
She Was A Mother

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

In the hospital, He Xiyan continued to lie on the bed. She had spent 10 months carrying her child and an entire morning in labor so she was left completely exhausted. She did not even have the energy to speak.

She looked at the confinement nanny who held her child, her son who was born at 3.5 kilograms.

"Aunty, let me have a look at him." She said in a small voice but Aunty Yang heard her anyway.

She carefully placed the child by He Xiyan's side.

He Xiyan turned to look at her child. His features were not defined yet and his skin was flushed red but nonetheless, she could already see that he would be a beautiful and cute child with exquisite features. The baby woke up and stared at the lights in the ceiling with his small fists clenched tightly. His eyelashes were very long and as he blinked once in a while, he looked very cute.