
The CEO's Playtoy [BxB]

A co-dependent young man, fresh-faced in the world, Byun Dal finds himself being recruited by one of the publishing industry’s top publishing companies. A hopeless boy floating through life, accepts the job, in awe by the charming owner of the company, Choi Baek-Hyun. The son of a wealthy family, Choi Baek-Hyun, does everything for his older sister’s happiness, a decision he made for himself. Now the owner of a publishing company, Choi Baek-Hyun has proven himself of being the doting younger brother. But that doesn’t necessarily mean he’s not a little selfish. Charming when he has to be, Baek-Hyun knows exactly how to get what he wants from people. Headstrong, Choi Baek-Hyun is used to having things done his way; but when he takes Byun Dal under his wing, he discovers something completely new about himself. Willing to let his new boss walk all over him, Byun Dal becomes the perfect, fresh-faced dependant. The road ahead of them will teach them some tough and some not so rough lessons about life and love. The image used as the cover was generated using This Anime Does Not Exist! I only edited it. Credits to the original artist.

myssowra · Realistic
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6 Chs

"Find me a husband"

"Find me a husband".

Baek-Hyun would do anything for his older sister, however, despite having a flock of women fawning over him outside of his offices, hasn't dated since founding the company. He had a "sweetheart" in highschool, a "fling" at college, but nothing more. He needed to enlist some help.

He scrolled through the employment match-making app, thinking about how they all looked the same. They all either had the same stoic expression or same forced smile. They wore the same old black suit, white shirt. They all had the same stiff posture. Except for one. His blonde hair messy even after being combed. His smile popping the dimples on his cheek. His blue shirt with the slightly lopsided collar. He matched.

───── ❝ what about him ❞ ─────

The boy with blonde hair. His hair was still messy. Up close, Baek-Hyun noticed his smile not only brought the dimples out of his cheeks like the sun after a burst of rain, but his face joyously creased around his eyes. He wore the same shirt, the collar still crooked. This anomaly was caused by the poor boy not noticing, repeatedly it seemed, that he had mis-buttoned his shirt.

He had also been minutes late. His brow light with sweat the evidence. Baek-Hyun found it endearing. He had watched the boy rushing through the doors, his words stumbling over themselves to the receptionist, and then glancing between the elevator and the stairs. He had chosen the elevator, bouncing on his heels as if that would work some magic in making it come down quicker. Whilst he waited and then made the steady climb up to his floor, Baek-Hyun had taken the stairs.

For some reason, despite all these flaws, he couldn't resist not hiring this boy. After all, he working for a publishing company specialising in romance novels, and this boy looked like the protagonist in helping to find his sister a husband.