
The Ceo's Fake Wife

Help! I was forced into a marriage contract with the Ceo of my company

Madubuko_Nzube · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Cindy Jade

  Ryan rolls out of bed still feeling drowsy; he walks to kitchen and grabs a cup of coffee. "How was your night?" Ruth asked immediately Ryan entered the sitting room. She's seated on the couch and looking at her phone, "It was good, how was yours?" Ryan says as he walks to the couch and sits. "It was splendid, about that thing we talked about last night" Ryan nods as Ruth continued "I already made out a list of blind dates for you"

"What why, you did not have to go that far" against

"I know if I left you all alone, you will not do anything about my wish"

"Grandma I want us to spend the little time you have together, I don't want to waste it hanging out with strangers"

"I want to waste it, the list consist of 100 women, I personally made the list so they are all very beautiful women, I hope you get to find love with one of them"

"I that is what you want, I will do it. When is my first date?"

  Ruby, a young woman of 23, very beautiful, with very cute dimples on both side of her smile, a phone call awoke her from her slumber in her gigantic bedroom in a penthouse. She yawns and picks up the call, "Hello, dad?"

"You are still sleeping?" The voice from the phone yells

"No, No! dad, I am not even at home"

"Okay, I called you to tell you that I set up a blind date for you"

"You did what?!"

"The time is seven pm today, do not miss it"

The line cuts. Ruby groans in agony. She gets up takes her bath, dresses up and drives straight to Cindy's home. She knocks, "Who?" A voice inquired from behind the door. It's me, Ruby, "Oh, my baby" The voice exclaims and opens the door, the voice belonged to Cindy's mum, a middle aged woman. The two hug.

  "How are you baby?"

"I am doing fine mummy" Ruby says with a smile. "Where's Cindy?"

"She is still asleep, that lazy friend of yours"

  The house is a three bedroom flat, the rug in the sitting room looks old, the sofa looks worn out too. Ruby strolls past, and walks to one of the rooms. Everything in the room was pink, going from the walls down to the slippers on the floor. There is a huge blanket covering the whole bed, there is a person's figure underneath. Ruby jumps onto to the figure landing on it, she then pulls the blanket off. Cindy groans immediately, she mumbles some intelligible words and pulls the bed sheet back up. Cindy is a 22 years old woman, with long black hair, slim and very beautiful.

  "Get up you lazy ass!"

"What are you doing here so early" Cindy murmurs with her eye still shut tight.

"It involves some cash" Cindy's eyes open automatically.

"Why didn't you say that all this time?"

  "I can't tell you here, we have to go for a walk"

Cindy jumps out from the bed, brushes her teeth, and puts on some cloth. "So what's this money stuff you're talking about" Cindy asks as she walks by the road with Ruby. "Please, can you fill in for me in a blind date?"

"No, Ruby I can't do that again"

"Pleaseee, just go pretending to be me, and make the date so awful that the guy will never call me again"

"That's cruel Cindy…"

"I will pay you two thousand dollars if you do it… the only way you agree to take my money is if it's business. It will help you pay up those you owe"

  Cindy stares at Ruby speechless. Cindy finished school and got a degree in marketing, then she got a job at Ryan cosmetics. To be able to take go to the university, she had to take out a student loan. This loan amounted to two hundred and fifty thousand dollar by the time she was done. The pay at Ryan Cosmetics barely cover her bills, so she is unable to pay up those loans. This has weighed on her heart heavily. Even though Ruby, her rich best friend since childhood offered countless times to pay it off for her, she refused saying that it was her responsibility to pay them off. 

"Okay, I Will do it, what exactly do you want me to do?"

"I don't know, just make him never call me or my dad again"

"Okay, I will try my best to ruin your image"

"Perfect!" Ruby replied with a smile.

  A cab dropped Cindy in front of the huge restaurant she was meant to have the date, the time was eight O'clock PM. She walked into the restaurant a very short skirt, with a half cut blouse. The makeup she wore was so heavy, her own mother couldn't even tell she was the same person. She walked to the table reserved for the date; Ryan was already seated on the opposite sit and on his phone. "You are an hour late" Ryan said without looking up.

"I wasn't released on time"

"Released from where?"


  Ryan looks up at Cindy, fighting not to show any emotions, "You are an ex convict?"


"What did you do time for?" Ryan sips the glass of water on the table.


Ryan coughs out all the water he drank earlier, "What?!" he exclaims.

"Have you eaten anything yet?" Cindy asks as she picked up the menu on the table and starts glancing through it.

  Ryan sat still trying to process what Cindy just said, "You are a prostitute?".

"No, I just do it for fun, I am a woman"

  Ryan just stared, dumbfounded, "What do you do? Because I only date rich men" Cindy asked while staring Ryan directly into the eyes.

"I am a businessman…"

  Cindy suddenly burst out laughing, "Business man? No wonder you look so boring". Ryan starts looking at himself, his shirt, his trouser, and then his shoes.

  "What will you two like to have?" The Waiter asked

"Can I smoke here?" Cindy asks

"No, that will inconvenience other guests" The waiter replied with a smile.

"The just bring me six bottles of beer" Cindy winks at the waiter.

"How about you sir?" The waiter asked Ryan

"A bottle of wine will be fine" Ryan said with a smile.

  Cindy took at her phone and started chatting with it, minutes later the waiter showed up with the six bottle of beer and a glass of wine. Cindy took the beer bottles, popped the cover with her teeth, the she starts drinking the first one.

"So what's your passion?" Ryan asked trying to start a conversation.


"Okay, umm you haven't said what you do for a living, what work do you do?"

"I date rich men, that's how I feed myself"

"Oh that's an interesting line of work, what are your clients like?"

  Cindy didn't reply, she already passed out from drinking those six bottles of beer.