
I don't want your type of marriage

 " Ajax I was not expecting you to welcome me at the door. How is Amelia and Alex?" Cynthia blurted feeling nervous of the stalement between them.


 Her brother's name was Ajax while his wife's name was Amelia. Since Amelia travelled a lot with her son whenever they are in the country, they stayed at the family Villa. The entire family was in Port Marino because of Cynthia's birthday and engagement party which she ran away from.


 Ajax walked closer to Cynthia making her wonder what was going on in her brother's head before she could say a word. He enveloped her in his embrace.


 It was a weird and soothing hug from her brother. She could count the number of times she had hugged this brother of hers who was both caring and unapproachable.


 "Please do run away I can not imagine loosing another family member." Ajax weak voice whispered.


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