
The CEO's Lovely Wife

October is a woman who was cold and devoid of emotions. This was true, until she met Lexus who let her experience a whirlwind of emotions she never thought she had with a gift she never thought she'll receive. Lanna October Park is the calm and charismatic Assistant Director of the Halo Company. She talks only when needed and was not yet seen smiling by her colleagues which made her known as the Halo Company's Ice Director. But unknown to them, she was in fact the eldest daughter of the Park Real Estate Empire of the whole City D. Indifferent with her family's wealth, she decided to be independent and climb the ranks in the business world using her own capability but her stepmother is more threatened by her and so baked a lot of schemes to bring her down and make her unfit to inherit the business. Because October let her guard down for just once, she fell for one of her stepmother's schemes and was then became the talk of the city the very next day. Unbeknownst to her stepmother, the man she was with was in fact the notorious CEO, Lexus Song. Getting her innocence was one but getting pregnant was another making her career and work credibility being questioned. "I'll take responsibility." He said. "No need. I'm already responsible enough to take care of my child." She rejected and turned to leave but was then yanked back and bumped into his hard chest. "Then take responsibility to me." He said shamelessly as he leaned down to whisper in her ear, "You took my innocence so you have to take responsibility, dear wife."

Marielle14 · Urban
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290 Chs

39 I'll Take Responsibility

Gu Chen gawked at the man in front of him as if he was seeing a ghost that completely terrified him. Was this the same person who he knew from young as being the most dangerous man he knew that didn't bat his eye while rejecting the beautiful women that have literally thrown themselves at him ruthlessly, saying that women are just a waste of his time. If a woman was so persistent at chasing him with the thought of climbing over his head, he will make her miserably live a life full of hardships to the point of breaking her will into fine dust.

Gu Chen was petrified to the bones. "Who are you?"

Lexus frowned when he heard him ask this while giving Gu Chen a face that says "idiot." Doing this, he turned his attention back on the docile kitten in his arms. Having her in his arms felt the most natural and right thing for him, as if being near her makes his life more complete.

"See? That's how you should deal with those people." Lexus softly said to the woman he yearned for all these days. Every single time that he saw her, the more he see her as a very stunning woman. From the moment she appeared in his life, he knew that he has to do something to make her stay with him forever.

October felt her mouth just twitched as soon as she heard him say this with a smug look on his devilish face. "You were not the one who made those people out of here. It was him." She said in a bland tone but her eyes were shimmering as if there were glitters sparkling in her green eyes, making Lexus mesmerized by her for moment and gradually darkened as he shot Gu Chen a jealous stare. Gu Chen who saw this immediately jumped in fright at this and felt so wronged at this. He was innocent, ah!

"Him? Hmph! I can do better than that." He spat with his cold and eerie voice, almost as if pouting at her. What was that supposed to mean? He was the one that called Gu Chen here to get those bastards out of here.

Looking at him pouting like this, October can't help but reach out her hand to pinch his cheek. Surprisingly, his skin was so soft and smooth under her touch. What is this enviable skin? It was as if it was a woman's?

Lexus instantly tensed up when he felt her touch but then frowned when he noticed her abusing his face. He looked at her and saw her face with a soft expression. Seeing this face up close made him swallow back his words and defeatedly let her continue harassing him. Despite this, his face also softened and crept out a gentle smile on his handsome face that could make all gods sigh in envy.

Gu Chen and Assistant Yu looked at them with exasperation and helplessness. I mean, who wouldn't? Having to witness this couple being so lovey-dovey as if there was no one around them made these two men wanted to beat the man up. Unfortunately, they were too afraid to do it for they still love their lives. And so, the 2 single men looked at the couple with bitterness and eyes green with envy.

"What? Do you believe that that was just the start of their misery?" Lexus said with a dark look and cunning smile. That was right. That humiliation he made them suffer tonight was just the peak of the iceberg. And that guests? They also won't let them get away.

"What are you planning to do?" October raised an eyebrow as her heart quickened its pace.

Hearing her ask this, he chuckled darkly but didn't answer her. It will be his surprise for her. With a glint from his dark blue eyes, his cunning smile resurfaced again. "I'll take responsibility for you."

His sweet and enticing voice softly whispered into her ears making it turn to red. Be that as it may, October sucked in a sharp breath and forcefully let herself freed from him and turned away from him.

On the side, Gu Chen turned to Assistant Yu who stood beside him and asked in a very soft voice, "What are they doing now?"

"I don't know, young master Gu." Assistant Yu honestly replied with furrowed brows. First was that they were lost at each other's eyes but now, they're acting as if they were having a tragic break up? What kind of situation was this? Are they joking with them now?

"No." October rejected after a long pause. Even it hurts, she doesn't want to bind him to her. Not with her being like this.

"You can't push me away. I'll never let you get away from me." Lexus stubbornly said as he strode over her and hugged her from the back. His eyes were dark and dangerous as a heavy atmosphere enveloped the whole room to the point of suffocating the people present.

While the two single men watched the scene in front of them with a complicated look on t heir faces, a sudden whisper came from behind them. Both jumped in fright and quickly turned their heads to its direction.

Behind them stood a middle-aged couple standing side by side while looking at October and Lexus then to the two men with inquisitive eyes. What was peculiar about the two was how their look was

a little messy and their faces a little flushed.

After a second, the two men blinked and coughed dryly as if to hide their embarrassment. They just realized what this couple did a while ago.

"Assistant Yu, what happened here?" The woman asked softly as she noticed that the room was void with guests and what remained were the 4 people standing at the center. She was not able to detect the slight awkwardness that the 2 have at this moment.

"President Zhou, Madam Zhou." Assistant Yu greeted and slightly bowed his head at them. Gu Chen also did the same but did not bow. Instead, he just casually nodded at them and gave a half smile.

"There was a commotion that happened a while ago but had just been resolved." Assistant Yu simply answered with words he carefully picked to use. However, Gu Chen looked at him and thought, 'That explanation was too simple!'

Madam Zhou looked at the couple in front of her and covered her gaping mouth to stifle her gasp as soon as she saw who it was. Turns out, it was October, the lady he wanted to be her daughter-in-law. Her eyes were twinkling with excitement that the exciting scene before her. And who was this man holding her? While wondering who the man was, she felt a hand on her waist and felt a shiver.

Madam Zhou bit her lip as she took a peek at her husband standing beside her. They were already was their forties yet their passion for each other was still burning brightly. What's more, she forgot that her husband was still so active at that area to the point of forcefully dragging her away from the party to go at the back and did her. Thinking of this, she felt her body ache from the untimely exercise she did. She pursed her lips and pinched her husband on the side as if to vent her anger.

President Zhou winced in pain but didn't stop his wife. He smirked and looked at the young couple before him with a gaze full of curiosity. "Such an unexpected pairing."

Hoped you like it. The next chapter is quite exciting for me.


Love lots.

Published: 19 Nov 2019

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