
The CEO's Complicated Love Triangle

After three years of secret marriage, Reginald Thompson suddenly proposed a divorce to Arabella Silversworth. His former girlfriend, Chloe, refused to give up on Reginald. Various misunderstandings between the two were buried deep within. Misunderstandings caused their relationship to grow distant yet remained entangled. He regretted the divorce and pursued her all over the world. Declaring, "My dear Elizabeth, my heart is yours, my life is yours. Come back to me!"

DaoistWxy44F · Urban
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15 Chs

Chloe's little tricks

The dog in the yard continued to bark incessantly.

In the chaos, the bald man saw an opportunity to escape but was surrounded by the police and pinned to the floor. The painting was taken from his hands, and handcuffs were placed on him.

Arabella's hands still gripped the window frame as she stared blankly at Reginald, who held a gun.

It had been three years since they got married, and she had no idea he could shoot, let alone with such precision.

In that moment of crisis just now, if his shot had been a little faster, slower, or off-target, it could have caused her fatal harm.

Reginald tossed aside the gun and walked over, lifting her from the windowsill into his arms.

He delicately tended to the wound on her neck.

He held Arabella tightly against his chest, gently rubbing her pale, terrified face with his icy fingertips, asking tenderly, "Scared out of your wits?"

Arabella nodded weakly in affirmation.

Just moments ago, she felt death closing in, narrowly escaping its clutches. Her heart still beat irregularly, and the distant but loud gunfire echoed in her ears.

The whole ordeal felt like an action movie, causing her heart to race.

She broke out in a cold sweat.

Arabella numbly recounted the events to the police, and then Reginald tucked her into the car.

Even now, she felt her legs were weak, and her mind was numb.

In the pitch-black night, they walked on the narrow village road.

The driver took them back to the city.

Reginald kept Arabella in his embrace.

He tenderly stroked her slender back over and over, comforting her, "It's all over now. Don't be afraid."

His arms were warm. Arabella instinctively leaned closer to him. Her heart felt both bitter and sweet.

He still had the feelings of a husband for her.

Feeling her response, Reginald tightened his embrace, scolding her gently in her ear, "Why didn't you call me? Your mother only noticed something was wrong yesterday and informed me."

His throat tightened. He buried his chin in her hair, gripping her clothes, and whispered, "What if something happened to you?"

Arabella was taken aback.

At this moment, she felt that he did care about her, much more than she had imagined.

She slowly embraced his waist, burying her face in the nape of his neck, breathing in his reliable and reassuring scent.

A warm current blossomed in her heart, and her vision began to blur as tears welled up.

On the way, Reginald's phone rang.

He glanced down at his phone and hung up the call.

Arabella sensed it was Chloe ringing.

Soon after, the assistant's phone in the passenger seat buzzed as well.

After a brief exchange, he passed the phone over, "It's Miss Chloe for you, Mr Reginald."

Reginald took the call. "Yes, what is it?"

Chloe's delicate voice emitted anxiously from the speakers, "Reginald, did you find Arabella?"

"I have."

"She must be so frightened! Please take good care of her. Don't come visit me at the hospital these next few days."

Reginald murmured in assent.

Seated nearby, Arabella overheard everything loud and clear. The warmth in her chest gradually chilled.

They weren't yet divorced. He was still her husband. Yet for a husband to accompany his wife, he needed permission from the third party involved. How humiliating!

Gently shrugging off Reginald's encircling arm, she moved back to her own seat.

Arabella turned to gaze out of the window. Catching her reflection, she gave a bitter smile, even her lips felt icy.

The earlier elation now seemed an illusion.

As they drove into the city, Arabella said to Reginald, "Please drop me off at my mother's. You can make up an excuse to visit grandmother instead."

A stretch of silence. "Alright."

When they arrived, Arabella had barely stepped through her mother's door before she found herself caught in a fierce embrace. Her mother sobbed, "My dear, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Mother.''

"Thank heavens you're alright! You gave me such a fright. It's all my fault, I didn't notice your hint about the medication until the next day. If Reginald hadn't sent someone to find you, who knows what could have happened? You're my only daughter. How would I go on living if something happened to you?" The usually hot-tempered woman was now sobbing uncontrollably.

Arabella lifted a hand to wipe her mother's tears. "Please don't cry, Mother. See, I'm back safe and sound."

A week later, in the evening.

Reginald had consumed too much at a business function.

The chauffeur helped him to the sofa in his home.

As the chauffeur straightened to fetch a towel, he heard Reginald lying there with eyes closed, slurring fuzzily, "Arabella, Arabella, bring me some water."

"Ma'am, Mr Reginald is drunk and keeps calling for you."

Arabella pressed her lips tightly together in silence.

Overhearing this, her mother said, "Go take care of him. You're still legally married. Don't make more of a spectacle."

"Alright," Arabella murmured to the chauffeur. "I'll be right over."

"Thank you, Ma'am." The chauffeur hung up.

Reginald had managed to down half a glass of water by the time Arabella swiftly arrived.

Just then, the doorbell suddenly rang. The chauffeur set down the cup on the coffee table and went to get the door.

Standing outside was Chloe, dressed in white and holding a basket of fruits.

"Terribly sorry, Miss Chloe," the chauffeur apologised, "but Mr Reginald is in no shape for visitors at the moment."

Chloe smiled kindly, "I've come to see to him."

She breezed in cheerfully, setting the fruit basket down on the table, and said to the chauffeur, "You may leave now, I'll see to him."

The chauffeur looked conflicted. "Ma'am, I just rang the lady of the house and she's on her way over."

Chloe's smile didn't falter. "Not to worry, Arabella and I are well acquainted. She's even tempered and won't mind me being here."

After a brief hesitation, the chauffeur finally acquiesced. "Very well then."

Key in hand, he took his leave.

As Chloe crossed the foyer, her heels clicked loudly on the wooden floors, announcing her presence.

"What a lovely surprise seeing you here at this hour, darling," Chloe remarked.

Reginald slowly lifted his head from the sofa, eyebrows raised quizzically. "Whatever are you doing here?"

She flashed him a dazzling grin. "Terribly sorry for dropping by unannounced. I missed you dreadfully and simply couldn't wait until morning."

Suppressing a sigh, Reginald responded, "To be frank, I've had one too many tumblers of Macallan. I'm hardly fit for company at the moment."