
Chapter 5

Raphael was suprised as more tears flew down Hazel's cheeks. These tears burned deep into his heart and he felt his heart squeeze with pain. Why all these feelings towards her? He should rather be hating her for agreeing to marry him without his knowledge. But here he was heartbroken at the sight of her crying

All these feelings were new to Raphael. Even with his previous girlfriend he never felt this way. The only person he ever cared about was his daughter. But now he was experiencing a surge of completely new feelings. Could it be because she was the first woman whom Ishira had seemed comfortable with?. Yes that had to be it because he barely even knew her except as his wife

Without a word Hazel got down from the bed and ran inside the bathroom before Raphael could stop her. Once inside the bathroom she locked the door and leaned against it. She sat on the floor and wept bitterly. If only she had not come to Remark. She thought of the life she and Patrick had planned together

He had told her that by Christmas they would come to Remark so he could see her parents and ask for her hand. After that they would get married and would spend their honeymoon in a faraway place for a long time. Then they would return and live happily as a couple all the rest of their lives

But alas that dream would never come through because her father had forced her to marry someone because of his business. She hated her father that was why she decided to live in Valencia and go to school so that she could avoid seeing him everyday. Her father never loved her. He never loved any of his children. He only cared about business deals

Right now her life was completely ruined. Her virginity which she had saved for the man she loved was taken away by someone she met just yesterday and was now her husband. She was trapped in this mess of a marriage for a lifetime. She wondered how Patrick would take it if he hears she was now married. He had called her earlier today but she didn't answer the call because she didn't know what to tell him if he asked why she hadn't returned yet

Thinking about this Just made her tears fall more freely. How she missed Patrick. Though he was not as handsome as Raphael but she was the man of her dreams. She had fallen in love with him and they had been dating for two years now. She missed everything about him

She missed the way he would always call in the morning to check up her, how his dark eyes shone whenever he was happy or excited. Most of all she missed the way he knew how to make her happy when she was sad or depressed. He always had funny things to tell her and take away the Hurt she felt. He was one of the few people who knew how to do that