
One Hour.

The doctor excused himself from the office when Alex's call came in, "She has just signed the contract." He announced before Alex could say anything.

"That is good news. A friend of mine is on his way to your office to confirm your claims about her physical attributes. Can you keep her there until he gets there?" Alex asked in a tone that suggested the only response he was expecting was a positive one.

"I will see what I can do." The doctor assured him. He wasn't entirely sure how he would go about that, but he knew he simply had to find a way to keep the girl, also without rousing her suspicion.

"I'll let you see to it." Alex said before disconnecting the call. He was paying an outrageous amount for this anyway, so it was expected that the doctor would do everything he requested.

All he was waiting for now, was a confirmatory call from Kyle. The moment Kyle was able to confirm what the doctor had said, he was going to take the rest of the day off to celebrate —celebrate his emergence to fatherhood, Alex thought as he gazed blindly at the documents in front of him. He was also going to be in need of a new designer, preferably a lady. He needed someone who could make excellent designs for the children line he was planning to launch in honor of his unborn child. And then after, he would need to make up his mind concerning a name for his baby. Maybe if it was a boy, he would call him 'Marcellus'. He had always fancied that name, probably because of how much he had loved the character Marcellus in the 'Originals'. And if it was a girl, he was going to name her 'Starr'.

He paused and laughed at himself when he realized what he was doing. He couldn't believe he had been so busy scribbling down his thoughts on his journal. He couldn't believe how much time and energy he was putting into these plans for a baby that wasn't even formed yet. He was obviously going crazy with this whole excitement, but he decided that he didn't mind. The thought of being a father conquered every crazy feeling he had at the moment. And as though to prove it, he dialed his secretary's number and the young man hurried into the office the next moment.

"Send a notice out for a board meeting tomorrow by 9 AM. I want to discuss with the board of directors and stakeholders of the company concerning launching a new fashion line. Also, I want you to contact the head of the human resources department. Ask him to put out an employment vacancy ad to the public, we need a new designer, and preferably one who can make designs for kids. A lady should do just fine." Alex instructed the secretary who looked at him in surprise, but knew better than to question him, so instead he gave Alex a polite nod before returning to his desk.

Alex watched him leave before he looked down at the things he had doodled down on his note. 'Marcellus or Starr, which one was it going to be?' He asked himself.


Vanessa's patience had worn thin over the last hour. Ever since the doctor excused himself to receive a call outside while she signed the document, he was yet to return. Someone had come with a tray of snacks and tea for her and she deduced he was going to be taking more of her time. Of course, why not munch on peanuts while they waste her time. That definitely wasn't going to happen! Taking a quick glance at the clock, she realized she didn't have the leisure of time to waste.

She anxiously glanced at the door. What was taking so long? Had they changed their mind?

Vanessa had her heart skip when her phone vibrated with a call, and it missed another beat when she saw it was a call from the thug who had harrassed her at the restaurant. He had taken the pleasure to call her at the wee hours of the morning to remind her that she had less than fifteen hours to bring him his money. Vanessa was almost tempted not to take the call, but she reminded herself those men weren't ordinary men. They were dangerous beings who wouldn't mind to pay her another visit and toss her another round of embarrassment, or maybe from the kindness of their heart they might treat her to something worse, making the event of a few days go seem like Santa was on his sleigh bearing gifts, or worse, they might even hurt her and Sophia just as they had threatened.

"He--llo?" Her voice quaked when she finally summoned the courage to receive the call.


Blood drained off Vanessa's face the moment she heard Sophia's terrified voice, "Sophia!" She called as she bolted to her almost knocking over the tray of snacks.

"You heard her, right? If I don't get my money within the next hour, that will be the last time you'll ever hear her say your name again." The man informed, and without waiting for her response hung up the call, leaving Vanessa in a petrified state.

'Don't you dare touch my sister!' Were the words screaming in her head but she never got to say before he hung up.

An hour? She had less than an hour, so where the heck was that doctor?! There was no possible way she could leave the clinic without the money else everything would be useless. She could as well kill herself if they took Sophia away from her, she thought as she picked up her handbag and headed for the door.

"Where is the doctor?" She sternly asked the first nurse she met by the passage way.

"He's busy, and said you should wait..."

"And I've waited enough!" She snapped irritably making the nurse move back defensively, "Where is he?" She ordered.

At that moment Kyle stopped in front of them, "Hello! I'm here to see Doctor Wilson." He announced to the nurse without sparing Vanessa a glance.

The nurse looked from Kyle to Vanessa, "You can wait here. I'll just let him know you want to see him." She said and hurried away before Vanessa could say another word. The girl looked bitter and angry.

Kyle glanced at Vanessa who tapped her feet impatiently and his lips almost formed an 'o' when it occured to him that she was probably the one Alex had been referring to, seeing how she had almost all the physical qualities Alex liked in his women. Almost, because looking at the way she was biting her nail, not to talk of her washed jeans, and loose top, he could tell she wasn't the type to concern herself with her appearance, especially if she could chew her nail right here in public.

"You seem pretty tense, you should relax." Kyle suggested, wanting to start up a conversation with her and at least to know what kind of personality she had. Medical tests usually didn't tell these things, and for someone like Alex who was Choleric-melancholy, it wouldn't be great for the surrogate to have the same temperaments. These things could be hereditary. He couldn't even begin to imagine what manner of child they might give birth to; A social recluse? A nut case? He wondered.

Vanessa took one look at him and decided he was probably a play boy looking for his next victim, and since she wasn't in the least bit interested in any game at the moment, she decided to just ignore him.

"I'm Kay. What's your name?" Kyle asked, but Vanessa didn't bother sparing him a glance. A snub? Just great! Kyle thought to himself and almost chuckled at how funny it all seemed. It wasn't like he had been expecting her to tell him her name anyway. But why did she seem so upset? Were they forcing her into doing any of this? Wasn't she being paid for it?

"I'm so sorry to have kept you waiting, something urgent required my attention." The doctor lied as he approached her in hurried steps.

"I've signed he documents, can I just have the cheque so I can leave? Something urgent came up." She said impatiently.

"Sure. Let's go inside and you'll get it." The doctor assured her as he led her into his office, but paused by the door to look at Kyle who nodded his head, indicating that he was from Alex, and then looked in Vanessa's direction with a slightly raised brow before looking at the doctor who also nodded in confirmation that she was the one.

Kyle decided that his job there was done. He had come to inspect Alex's surrogate, and had done it, so there was no need hanging around anymore. He dialed Alex's number as he walked out of the hospital.

"So? How did it go?" Alex asked, holding his breath. He really didn't want to be disappointed. He had actually said a short word of prayer for everything to go as planned.

"She's a bit rough and cold, but yeah, she's it." Kyle confirmed, and chuckled when Alex let out a sigh of relief, "Congrats man."

Alex suddenly felt himself let go of the breath he didn't know he had being holding. "Thanks" He said with a smile which was broad enough to shame the sun. It was really happening. He was going to be a father soon! He cheered in his head.

From the look of things, he was going to celebrate after all, "Let's go out and celebrate tonight." Alex announced over the phone. Kyle couldn't help but smile when he heard the happiness in Alex's voice. He had a few things to attend to, but he didn't think they were more important to him than his friends happiness, so he replied, "Sure".

Next chapter