
The CEO's Complicated Love Triangle

After three years of secret marriage, Reginald Thompson suddenly proposed a divorce to Arabella Silversworth. His former girlfriend, Chloe, refused to give up on Reginald. Various misunderstandings between the two were buried deep within. Misunderstandings caused their relationship to grow distant yet remained entangled. He regretted the divorce and pursued her all over the world. Declaring, "My dear Elizabeth, my heart is yours, my life is yours. Come back to me!"

DaoistWxy44F · Urban
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15 Chs

Shameless Chloe

Chloe's smile faded. She sat down beside him, her blue eyes shimmering with a wounded glint. "Are you still mad at me? I've apologized time and again for that heartbreaking breakup message I sent to Mother. You know she sent me to Switzerland, and there were a few burly guys following me day and night." Her voice quivered. "Not being able to call you was awful. I miss you so much."

Reginald's gaze softened, and he awkwardly patted her shoulder. "I know it's not your fault, dear."

Chloe wiped her eyes gently with a lace handkerchief, looking up at him with pleading eyes. "Then why have you been avoiding me?"

Reginald made a playful face. "The divorce isn't finalized yet. Coming here so late, people might talk."

As Chloe's hand crept up his thigh, Reginald squinted his eyes. "This is going too far now. It's completely out of bounds."

Chloe simply gazed at him through lowered lashes. "I don't care what people think, darling. I'm here now, so let's make the most of it, shall we?"

Reginald struggled to get up from the sofa. "Arabella could come home at any moment. I hate ugly scenes."

"She's not a stranger to me. Let me stay with you."

"No need. You better leave quickly." He said impatiently.

Hearing the click of the front door lock, Chloe decided to throw caution to the wind. She pretended to faint, swaying forward and dramatically exclaiming, "Oh dear!" before collapsing onto him. Her arms wrapped around his waist, and she lifted her head, lips seeking his.

Reginald tightly gripped her neck, trying to pull her away. But she clung to him like a barnacle, and Reginald's weakened muscles struggled to break free from her determined advances.

As Arabella walked into the study, she witnessed the intimate and passionate embrace of Chloe and Reginald on the sofa!

The hands that had once gently caressed her body now tightly gripped Chloe's neck and back.

Arabella felt like she had been struck by lightning, her whole body trembling and numb. She stood there stiffly, hands and feet ice-cold, struggling to comprehend the scene before her.

Upon seeing Arabella, Reginald's intoxicated mind cleared up somewhat. He pushed Chloe away forcefully, staggering to his feet and grabbing the sofa for support.

Chloe turned around, feigning surprise. "Arabella! When did you arrive?"

Arabella, awakening from her daze, felt her heart pounding violently in her chest. She hastily turned and fled, not even bothering to close the door behind her.

Sometimes, the scene before one could be so shocking, so unbelievable, that one could hardly react.

She didn't scream or cry. She stood there, dazed and dreamlike, scenes flashing before her like snapshots.

The biting winter wind blew on her cheeks, making her face slightly numb.

The cold air awakened her senses, and a surge of indignation rose in Arabella's chest.

Did Reginald bring her here just to flaunt his affair?

She had agreed to end everything when he proposed a separation. Why would he humiliate her like this?

Does indifference grant someone the right to cause pain to others?

Anger swept through every nerve in her body, uncontrollably raging.

Arabella straightened her shoulders resolutely, continuing to walk forward with a steely determination with each step.

The driver stood at the door, waiting. He opened the car and said, "Madam, Mr. Reginald asked me to take you home."

Arabella remained silent for a moment before bending down to get into the car.

The driver closed the door and called Reginald, "Sir, I've found the lady. I'll take her home immediately. Please don't worry."


Reginald put down his phone, looking at Chloe with icy eyes. "Was that intentional just now?"

Chloe pouted sadly. "I didn't expect Arabella to show up like that. I slipped and accidentally fell on you..."

"I might be drunk, but I'm not foolish!"

Chloe's lips quivered, and tears suddenly streamed down her face. "It's my fault. I shouldn't have done that. Let me call Arabella and explain."

She reached into her pocket for her phone.

Reginald raised a hand to stop her, impatience in his tone. "Don't bother. It'll only make things worse. Just go home for now."

"But you..."

"I'm just drunk. I won't die." Reginald slumped heavily onto the sofa, rubbing his temples, looking distressed.

Chloe stood there, still dejected, trying to hold back her sobs, her shoulders trembling.

Seeing her so distressed, Reginald's heart softened slightly. "This isn't your fault. Arabella didn't do anything wrong. I shouldn't have hurt her like this."

"But asking her for a divorce has already hurt her!"

"Then I should minimize the damage instead of humiliating her like this."

"Tearing off the bandage might lessen the pain. Dragging it out will only hurt her deeper," Chloe added softly. "I'm hurting too."

"Without Grandmother's consent, this marriage can't be dissolved." Reginald looked at her coldly. "Leaving her is not just because of you. You're just an excuse."

Chloe was taken aback by his blunt honesty.

Her face lost color. "Reginald, is this just drunken rambling, or is it your true feelings?" She asked, trembling.

Reginald rubbed his temples irritably. "I've had too much to drink. I spoke recklessly. I shouldn't have made you upset like this. Please, just leave."

Worried that he might say even more hurtful words, fearing that the situation was irreparable, Chloe wiped away her tears and left, her heart shattered.

After she left, Reginald called her father, asking him to watch over his daughter who seemed to have suicidal tendencies.

The next afternoon.

Arabella sat in the antique shop and received a bank card sent by Reginald's messenger.

The person delivering the card said, "Madam, this is Mr. Reginald's compensation. The password is your birthday."

Arabella looked at the card with a bitter smile.

While money was good, sometimes giving money could be a subtle insult.

She pushed the card back, "Tell him I don't need money."

"Mr. Reginald asks you to accept this. He wants me to convey this message - appearances can be deceiving. Whatever decision you make, he will accept it."

"I understand."

After the person left, Arabella sat quietly for a while before heading to a nearby restaurant for lunch.

As she stepped out, she collided with Chloe, dressed in all white and wearing a troubled expression.

Chloe held a bouquet of white roses and gently said, "Arabella, can we talk?"

Arabella restrained her emotions and calmly looked at her for a few seconds. "Fine."

The two went to a nearby Western restaurant.

After sitting down, Chloe placed the fresh flowers on the table. She gently caressed the soft rose petals, a happy smile blooming on her face. "I didn't expect Reginald to be so romantic. The first thing he did this morning was to send me flowers. After all these years, he still remembers that white roses are my favorite. There are even twenty in the bouquet, symbolizing 'eternal love.'"

Arabella immersed herself in complex emotions.

In their three years of marriage, Reginald had never given her flowers, not even a single stem. He understood romance but chose not to indulge in it with her.

Twenty roses representing eternal and unchanging love. How "touching."

The waiter brought their coffee.

Stirring her coffee lazily, Chloe chirped in a sweet tone, "Reginald and I have known each other since childhood. He has always spoiled me..."

Arabella took a sip of her coffee and calmly interjected, "Miss Chloe, can we get to the point? I'm quite busy and don't have time for small talk."

Chloe shrugged nonchalantly. "So, Arabella does have a temper. You just haven't shown it in front of Reginald. You're quite the actress."

Arabella let out a sarcastic laugh. "As Reginald's lawful spouse, I should say I'm annoyed that you sneaked into our home and got intimate with my husband at such an inappropriate time. Though I did consider pouring this coffee on your silly face, good manners prohibit such impolite behavior. So please mind your manners and realize your place, young lady."

Chloe feigned surprise and shamelessly stuck out her tongue. "She's really become a fierce tigress now, hasn't she?"

Arabella's hand holding the coffee cup trembled slightly, as she struggled to restrain herself from throwing its contents on Chloe's face.

After a moment, seeing that Arabella didn't fulfill her wish of splashing coffee, Chloe seemed somewhat disappointed.

Not falling for the trick, Arabella decided to change her strategy. She looked steadily at Chloe, her tone carrying a hint of disdain:

"My dear, both you and I are well aware that in Reginald's heart, we are just passing through. Now that the leading lady is back, as wise women, we should remember our roles and not embarrass Reginald. Why seek trouble for yourself?"

After saying this, Chloe stood up, pretending to leave.