
All Mine

Vanessa felt a loud thump in her heart as she confoundedly stared at him. "Alex... I can't."

"Why?" Alex asked with a brow raised. "Because of Sophia?" He was sure that was the reason, other than the fact that she was shy.

Vanessa glanced out the window towards her room, and nodded. She glanced back at Alex. "I have to tell her the truth. She needs to know before the baby comes."

"Sure." Alex nodded. "We'll tell her together." He said and Vanessa suddenly shook her head.

"No, I should do it alone. She might be disappointed I didn't tell her about it." She said as her countenance suddenly began to change.

"I doubt she'd be disappointed in you. No one can ever be disappointed in you, Nessa. You're the most admirable and selfless person I'd ever met, so who could be disappointed with an angel like you? I'm sure Sophia would be excited we're having a family. So there's nothing to be worried about." He assured her.

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