
Who Is the Daughter-In-Law?

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

The night felt exceptionally long, as though dark ink had been painted in large swathes all over the sky. Not even the faint twinkle of stars could be seen in the inky black sky. A cold chill swept into the Mo mansion and not long later, snowflakes fell from the sky. 

Li Qin who had a habit of sleeping and rising early, rose blearily from her bed before the crack of dawn. She then spotted the woman curled up on the corridor of the second storey, her daughter-in-law.

"He Xiyan!" Li Qin frowned and rushed over to haul her up to her feet, "What are you doing? Why are you curled up here?" 

This woman was not sleeping in her own bed on such a cold day, but curled here. Was she trying to catch a cold? It did not matter whether or not she was going to catch a cold, but she should do it after she took enough care of herself to produce a grandchild for the family.