
He Didn't Say Anything

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

"Kid, what's your name? What are you doing here?" He Xiyan asked in confusion but she smiled at him warmly.

Yuan Yuan pouted and shook his head but he didn't respond.

He didn't want to respond to such a question.

The fact that his mother no longer recognized nor remembered him made him upset. 

"How old are you?" He Xiyan asked. She noticed that the boy was a beautiful child with fair skin and his clothing marked him out as a child who wasn't from the village. She didn't know most of the children in the village but they were all extremely tan and didn't look as well-dressed as this child.

Yuan Yuan sniffled. He had sobbed so hard earlier that his throat was starting to hurt.

He stretched out his right hand and spread out all five fingers.

"You're five years old?" He Xiyan asked when she noticed his gesture.

Was this child really five years old? She thought that he looked more like a six year old.