
The CEO's Complicated Love Triangle

After three years of secret marriage, Reginald Thompson suddenly proposed a divorce to Arabella Silversworth. His former girlfriend, Chloe, refused to give up on Reginald. Various misunderstandings between the two were buried deep within. Misunderstandings caused their relationship to grow distant yet remained entangled. He regretted the divorce and pursued her all over the world. Declaring, "My dear Elizabeth, my heart is yours, my life is yours. Come back to me!"

DaoistWxy44F · Urban
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15 Chs

Farewell to Three Years of Love

After a passionate bout of lovemaking, Arabella lay on the crumpled sheets, her skin flushed and damp, chestnut ringlets clinging to her elegant neck. Each breath made her soft bosom rise and fall rapidly, and Reginald's ardour was evident from the bruised rosy hue of her swollen lips.

As she regained her composure, a blissful languor suffused her limbs. The intoxicating scent of their shared desire lingered on the disheveled bedding, evoking the pleasures just experienced. Arabella lazily caressed Reginald's smoldering affection, a smile playing on her kiss-reddened mouth as she stretched felinely on the tumbled, downy bed.

She relaxed against the pillows, reliving every delightful detail of their amorous encounter, excited at the prospect of soon relishing such impassioned scenes again.

Instead of washing up as usual, Reginald embraced her from behind, holding her tightly, fiercely, as if seeking to meld her into himself.

Arabella felt she might dissolve in his embrace. Her heart brimmed with inexplicable joy, thrill and anticipation, tinged with a hint of sorrow.

Three years married, yet this was the first time he'd held her thus.

She felt truly loved.

Slowly she turned, clinging tightly to him in turn, a sweet, radiant smile lighting up her face, as if she held the whole world.

They remained entwined for some time.

Eventually Reginald released her, dressed, and took out a pack of cigarettes from the drawer. Deftly he shook one out, lit up, and inhaled deeply.

Wisps of smoke obscured his handsome, patrician features, blurring his countenance. The cigarette nearly scorched his fingers but he remained oblivious.

Arabella coughed lightly. "Weren't you going to give up smoking?"

Reginald stubbed out the cigarette. Gazing into her eyes, his were intense and smoldering. After a pause he said, "Arabella, I want a divorce."

Arabella froze, the ardent emotions in her heart turning frigid in an instant.

Her face pale, she stared at him numbly, her voice trembling as she asked "Have I done something wrong?"

"No, you haven't."

"Why separate then?"

"Chloe's back. I'm sorry."

Chloe was his former girlfriend.

Arabella felt her heart being ripped apart. After three long years together she couldn't compare to that woman's return!

He didn't love her.

Feelings of loss, failure and grief overwhelmed her. Arabella's body stiffened.

With shaking hands she dressed, preparing to leave the bed.

Reginald clasped her shoulder gently, asking "Where are you going?"

Arabella could barely hold back her tears, remaining silent.

"I'll make breakfast today," he said, knowing she was going to the kitchen.

"Alright," Elizabeth whispered. She lay back down, pulling the blanket over her moist eyes.

After he left, she rushed to the bathroom, unable to contain herself any longer as great heaving sobs erupted from within.

Her tears fell like a broken string of pearls, ceaseless.

She never knew love could make her heart ache so terribly.

The pain made her tremble uncontrollably, barely able to stand.

Then she heard Reginald calling her for breakfast.

Arabella replied, splashing cold water on her face repeatedly, but no amount of washing could diminish the bloodshot eyes.

Reginald was waiting for her in the dining room when she emerged.

Dapper in a tailored suit, he stood tall and straight, exuding a radiant presence.

Arabella silently took her place at the table.

Reginald leaned in slightly, his gaze unusually gentle as he regarded her reddened eyes. "Have you been crying all this while?"

Arabella looked up, forcing a wan smile. "I accidentally rubbed my eyes while washing up just now. 

They'll be fine soon."

"Be more careful next time. Let's eat." Reginald sat beside her, passing the milk over.

Arabella accepted it, eyes downcast as she noted his elegant fingers resting atop the glass.

The sumptuous breakfast exuded mouthwatering aromas, yet neither touched the food.

Never had a meal been consumed with such profound sorrow.

Thirty minutes passed with the milk untouched still.

Rising slowly, Arabella murmured "I'll go pack my things."

Reginald's hand tightened briefly on his glass. "There's no hurry."

Arabella gave a bitter laugh. Things had already come to this, yet he was reluctant to let her leave quickly. Did he mean to have her thrown out instead?

She turned and went upstairs, tossing her belongings into a suitcase, taking her time to pack up thoroughly before lugging it down with her.

Reginald remained seated at the dining table awaiting her return.

Neither could stomach another bite of the now cold breakfast. Never had a meal been eaten with such 


Reginald came forward, reaching to take her suitcase. "Let me help you with that."

"I'm fine, thank you." Arabella grasped the luggage handle, walking straight ahead with back straight.

Passing through the familiar greenery of the gardens, a melancholy feeling washed over her. After all, humans were not plants - how could they not have feelings?

Three years had gone by, yet the so-called growing affection had been only her own experience.

She had loved him wholeheartedly and unconditionally, with passion and familial warmth. But what 

good did it do now?

Let go, she told herself.

The two walked side by side to the doorway, where a car was waiting outside.

Reginald handed her a cheque. "Thank you for your company these past three years."

Arabella stood resolute, uncertain whether to accept it.

Reginald firmly tucked the cheque into her suitcase. "Take it. There will be many things needing 

money in future."

"Very well."

Arabella replied dryly. Looking up, she found herself captivated by his handsome features.

Memories of their time in bed surfaced in her mind, where he had filled her vision with the night sky. The recollection cut into her heart like a knife, bringing indescribable pain.

She thought that one day, she would surely stop loving him.

Perhaps it would take a lifetime.

Reginald looked at her for a while, then suddenly pulled her into an embrace. His expression remained calm as he said, "In future, it won't be easy alone. Contact me if you need help."

Tears welled up but she held them back.

"Take care of yourself."

"You too." Arabella slowly lifted her arms, hugging him back as if in farewell.

She pushed away from him, quickly wiping her face before grabbing her luggage and turning to leave.

She had barely taken a few steps when she heard Reginald ask: "Who is Robert Williams?"

Her heart quivered slightly and her footsteps faltered.

Forgotten memories came flooding back like the tide.

She felt at a loss, unable to find any words. Then she heard Reginald add, "He must have been very 

important to you. I'm sorry for taking up three years of your time."