
The CEO’s Bride

“His cold voice sends shivers down my spine but it has a way of keeping my heart warm”. Rose said. Rose a young lady who worked at Hiltons hotel accidentally ruined Andre’s wrist watch. She apologized but he won’t take an apology. He would let her be until she payed for the wrist watch. Rose who can’t afford such amount tried her possible best to avoid him. But unfortunately for her a new CEO was appointed in the hotel where she worked and he happened to be Andre the guy the owed. He gave her two options on how to pay him back. Rose picked the second option without knowing what it fully entailed. What will be her fate when she realized what she got herself into?.

Queen_Okonkwo1 · Fantasy
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26 Chs


The drive to the meeting location had taken about an hour, and the entire time, Rose had been grateful for the driver's skill and care. Despite the need for speed, he had never driven recklessly, always keeping a cool head. Finally, they pulled up to the ice cream parlor and Rose spotted Mia seated at a table by the window. Mia looked bored, like she had been waiting for a while. As Rose approached, she gave Mia a smile and a wave, Mia looked away, this was enough to show how upset she was.

"I'm so sorry," Rose said.

She took a seat next to Mia. She reached out to take her friend's hand, but Mia pulled away.

"You said you have an explanation. I'm listening," Mia said with a cold voice.

"Please don't be like this, I know you're upset, but trust me, it wasn't my intention to hurt you, just let me explain." Rose pleaded.

Mia was silent, her arms crossed over her chest, and her expression stony. Rose took a deep breath and began to speak.

After she told Mia all that happened, Mia gave a her a quick glance and looked down.

She felt so bad, she had no idea that Rose had been going through such hard times.

"You mean to tell me that all this happened?" Mia asked with a quiet voice.

Rose nodded her head in agreement.

"Oh, Rose I am so sorry, I didn't know about all of this, you should have at least told me sooner, I'm sorry I got mad without listening to you" Mia apologized as she held Rose's hand.

"It's fine, you have every right to get upset. I really missed you, I don't know how often we will see, and yes I already sent my resignation letter to coffee shop. I don't know how Mr Hiltons will react if  you visit me at the Manson" Rose said.

"I can make out time for you during weekends, he should not have a problem with you coming over right" Mia questioned.

"Honestly, I don't know, he's weird, he doesn't care about anyone apart from himself, at least I'm so sure that he doesn't give a damn about me" Rose said as she rolled her eyes.

"Are you sure you sure you will be fine there, I don't want someone treating you like trash, because what? You broke a watch" Mia hissed.

"You don't have to worry, I will be fine, time flies, in a few months i will be out of there, meanwhile I'm craving ice creams, please let's order, bills on me" Rose said with a bright smile.

"Ohh, I like the sound of that" Mia said as her mood transformed from being sad to happy.

As the two ladies chatted and enjoyed their ice creams, Rose's phone started vibrating in her bag. She pulled it out and saw a text from Andre.

The message read: "With whose permission did you leave the house?"

Rose's heart sank. She knew she would have to face the music eventually, but she hadn't expected it so soon. She looked over at Mia, who seemed blissfully unaware of the storm brewing.

Rose took a deep breath and turned to Mia, who was still happily munching on her ice cream.

"I need to tell you something," She said, her voice shaking slightly.

Mia's expression turned serious.

"What's wrong? You look upset," she said, putting down her spoon.

"I, uh, I kind of left the mansion without telling Mr. Hiltons," Rose admitted, her cheeks burning.

"Oh no," Mia said, her eyes wide. "What will he do?"

"I'm not sure what will happen, I have to go, it's really nice seeing you today"

She said with her voice thick with emotions, she stood up and gave Mia a big hug.

"Text me when you get there okay?, please be fine, I love you" Mia said as tears welled up in her eyes.

" I love you too" She said to Mia as she grabbed her bag and gave her a final hug and then  walked out of the ice cream parlor.

As Rose stood outside, waiting for her ride, her mind was racing. She was worried about how Andre would react when she got back to the mansion. She knew he could be intimidating, and she didn't want to show him any weakness. She steeled herself for the confrontation, determined not to let him see how much his words could affect her.

At the same time, a part of her couldn't help but feel guilty. She had disobeyed his rules, and she knew that was wrong.

She arrived at the Hiltons mansion at exactly 5:45pm. As Rose walked down the hallway, she saw Dante, the butler, walking out of Mr Hiltons room. He looked very serious, this heightened her anxiety.

"Mr Hilton's asked to see you" Dante said, his face expressionless.

He nodded towards the door, indicating that Rose should enter Andre's room.

A smile from Dante would have given her  a little bit of relief but his serous expression made matters worse. She could hear her heart pound as she walked into her room to drop her bag.

As Rose walked into his room, she could feel her heart pounding in her chest. The door creaked open slowly, and she could feel her palms begin to sweat. The air in the room was heavy, and the silence was deafening. She took a deep breath trying to calm her nerves.

She knew what was coming, and she wasn't sure if she was ready for it. But she had to face Andre, no matter what.

She loved everything about the room, it was beautiful, with its high ceilings and elegant furniture, but she was in no state to admire the beauty of the room.

Suddenly, she felt a presence behind her. She whipped around to see Andre standing there, looking stern and imposing. This only meant that he wasn't inside when she walked in.

Andre didn't give her any chance to think, he spoke out immediately he walked into the room.

"With whose permission did you step outside," He said, his voice cold and sharp.