
30 Flash of Light

October started her day like it usually did. It was as if her pregnancy were nothing at all. That was until her lunch came. She let Yun Xixi order food for her and so she also invited Xixi to eat with her. She was not that hungry but she needed to eat because of her current situation. The only thing was that she became nauseous again and had to eventually run toward the ladies' room.

Yun Xixi, being the person who has a keen eye and very observant, especially to her beloved boss, looked at the slim figure of October vanishing in a corner with a puzzled look on her face. Did she not like the food that she ordered to the point of making her throw up? If so, will her boss give her a nice long "chat" about it?

A cold breeze suddenly swept onto Yun Xixi making her shiver in horror. However, she will listen to her boss' complains and cold glares, just that Yun Xixi wished that her boss would not not like her anymore.

Having to think of the worst possible outcome, Yun Xixi tried to follow October into the ladies room only to bump into her boss on the door. Yun Xixi got flustered as she cast a worried look on October's pale face. "Director, are you okay? Do you not like the food that I ordered? If you don't like it, I can get something else for you right away."

Yun Xixi really was desperate at this moment. She doesn't want to get fired. Most of all, she doesn't want to be hated by the only person she absolutely adore. That is why, she will do anything to make up for the mistake she just made a while ago as soon as possible.

October still looked pale but it didn't lessen the innate gracefulness she has as she stood straight on her back while wiping her lips with her handkerchief. She was like a cold beauty with a very fragile body that was easy to get broken. While doing so, she glanced at her flustered secretary who was on the verge of tears. She wondered why she was acting like this.

"No, it's okay. I'm not really a picky eater so you don't have to worry about ordering another set of food. It'll be just a waste of time." October said nonchalantly and shoved her handkerchief in her sleeve pocket. She adjusted her suit and started walking back into her office, "Let's go. The food will get cold. It will not be that tasty if that will happen."

Yun Xixi was still worried but her heart was still beating nervously at this. She then reluctantly followed her boss and kept her head low and herself silent.

October noticed Yun Xixi's actions but she didn't say anything further and just acted as if nothing out of the ordinary happened. Sooner or later, her assistant will notice something peculiar about her and when that time comes...October sighed as she still don't know how to deal with it. She will just keep her mouth shut for now; unfortunately, she does not know how long she can keep it hidden.

Both of them silently sat on each of their seats and started eating their food. Both were silent. Just that, Yun Xixi was not silent at all as her mind was in pure chaos. This silence was really driving her crazy. She kept stealing glances on her boss who was eating as graceful and elegant as she was. Geez, how can someone be this stunning. It was really a feast for her eyes.

Yun Xixi immediately shook her head. She just let herself overtaken by her "hidden" adoration toward her boss. This was such a very rare occasion to be eating together with such her Ice Goddess. With such thoughts that made her unable to stop her desire of boasting it on the company's web page, she got her phone as acted as if she was looking something on it. She acted so cautiously. Her heart almost seemed like to jump out of her chest due to her nervousness.

Swallowing the lump on her throat, she slowly positioned it in an angle toward October who seemed so focused on eating. She needed this rare moment to be taken in a photo. She has to take it. With her strong resolve, she pressed the capture button and...a flash was made as she took the picture. Instantly, person in from of her snapped her green eyes at Yun Xixi.

'Sh*t.' Yun Xixi loudly screamed in her mind. She felt like her blood just went cold. She was done for this time. She has to say goodbye to her beautiful boss.

October blankly looked at Yun Xixi who just literally turned herself into stone while holding up a phone. What was that sudden flash of light before? Also, what just happened to her secretary?

"Uh. D-director. This isn't what it looks like. No, it is actually. Yes. No--that's not it. This is...this is..." Yun Xixi panicked as she started saying things that doesn't make any sense at all while waving her hands around her. She tried her best to defend herself yet she was making a joke out of herself in front of her boss. This was not supposed to happen. She was seriously not expecting this at all! She just made a huge mistake. She knew that this was a bad idea but she still gritted her teeth and took a picture. There is no turning back now.

"Xixi, make your statement more clearer for me to understand what you are trying to say." October calmly said in an even yet cold voice as she set down her chopsticks and just stopped eating. Her secretary really was a very amusing person.

Yun Xixi bit her lower lip as she contemplated if ever she will lie or just tell the truth. There are a lot of pros and cons on either; however, if every her boss found out about it, wouldn't that mean that she will her boss' trust on her? If that will happen, she will never recover from it, ever.

With her heart jumping a mile every second, she steeled her will and said, "D-director, I...you see, I have really adored you since. I am your biggest fan. And as your secretary, I have really been so happy about to be working for you who is my role model."

As October heard the words "role model," it made her lips twitch. Was she someone great to be a role model? Was she that old to be a role model of a person who was a year younger than her? However, she didn't interjected and just let Yun Xixi continue what she was was saying. Just that, as the next words that will come out of Yun Xixi's mouth will literally make October speechless for a second.

Update 1 of 2

Published: 10 Nov 2019

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