
The CEO's Contract Lover

jiayue_wang · Urban
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Chapter 1: As Cruel As He Is

Five years later

Five years is enough time for a lot to happen and for someone to change completely. Over this period, Evan Ford worked hard to establish and expand "Vertex Enterprises", gradually making a name for himself in the business world. He became increasingly known and admired by more people, including many women from distinguished circles. Despite his reputation as a playboy, Evan no longer entrusted his heart to anyone. To him, women over the years were nothing more than creatures bought for pleasure—cold like him, and he no longer believed in women. He thought that women were heartless, only seeking vanity and money, desiring everything that could satisfy their wants. Evan believed this was a common flaw among women.

However, he wouldn't directly blame them; he simply made it clear that their interactions were merely transactions where both parties took what they needed without any further entanglement. If anyone broke the rules, they were out.

The indoor lights were warm, but Evan Ford's heart remained dark and murky.

The scent of his cigar, mixed with a strong perfume, filled the entire office.

Evan Ford looked up towards the door with a mischievous smile, like a king waiting for his servant, watching the enchantingly seductive woman approach him.

Her captivating figure, eyes shimmering with a subtle play of light, and lips vivid and enticing, she was exactly the type men fantasized about. Luna was a natural beauty, a treasure worth keeping. To Evan, maintaining her was simply an exchange of equal value.

Luna was his secretary, accompanying him to various high-profile events. It was undeniable that she had a knack for socializing and had helped Evan a great deal.

But Evan was well aware that aside from their professional relationship and the physical attraction, there was nothing more.

Her fingers, delicate and pale, stealthily crept up Evan's broad chest, feeling his steady heartbeat.

Warm breath teased Evan's neck, purely provocative. Watching her cultured and elegant demeanour, yet with eyes that held no warmth, Luna thought to herself, "It must have been his look that bewitched me."

"Evan, you can come over tonight," Luna whispered, her lips brushing against Evan's, tempting him—a tone that men invariably enjoyed.

Unfortunately, she forgot that she was dealing with Evan Ford, a man who seemed gentle but was immensely cold-hearted.

In an instant, he grasped her chin, causing a flash of pain, and pushed Luna away as he stood up.

Luna staggered back, her thoughts scattered and her eyes filled with confusion.

After all, she had been with countless men and had her ways of winning their favour. She switched to a seductive smile, "Evan, what's wrong?"

Evan Ford looked disdainfully at the woman before him who was trying to charm him, his gaze deep and impenetrable, betraying no emotion, "I thought you were smart enough to understand the rules of this game. It's disappointing to see you don't," he said, his tone devoid of any disappointment, only cold, chillingly so.

"Evan, you..."

With a nonchalant ease, Evan wrote a check and handed it to Luna, "This is your compensation."

Luna understood this meant the end of their relationship, a full stop that she had anticipated from the day they met. She hadn't expected it to come so soon, just six months in. She had thought she might capture his heart and be his last woman, but it turned out to be a failure.

Taking the check, ten million, he was indeed generous. With such a sum, why shouldn't she just take the money and enjoy life? She wasn't going to make a fuss like the other women.

"Mr. Ford, thank you," Luna said, blowing a kiss as she left.

Evan Ford remained expressionless, unaffected.

Before closing the door, Luna asked, "Why do you want to end things between us?" She was just curious, as she didn't think she had done anything wrong.

"I don't like women who play smart with me," Evan's voice was as cold as ice but seductively charming.

Luna smiled faintly, realizing she had overestimated herself. She closed the door behind her and left.

The room returned to silence, quiet except for a handsome man alone with his fine cigar, an air of composure and loneliness surrounding him.

Looking up, the neon lights outside twinkled, signalling the revival of the city's nightlife, like a fairy extending its tempting hands, waiting for people to draw near. Extinguishing his cigar, Evan picked up his phone from the desk and walked out.

Almost every night around this time, Evan would visit a certain PUB. Sometimes he'd sit in a private room upstairs, other times in a corner of the main hall downstairs. Alone, quietly drinking, if you think he wouldn't attract attention sitting in the corner, you'd be mistaken. With his looks and attire, he was always the centre of attention wherever he went. Women were never in short supply for him, and he never turned them away, but it was only ever for relief.