

"Can't you see other people happy?"

"What is it that makes you like that?"

"People think this handsome man is your husband who is taking care of his wife."

"It turns out that your level of confidence can get this far huh? How can you make it look like they think that way."

"No. That's exactly what they were thinking as we passed. I heard it."

"Hear that? Other people's thoughts? It looks like you're the one who's sick, not me."

"It's up to you if you don't believe me. I'm leaving, call me if you want to eat something or whatever, just call me. Got it?"

"Okay, Mr. Possessive!"

Daniel gently stroked Luna's head then walked away. It was like deja vu when he passed through the hospital corridor, but there was a difference when he passed it alone and when he was with Luna. The difference between the faces and thoughts of the women are very contrasting, on the outside they look like kind and gentle women. But their minds go wild when they see me walking alone, although not all women are like that. Ignoring it all he immediately headed to the hospital parking lot and rushed to the office. Arriving at the office he was really surprised when he entered his room, not only David was there, but there was a man who was not even considered young, but not suitable to be called an old man. That's Daniel's grandfather, Serpherius Antoine Lycus or better known as Antony. Vampires also follow the times like humans, not only their dress and social style, they also simplify their names so they are not suspected by humans.

"Why are you here?"

"No manners as usual! At least make small talk first to be like a human."

"If you don't have anything important, you better go home, I have a lot of work to do."

"A lot of work huh? But I see you have enough free time to take care a human in the hospital."

Deg! Like being struck by lightning in broad daylight. Daniel was surprised to hear his grandfather's words just now. How could his grandfather know if he was taking care of a human?

"I got word from Ariella that you are often not in the office when she comes here. At first I thought you were deliberately avoiding her as usual. But it turned out that after I intervened myself to find out there was something interesting I found."

"That damn brat again." Daniel clenched his fists to vent the anger that was starting to spread.

"You who I know have never been interested in any vampire girl, suddenly giving attention to a weak human, of course makes me very interested. If I meet her, it's not only her legs that will be broken." Antony looked straight into Daniel's eyes seriously without flinching. Indicating that it was an order to stay away from Luna.

"Don't you ever bother or even touch her!"

"I don't think you're a kid anymore. You know what you have to do to keep her from getting hurt, don't you?"

Antony left without another word. A cold silence began to cover the entire room. Daniel felt guilty for being so careless that he didn't know that someone was watching him while in the hospital. He doesn't know what Antony will do if he continues to be desperate to be with Luna. But it's even more dangerous to leave Luna alone, other than because he's afraid that Luna will experience the same thing. No one knows what is going on in Antony's mind right now, even if Daniel stays away from Luna, the man will still hunt her for no reason. All the possibilities were thought through carefully and of course looking for the best solution for Luna.