
The CEO's Complicated Love Triangle

After three years of secret marriage, Reginald Thompson suddenly proposed a divorce to Arabella Silversworth. His former girlfriend, Chloe, refused to give up on Reginald. Various misunderstandings between the two were buried deep within. Misunderstandings caused their relationship to grow distant yet remained entangled. He regretted the divorce and pursued her all over the world. Declaring, "My dear Elizabeth, my heart is yours, my life is yours. Come back to me!"

DaoistWxy44F · Urban
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15 Chs

Reginald's sister

The card delivery driver said, "Madam, this is compensation from Mr. Reginald. The password is your birthday."

Arabella smiled ruefully at the card.

Money was good, of course, but sometimes giving money was a subtle insult.

She pushed the card back. "Tell him I'm not lacking funds."

"Mrs. MrReginald asks that you accept this token. He bids me convey this message - seeing is not necessarily believing. Whatever decision you make, he will respect it."

"I understand."

After the man left, Arabella sat quietly for a while before tidying up to go to a nearby restaurant for luncheon.

Stepping outside, she bumped into Chloe dressed all in white with a worried mien.

Chloe was holding a bouquet of white roses. She said gently, "Arabella, might we have a chat?"

Arabella reined in her emotions and gazed calmly at her for a few seconds. "Very well."

The two ladies proceeded to a nearby western-style restaurant.

After sitting down, Chloe placed the flowers on the table, tenderly caressing the soft rose petals, a blissful smile blossoming on her countenance. "I hadn't expected Reginald to be so romantic, sending me flowers the very morning. After all these years he still remembers white roses are my favorite. There's twenty in this bouquet too - it signifies 'eternal love'."

Arabella was awash in complex emotions. In their three years of marriage, Reginald had only ever sent her greeting cards during festive periods, not once flowers, not even a single stem. So it wasn't that he didn't understand romance, he just didn't want to indulge in it with her.

Twenty roses representing undying love. How "touching".

The server brought their coffees....

Lazily stirring her coffee, Chloe babbled in saccharine tones, "Reginald and I have known each other since childhood, he always doted on me even then..."

After sitting down, Chloe placed the flowers on the table, tenderly caressing the soft rose petals, a blissful smile blossoming on her face. "I hadn't expected Reginald to be so romantic, sending me flowers the very morning. After all these years he still remembers white roses are my favorite. There's twenty in this bouquet too - it signifies 'eternal love'."

Arabella was awash in complex emotions. In their three years of marriage, Reginald had only ever sent her greeting cards during festive periods, not once flowers, not even a single stem. So it wasn't that he didn't understand romance, he just didn't want to indulge in it with her.

Twenty roses representing undying love. How "touching".

The server brought their coffees...

Lazily stirring her coffee, Chloe babbled in saccharine tones, "Reginald and I have known each other since childhood, he always doted on me even then..."

Arabella took a sip of coffee and calmly interjected, "Miss Chloe, could we get to the point please? I'm rather busy and haven't time for idle chatter."

Chloe shrugged nonchalantly. "So Arabella does have a temper after all, you just didn't show it in front of Reginald. What fine acting."

Arabella let out a derisive laugh. "As Reginald's lawful wife, I ought to say I'm vexed that you snuck into our home during such an inopportune time to canoodle with my husband. Though I did entertain thoughts of pouring coffee over your silly face, good breeding forbids such discourteous acts. So do mind your manners and recognize your station, young lady."

Chloe feigned surprise, shamelessly sticking out her tongue. "My, what a fierce tigress she is now!"

Arabella's hand trembled slightly as she gripped her coffee cup, straining to restrain from flinging its contents at Chloe.

After a while, seeing Arabella hadn't reacted as she hoped by throwing coffee, Chloe looked a bit disappointed.

Unable to provoke Arabella, she changed tactics. Gazing intently at Arabella, a strange tone entered her voice:

"Dear, we both know that to Reginald, you and I are but passing fancies. Now the leading lady has returned. As sensible women, we ought to remember our places and not trouble Reginald overly much. Why seek vexation so needlessly?"

Having said her piece, Chloe made to leave.

"Leading lady?" Arabella had to stifle an incredulous laugh. "Miss Chloe, did you never attend school or are you simply ignorant of the law? Reginald and I are lawfully wedded, protected under the sanctity of marriage. I am his sole wife."

Chloe snorted disdainfully, "Still so arrogantly complacent when divorce looms?"

Arabella straightened her back. "In the eyes of the law we remain husband and wife. So you've no right to such haughty behavior."

Chloe gave a mirthless laugh, playing her trump card. "Three years ago you married Reginald for that ten million dowry. I'm now offering double."

She slapped a cheque down on the table. "Twenty million. Take the money and scram!"

Arabella calmly regarded the cheque. "I didn't marry Reginald for money."

Chloe mocked, "And pigs can fly! Blatant lies!"

Arabella reined in her anger, coldly sizing her up. How she itched to slap that smug look off her face.

"Three years ago your grandmother developed acute kidney failure, needing a transplant. You mortgaged all your houses to pay those medical fees, so broke your family was destitute. Then you started leeching off Reginald. After a few years of comfort have you forgotten your lowly origins? Nothing but a country bumpkin clawing her way out of poverty. No matter how high you climb, you can't change your base depravity!"

Chloe shoved the cheque forward in disgust. "Drop the haughty act and go buy yourself some class!"

Arabella was oddly calm. She glanced at the signature on the check and said indifferently, "This money was extorted from your father, wasn't it? How much groveling did that take? Does your whole family support you as a mistress? No wonder."

She stood up and glared down at Chloe. "I restore antique books and paintings. Three years ago I could have easily earned tens of millions with my own hands even without marrying Reginald."

She grabbed the check and flung it at Chloe's face. "Take your trash money and piss off!"

The check slapped wetly against her cheek. Mortified, Chloe pounced at Arabella, claws outstretched towards her face.

Caught unawares, Chloe was soundly slapped several times across the face. Her cheeks stung fiercely, ears ringing as stars danced before her eyes. Never had anyone dared lay a finger on her before. Incensed, she grabbed her attacker's arm, scratching wildly.

The two scuffled violently until Chloe's family chauffeur rushed over to forcibly separate them. Only then did Chloe realize her assailant was Allison - Reginald's own sister. She was dumbstruck.

Arabella was also quite surprised to see it was Allison. Fearing Chloe was being bullied, she quickly inserted herself between them, shielding Allison behind her. Glancing down, she noticed Allison's wrist had been scratched and was bleeding. Feeling a pang of distress, Arabella gently took out a plaster and administered first aid, softly asking "Does it hurt?"

The pain made Allison gasp sharply, "I'm fine sister-in-law, she didn't mark your face did she?"

Arabella mutely shook her head.

Allison frowned at Chloe, "With that kind of person, there's no need for politeness. A resounding slap is all she merits. What's the use of reason with the likes of her? Reason is for the reasonable, and she clearly isn't!"

Incensed by this harangue, Chloe forcefully blinked back angry tears and replied aggrievedly, "Allison, we grew up together. I've always treated you like my own sister. How could you..."

Allison interjected sharply, "As if I'd claim a sister like you! My brother treats you so well, our whole family does! Then the minute he runs into trouble, you bolt quicker than a hare! Now you come snaking back to steal him away again! And you even dare bully my sister-in-law! Have you no shame?!"

Chloe flushed and paled alternately, "I have my reasons..."

"Dash your wretched reasons!" Allison cut in. "My brother may swallow your excuses but I certainly shan't!"

No sooner had she finished speaking than Arabella's phone rang. Caller ID showed it was Reginald.

Arabella hesitated briefly before accepting the call. Curtly Reginald asked, "Where are you?"

"The western restaurant south of the antique street entrance."

"I happen to be passing by. Will arrive in three minutes." He rang off abruptly.

The image of him embracing Chloe last night flashed unbidden through Arabella's mind. Glancing at the white roses he'd gifted Chloe, her chest constricted as if pressed by a boulder, making it hard to draw breath.